The Cope just keeps coming! Now a TD moderator is accusing the plebbit admins of secretly viewing the automod filter and using alts to post violent content.

20  2019-06-26 by Quietus42


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. The Cope just keeps coming! Now a T... -,,

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Haha they're losing their tiny little boomer minds ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Didn't you read?? They're being targeted by Vox!!

Lol โ€œboomerโ€

Wanna know how I know youโ€™re gay?

Cause I suck cock?

k, calm down boomster

Except you know Iโ€™m in my mid 20โ€™s

boomerposting is ageless

Youโ€™re a degenerate. Stop replying to me

not as degenerate as a boomerposter ๐Ÿ™„

I bet you've never even played Quake smdh. ๐Ÿ˜’

Quake Arena 4life

Boomers dont really use reddit like that though. Im an 80s born millennial and zero people i grew up with know what reddit even is

I see you never spent any time on the Q subs, before they got cucked. Fucking all boomers

Being called a boomer when you aren't one is even worse

It's like if people always assume you're black based on your writing skills.

is it though? people calling me things im not just makes the person calling me whatever it is look uninformed/dumb

Boomer is a state of mind, it means you're stupid like a senile old person

Thinking that is very gen-y

How can one mod cope so much

His post just got deleted. Probably cucked again by the admins.

I believe people from other subs post garbage to make TD look bad. I dont believe the admins are doing it.

Also the mods let it there way longer than being innocent

So did they also make the hundreds of accounts that upvoted?

what does that matter? upvotes are easily manipulated. if we assume admins are involved they can just edit the upvotes to what ever they want

if we assume admins are involved

Lol they're not

Did you know mods and admins were involved in a sub about coming together and getting other subs banned? I forget the name of it, but it used to be public. they got exposed and now its private

Do you have any proof of this?

i didn't care enough to save the sub so no but the info is out there. the incel and q sub were two they took down i think

Wait you're talking about r/thebanout2018, right?

Hes talking about the banout

Should I tell him I was a banout mod? It's amazing that some people still don't know that was a massive troll that got lucky.

Haha the admins would never fuck with something on /r/the_donald.

Yeah but they don't need to fake violence on TD cause the MAGAcels do it themselves.

How the fuck is typing shit on the internet violence? Are you secretly Saint Anita?

I meant calls for violence.

Oh, they're just calling for violence? Well, shit. I suppose we'll see all the nonsense commie subs go too, then.

Wait no. Probably not.

I suppose we'll see all the nonsense commie subs go too, then.

Fingers crossed. In a perfect world they'd quarantine Chapo on Saturday since I have weekends off.

Full communism has been under quarantine for a while and chapo is on thin ice

People post garbage for sure, but it's the fentanyl Americans there who upvote it

No shit, I post in T_D a lot but you have to be nuts to think that the admins would bother doing that shit. Plenty of people do it for free (hint, hint) as it is.

I agree but I also think regular t_d users post stupid shit like calls for violence in Oregon. Let's not forget that pretty much every Q boomer is a T_D user as well

I always end up spending way more time on a sub after it gets quarantined than before because all I care about is their cope.

They want you broke

Then get a real job instead of trying to monetize being a janitor.

i mean theyve edited comments before which was pretty dumb if they didnt want to be accused of it every time

That's true, and it was super dumb, but I don't don't that plenty of TDers were taking about violence.

yeah probably im just saying the admins gave them a pretty convenient excuse that will easily convince their supporters and every old conservative on twitter

i reckon they fucked up by doing this

Yeah and that's a good point. I always knew that was going to come back and bite then in the ass again someday.

It was one of the few times I stood in solidarity with TD.