Trumpets take to /r/news to sperg out at the bottom as all upvoted top level comments are making fun of them.

14  2019-06-26 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Trumpets take to /r/news to sperg o... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Ok but telling to n*ck is against rules.


get some new material you hack

Maybe I'll link your post claiming quarantining the donald is election interferance next. What would you rather be called than trumpet since you are one?

Call me what I am

An honest real American

Do you realize how dumb you sound?

everyone go easy on mcfluff, t_D being quarantined has given him his first erection in god knows how long

Remember when this sub used to be radical centrist? I don't but at least we used to pretend it was.

That's just Reddit selectively enforcing it's rules/policies. Always seems to be left leaning though which is crazy random im sure.

When believing in human rights makes you "left leaning" than yea... most people and organizations are going to lean left.

Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂


citing threats made on the popular forum for Trump supporters against law enforcement officers.

If this is actually true why the fuck aren't Chapos and all the commie subs quarantined?

The DDF had to have done something worst than this to get quarantined.

Check out the main stickied thread for examples. Basically the donald mods decided they weren't going actually moderate any of that since they agree with it.


You know, to be totally honest I think Reddit is going to be a tiny bit upset over the sudden lack of frivolous gilding. Trumpet boomers gilded CONSTANTLY.

Though I guess they will just spend their boomer bucks on brave last stand comments like these. It will probably even out.

> he sorts by best or top and not chronologically


Who does that wierdo? best and controversial are the ways to view smh.

are you actually citing popular news comments to say someone is wrong lol you could just make fun of them normally