The drama is coming from inside the house! A Donald immigrants comes over and calls us bootlickers! OH THE HUMANITY

24  2019-06-26 by TheBigDogAteMyAss


Jews did this


  1. The drama is coming from inside the... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I wish I did 😍

Cope harder, bootlicker.

No u

No both of u



Bad lolpet! Bad!

As a man with a foot fetish, I must say that I find your repetitive posting extremely erotic.

Thank you.

They're trying to claim sanctuary status! Start building the camps now!

we must keep them in interment camps and bust sanctuary posts.

Good thing, they are bringing their own aluminum foil.

BBC: The milita group know as "The Bussy Boys." In 2019 sacked reddit offices screeching "Give me REEEEEEEEEE -"

Fentanyl-Americans: Corporations are people, and if they want run sorties 24/7 air dropping powdered radioactive waste over your city, or inject liquefied nerve agents directly into your water table, then that's their right and any attempt to regulate that would be anti-business and tyranny

Also Fentanyl-Americans: I just got banned off of a private corporation's servers for threatening to kill policemen and a nigger congresswoman, it's time to pick up a gun and a 1 month supply of oxycontin.

Loooool magacels unironically seething XD

His name is rocket. Show respect tyvfm

My username but unironically.