r/clownworldwar banned

70  2019-06-26 by AltOverNow


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. r/clownworldwar banned - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Rest in Boop 🀑🀑🀑

They weren't boopers, they were openly Nazi which makes it funnier that Reddit took longer to ban them than the frentards. Where do they go now?

The obvious answer is to infiltrate and take over age-play penpals. That way, the admins will never shut us down. 😎

"Here is the story all about how the Natsee frens infiltrated the age-play penpals subreddit"

Sometimes I like the ridiculous that's present in this timeline.

Certainly the dankest.

Nice username, Philanderer Dick.

Thanks. Was also a Zerg as well. I see you as well are a swarm of culture.

I mean reddit has become so degenerate leftist that everything is fine as long as it's in their agenda even sending death threats to young white children. But muh evil racists and alt-right trolls...



threadly reminder /r/ageplaypenpals isn't even quarantined

Wtf I thought it was. Spez is a lolbertian confirmed.

I think Spez is actually an unironic libertarian. He’s into all that doomsday prepper stuff.

If you had money to get yourself a nice New Zealand backup plan, why wouldn't you? As a bonus it makes leftists seethe super hard to see you opt out of bailing out the boat they thought we are all together in.

Here's why that's a GOOD thing?

I'm dead. I didn't even know this sub existed.

the admins banned a similar subreddit to this a year ago. i don't know why they let this one continue existing.

Reminder that r/ChapoTrapHouse is still very much online and active.

Reminder that r/ageplaypenpals is still very much online and active.

Reminder that the admins are deplatforming any community which has the remote chance of creating drama. If you are based and dramapilled, you want the best returns in the long-term.

Banning r*ghtoid subs doesn't accomplish that.

This is actually just a long con to starve out r/drama because spez knows there would be a media shitstorm if he outright banned us

Fucking lolno.

Nobody gives a shit about r/drama, what you're thinking of is t_d.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to detect sarcasm when there isn’t an /s there for you.

big brain Rich Evans

quarantined now.

banning chapo is bad for drama. sure, there will be a massive spergout and 40% will double itself, but in a month what are we going to agendapost about?

That's what I mean. Without rightoid subs, who will oppose the Chapos?

They'll overrun reddit, more then they already have. And then it'll devolve into smug-circlejerking, not anger/cope posts from each side.

We must retain the radical centrist balance at all costs. And if that means not banning rightoids subs, we should do it.




First time being zozzled. What an honour.

just unban MDE, for radical centrist reasons of course Cx

There's plenty of other commie subs. Banning Chapo means for the next year we get to hear about how fascist Reddit is getting. 🀀

weren't we already hearing it for a while? and the rest of commie subs are tankie centrals who ban on sight

Seethe harder, cumskin

hahahaha. He thinks I'm a mayo.

Inshallah you are struck with the force of a thousand sandals.

hahahaha. He thinks I'm a mayo.

you rn

Never said I was black either.

Cope harder sour cream.

sour cream.



beard of YHWH, it’s an arabush

Better than being a shitskin sandnigger or worse

Seething mayo

dripping diarrhea

I know you are

But what am I?

o no not the weird kink sub :(((((

pedos OUT

Reminder even half-serious posts like yours should not be tolerated over here. Please proceed to the rope

Based and blyatpilled

Banning autistics that post retarded frog cartoons and talk like five year olds is unironically amazing, right out left.

Both frenworld and clownworldwar are proof zoomers were a mistake.

I feel insulted. I always thought Boomers were a mistake?

We've linked to clownworldwar like maybe twice. They werent a drama producing sub since they pretty much just complained about teh gays and da jooz. There is always much more drama from the fallout of banning these dumb subs. This is good for dramacoin as they will flip out, complain about censorship, really complain about teh jooz, and make more subs

Good to see they're getting into the sandwich making industry. I'd like a foot long with meatballs, cucumber slices, cheese, and no racism please.


Reminder that you’re a retard

fair. true. but fair.

/r/sino too

Mayoids owned again

A self-own, as mayos are a self-hating gelatinous blob.


you unironically post in chapo, you would be on the other side of the wall

And this one was to create conditions right for spamposting on r/Frenzone: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/c58z1t/fight_back_comrades/

When TuMORs and chapoturds brigaded r/DisabledReddit it created the perfect conditions for spamposting as the Residents had to battle invades

Don't ever call me the c-word again, cunt.

He's right though. Too many rightoid subs getting banned is starting to upset the balance. Even I'm noticing it and I go out of my way to be objective.

Look at all the downvoting of lolcows on this thread. Our poor lolcows are suffering 😭

I agree with you. Chapos and anarkid subs staying shows how seriously admins take them. Imagine being considered less of a threat than retarded frogs

They banned the silly frog sub before clownworldwar which was actually open Nazis.

They banned debatefacism, which was an actual civil debate sub and left debatealtright which is very much not.

Meanwhile, chapo has incitement to violence posted daily and nothing happens.

The admins are fuckin dumb.

The admins are not dumb. They are just following the moolah.

It's because the only real rule enforcement comes after public attention is brought to an issue.

It's impossible to manually review everything posted, or even everything reported on the massive platforms we have now (Reddit, Twitter, YT, FB) and the sheer amount of content on them. Like, sure, you have some basic algorithms that catch some things, but you can't make them too strict or you'll catch too many false positives. Ton of people got recently demonetized, channels or videos deleted after the whole Steven Crowder v Carlos Maza controversy when YT tweaked something.

But guess what, all sort of supremacy content is still on Youtube, look at how many I found with 1 search phrase







https://www.youtube.com/user/MrAsgharbukhari/videos (this looks like an islamic supremacist to me)

But nobody cares to even report them, because they're small. The only real policing then comes after backlash, usually from the traditional media.

Alex Jones got banned because of Jared Holt (from Daily Beast) apparently. CringeAnarchy had multiple pieces written about it before ban, MotherJones for example. The subreddits that got deleted in the aftermath of Christchurch shooting, at least 1 of them was namedropped in Reuters as a sub that was spreading the video. Frenworld was being stalked by AHS and TUMOR for weeks, if not months. And TD, well someone linked me an article from yesterday (I think) showing the comments about killing police. I could continue but you get the point.

It's always like this, the sites don't act until there's reasonably big backlash and risk of losing advertisers, because it's impossible without banning plenty of innocent people too. And IMO it sucks that it works this way, because it gives too much power to individual journalists or loud enough mobs.

That degree finally paying off

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There's a difference between unironically posting and retarded spamposting/posting to stir drama (which I suck at)

Honk honk


I am now convinced that this is a long term strategy employed by the admins to slowly destroy this sub. By gradually starving us of dramatic content, we will shrink and become weaker. Soon they will ban r/AITA, then r/RelationshipAdvice, then r/GenderCritical. All this to weed out r/Drama. The final nail in the coffin will be the banning of r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Except the final nail never comes, and we are left in purgatory. Banned, but without closure. An unfinished story.

Oh god please say it isn’t so.


It isn't so. πŸ˜‰

>goes unbanned for months

>someone makes fun of Serena Williams again

>gets banned within a day


As soon as the dominatrix started being posted again I knew it was over.

"So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says "get the fuck off me faggot."

All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams."

What will become of the poor rightoids now?

Why we can't have rightard drama?


Meanwhile, in r/Honkler, they're plotting their next move:

guys, take over /r/Drama

it's doable w/ a little subtlety. let your votes speak at first, slowly start posting, don't go right to honking.

From Ted_UtteredBoast baby Nazi clown 5th columnist