KIA top mod admits that there is a massive overlap between its users and TD

14  2019-06-26 by Cleverly_Clearly


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. KIA top mod admits that there is a ... -,

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The week begins with Veritas dropping bombs and now T_D gets quarantined right before the first democratic debates.

Unironically still believing anything O'Queefe churns out should be grounds for instant institutionalization.

Has he ever put out anything that wasn't pure libel?


Some mong linked that shit here yesterday. Truly pathetic that anyone still believes anything published by Project Veritas.

Yeah why would anyone after google told them not to?

water is wet

There's even more COPE here than in the T_D post. God damn.

Yeah, it didn't used to be that way, but they've been creeping in for a couple years now. Which is bizarre because T_D hates pedophiles and unironically believes in Pizzagate, while the regular KIAcels themselves are massive pedophiles.