AHS gilds these hilarious jokes about spez! Cementing the fact that humor is impossible for lefties.

79  2019-06-26 by Clean_It_Up_Jannie


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least Iā€™m not an incel


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as always

They dont even have good bantz for when they ban you. Truly the most pathetic group of people on this planet.

Lmao this dude is a fucking trip. I haven't seen this much projection in my life

He banned me for pointing out how serious he took modding

He's a janitor

On the internet

He does it for free

My username is eternally relevant.

jesus these """"people"""" are fucking pathetic

Reddit Sync

Man if culture

The patrician choice.

Hahaha wtf. What is the mood of the sub even? Constant triggered and autism?

Oh that's just what he does. He banned me from TMOR the other day for dabbing on wandshit then replied to my comment so he could get in the last word. Not that I care all that much since I don't participate in that sub with this account anyway except for that sole comment.

That last link is the saddest thing I have seen on reddit, and I saw that damn video where the kid streams his suicide and his mom walks in.

Steve Huffman is such a terrible leader, he thinks libertarianism is an excuse to not implement a website's policies at all, and that it's everyone else's freedom to do it for him-- even if everyone else includes foreign, domestic, and capitalist powers spreading their misinformation and propaganda to further divide communities from one another.

Peak /r/PoliticalHumor

Doug is a fag and fucks his dad

and that's a good thing

ā€¢ Steve Huffman is such a terrible leader, he thinks monetizing reddit through a Fortnite community is a good idea.

This one is actually a little funny.

It's the most appropriate community to sell worthless shit to tbh

Oh for sure, if your only concern is short term monetary gain without a care for the long term engagement by users.

It's funny if you have severe brain damage, to the point of near vegetation

Call me cucumber but I think the idea of monetizing Reddit through the Fortnight community is hilarious dumb when the admins simultaneously pretend to care about healthy Reddit communities.

It's like they looked at the EA debacle and said, "I know what will improve the Reddit user experience. Microtransactions."

But he doesn't need some 'healthy' communities which bring him close to no revenue and only complain all the time. He just needs some mindless drones to look at shitty memes and buy emotes and plebbit platinium like they buy new fortnite dances.

He just needs some mindless drones to look at shitty memes and buy emotes and plebbit platinium like they buy new fortnite dances.

That's kinda what I mean, though.

Spez is so retarded he thinks rEAddit is a good idea.

Wow, you actually salvaged it, bravo. I'm legit impressed lol

Thanks šŸ¤—


Reddit is currently involved in a court case where one of the points they're/the EFF is arguing is you can't make money off of reddit so its mildly lol worthy

Wow, just when I think this move can't get any dumber

tbh its a pretty unimportant case for reddit and tipping wasn't a thing when the case started, so i don't think it'll ultimately matter, although it is funny. reddit doesnt want to turn over the IP of someone who got a questionable DMCA filed against them. Leonard French on Youtube has a pretty comprehensive series of videos on it since it's still on-going.

I'll check those out, thanks

What's this "stochastic terrorism" meme I've been hearing about lately?

They want a smart sounding way to call people nazis when they clearly are not.

mayo nonsense.

Ye mayos have been inventing new words that mean same thing as simple and obvious language to act smart for a long time now.

It's the fresh new way to say words are violence and ideas need suppressed.

We have learned the horrors from authoritarian regimes in the past, so to combat that we must become more authoritarian and hope nobody bad rises to power.

Punching Nazis and milkshaking 80 year olds is free expression, but failing to use your words to support the oppressed is violence.

they claim that trump's meanness causes random far righters to blow people up, so called "stochastic terrorism" ie. it's random and unpredictable. in reality terrorism is already random and unpredictable, and trump uh doesn't encourage it

Please, I'm begging you AHS. Do anything, but try to meme.

Why do they bitch about the admins anyway? Rightoids are getting dicked by them hard. Maybe the leftoids will get banned in time for 2020.

Literally the only right wing communities that will survive are TD because boomer money and Braincels so the FBI can keep monitoring it

And if they go after the leftoid ones, the only ones would be LSC and maybe P_K's subs. Tankie cope will be better.




maybe spez can shut AHS down for sexually assaulting me with those "jokes"

Oh God that would be epic

Imma make summa my own:

Spez is such a bad survivalist that when the fash militia kicks down his door and shoots him in the face, he won't lift a finger as he sympathizes with him and it's popular discourse

Spez is such a retard that he's complicit to ableism running rampant on Reddit.

Spez sucks at his job so much he's a survivalist as he expects an angry redditard mob invade his home.

Are they bad enough???

Spez sucks at his job so much he's a survivalist as he expects an angry redditard mob invade his home.

This one's probably true though

Haha good jokes my man you should write for that Minecraft joke book.


I miss the old 2017 r/comedycemetery, I used to be an editor on the Be like bro wiki. Comedycemetery was one of my favourite subs. In 2018 it declined as the rarepupper woofer audience took over and lore elements became popular memes (like Sarcastic bro being used in this is so sad). The final blow was when PewDiePie reviewed it. The already dilapidated sub went to hellish levels after that.

Wait Pewds had his hands in it? Oh man I dipped out of the cem right around 2017 as it was getting old, haven't been back since. Good to know

He killed it on Christmas Eve, 2018.


Now they're coming for comedyheaven

The r/pewdiepiesubmissions crowd took over every possible meme/humour related sub in late 2018, he didn't even have to review them. r/comedyheaven is shit now

Imagine if pewds noticed r drama

Wed redpill so many 9 year olds on radical centrism

Dozens of rightoid subs banned in span of a few days, now pretty much only some boomer conservatives remain
AHS: reeeeeee spez is a nazi, what about the drumpf!!!!

2020 is probably going to kill several of them, tbh


Wtf is AHS?

Is this IncelTears but for entire reddit?

Also, why are they not against themselves?

Yes to everything

That was the gayest thing I've ever seen lmao

your welcome bby šŸ˜˜

Imagine knowing spezs real life name...


Jesus these jokes are so bad they hurt my physically.

Leftards are mentally incapable of humor because these people treat every left-wing political view as some sacred moral codes, and you can't expect people that morally uptight to be humorous.

That's why centards and rightards always make better memes, they are not condemning people being amoral among the stalest and most minor things.

skynetjusticewarrior is the biggest loser on reddit after devareta and belle. The ahs mod team is full of people who were perpetually picked last in gym class

comedy doesn't always have to make people laugh, sweaty

Not being funny is actually a requirement for something to be considered a joke to Democrats.