Democratic Debate megathread

91  2019-06-27 by YHofSuburbia

Let's watch this autistic shitshow unfold


I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Democratic Debate megathread -,,

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Jay Inslee is just yelling random shit I love it

He’s got my vote!

Lol, I really don't know what he plans to get out of this. He's finishing his second governor term and no one outside this state has ever heard of him.

Climate change czar/Head of the EPA, probably.

"Hey boys, let's not forget about the trans female reproductive rights" 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Are they going to legalize financial abortion?

Did they actually say that or are you memeing

They said it

Just gifting trump a second term

Pandering to .8% of the population and half of them are edgy pol/tard traps.


Lol I actually laughed at that.

This fucking guy, eh?

"...which they are!"

In case someone didn't get it from the previous phrase. I can see why Garrison loves Trump.

If there's anything Garrison loves, it's Trump, especially Donald Trump, the exemplar of repetitive sentences.

Fuck that's hilarious.

Based boomer

Who's this adam goldberg fag?

Holy fuck that's gold

Jesus fuck the pandering is just nauseating

No entiendo. ¿Qué quieres decor?

Yes please, with extra jalapenos.

Lo siento pero no hablo ingles. Solo hablo pandering.

Te amo ❤️

I see you speak passable Spanish, which makes you smarter than at least two Democratic candidates.

And the president! But that's a low bar

I can speak it, but I can't hardly understand what people are saying because most Spanish speakers talk like "Holamellamoesquietus42comoestasestoybiencomoestáeltrabajodetodosmodosquetengaunbuendía"

I'm with you.

I try listening to other languages like French, and I think "man, this sounds easy to understand. So few syllables."

But with Spanish, nope. I spent years studying the language, and I can read and write it fine, but I can't understand 99% of what they say.

My most used Spanish phrase is, "Repítelo pero despacio, por favor."

Yes, I have real trouble keeping up with native speakers; their words per minute and contractions feel higher than average English.

should have been born as the superior mexican american mutt 😎

I actually have the easiest time understanding Mexicans. They talk a little slower and their accents aren't as thick.


I have a Peruvian friend and his accent is so different I can't understand a thing he says even when he talks slow.

It's like the southern accent of Spanish

Hang out around Cubans or Dominicans and you'll be able to understand rapid fire Spanish eventually

Puerto Ricans too.

This implies Puerto Ricans still know how to speak Spanish and not some Spanglish abortion.

You'd think that would be easier to understand, too. Just makes it harder cause I can't mentally switch back and fourth like that

I have lost count of how many Puerto Ricans flat out do not understand real Spanish because they have butchered it so much.


Quite literally it’s just practice. But yeah, this is actually a common complaint from native English speakers when talking to native Spanish speakers, and the other way around, when we are learning English, we tend too speak too fast. I didn’t notice until one of my burger coworkers told me.

Yeah, my original comment said something like "they seem to have higher words per minute and more contractions," but then I realized I'm a dumbass because they probably say the same thing about us when learning English.

So now I'm outing my dumbassery.

One nice thing about learning another language is that it's taught me how to talk to non-native English speakers. Talk a semi-slow pace, enunciate each word, and use simple language.

are you sure it's not just a matter of screaming?

lol, Spanish is one of the most easiest languages to learn for an English native speaker. I know two guys who spoke Spanish after spending 3 months in a Spanish country.

Which languages do you even speak?

What nationalities do you usually speak Spanish with? Mexicans, at least, speak slow as hell.

Mostly Puerto Ricans and Cubans. I live in Florida.

I live in Florida.

I'm so sorry.

Could be worse: Alabama

I lived in Miami for 6 months. Fucking hell trying to understand Cubans speaking ENGLISH was almost impossible.

His accent is one of the whitest things i've ever heard


This debate is unironically shit and none of these candidates even comes close to spark any interest. Democrat's only hope of defeating Trump lies with Biden.

Biden isn’t the answer. We dont need old white males. Warren/Beto makes more sense.

Pocahontis? Beto would have a better shot at beating trump but I don't think he has a shot at the nominatin, Dems will win if they don't fuck up again like they did last time. So who knows.

People really want Beto to be interesting/inspiring but he's married to a billionaire heiress and really doesn't seem to have any strong opinions about anything

He almost beat Ted Cruz. Trump beat Cruz so by the transitive property Beto can beat Trump.

and really doesn't seem to have any strong opinions about anything

This is something I can unironically get behind. Although Bidens "nothing will change" is obviously the top contender for me.

Calling her Pocahontas when Fauxcahontas is the better nickname.


Maybe Beto/Warren

Warren has those crazy harpy eyes and the only thing she inspires when she speaks is anxiety. No way she can be the frontman of a general election campaign.

She should run on being the first Native American President.

We don’t need any particular race or age

Gabbard/Sanders and Yang runs Treasury.

I'm sorry bud, but r/Drama is Yang Gang territory.

I want to die

That's why Beto is the better Hispanic choice

It's not illegal.

"I have a black son."

applause break

What's with all the retarded Spanish virtue signalling?

Not directly related to this but Bernie has a twitch channel now.

Someone's already turned him into a gamer

I want to hear Bernie say the gamer word.


o ethical consumption under capitalism.

If I was autistic (or good enough) I'd take the niggardly he's already said and turn it into the proper word in Audacity, but I'm not, sadly

We'll have these Gamers voting Democratic for the next hundred years.

Based and skinny-dippingpilled

What a fucking niggardly

he says niggardly and twitter was mad. no link tho

I wanted some autismos commentary and found chapos on twitch, wish me luck

Ps that chick is uglier than last time i saw he dunk on reddit

Amber is a goddess.

Insults to Amber are the only thing that trigger me on Reddit.

Serious question, as all consumption is based off the exploitation of labor, why is the mongoloid revolutionary Stacy you keep stanning for justified in living an upper middle class lifestyle filled with consumerism and unnecessary consumption? 🤔

Yes. Living like a nun doesn't create systemic institutional change. This is like saying anyone that wants higher taxes has to volunteer their money away.

She also isn't exploiting any labor. She is a labor aristocrat.

I took the bill pill

Take the purple pill.

If only it were real 😭

Unironically the best one so far

lmao rightoids mad they answered in spanish.

I mean, aren't you? You live there your whole life in an English speaking environment, you put in your 40 hours at your job. One day a mexican man shows up. You're okay with it because you know, you're tolerant guy. A man's a man right? Then you over the years see more and more. They're here legally(?) and just because they will get deported at the drop of a dime if something happens and work for less doesn't make them bad dudes. Then your tranny HR manager comes and lays you off because you eyefucked her from across the room (as if) and so when you go and apply for other jobs you see suddenly there's a hiring preference for those that speak Spanish for people who want to work in factories, like you did for twenty years. Except you didn't have to speak Spanish.

Suddenly, a guy comes around saying he'll change everything back, you'll get your old job back, so you can feed your family, and he's going to make sure this doesn't happen again.

His opponents after he wins say they're gonna take care of you too, the first time you're hearing this in like two decades. They're not from around where you live, nor are they really your kind of people, but maybe you'll give them a shot.

It's debate night, you're watching the debate with your family, and they talk about immigration. You're eager to hear what they say. Except, when they say it, it's in Spanish. You don't know what they said, and the TV isn't translating it.

Who are you going to vote for? Someone who gives their answers in Spanish, or someone who's going to turn back the clock?

Good job bobby, here's a star

I am a bot. Contact for questions

no i didnt watch thee debate because i was doing more important things than watching the media push their political favorites.

It honestly does feel like the democrats are intentionally throwing this election. Like, godammit guys, the vast majority of hispanics are going to vote for you no matter what you say, so long as it isn't "Lol, Build the Wall". You are running against Trump, this specific issue is a self-seller this election. Shut the fuck up about it, throw out some platitudes about reforming the immigration process, something like a fast track for people with family members already in the country or who are already citizens. For the love of god, appeal to working class white people FOR ONCE this century and you'll win the whole midwest again. Hilldawg only lost that entire region by like 500k votes COMBINED.

Why Trump won. You can't really pander to Hispanics or the LGBT to the point where it alienates the majority of the voters. Plus, Hispanics will just end up being either affected by the abortion policy, while the LGBT will likely just vote for economic policy or for their "fuck non-whites" interests.

Trump's used car salesman schtick at least allows him to connect with voters. You can't shame people into voting for you. It's so over for Democels.

I mean, aren't you?


It was their shit spanish accents that sealed it for me. Beto has a lisp for god's sake.

Cory Booker pls get your eyes fixed you look like a retard on steroids

His state manufactures steroids, he can't stop.

a retard on steroids

That was the look he was going for.

Could be worse. Castro looks like Jack Nicholson’s Joker.

I was thinking Latino George Takei, personally.

10 people jerk off on stage for 2 hours

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who the democratic candidate is going to be, and who is going to with the election.

What I want: Pocahontas, Pocahontas

What I'm probably going to get: Creepy Uncle Joe, Daddy.

Ew she's the only person who gives Daddy a run for his money in the competition for most annoying voice

I could listen to Bussyjudge talk for hours. His voice and delivery are so soothing

This but unironically

Pocahontas unironically makes me angry whenever she says something.

I'd take literally any other candidate over her. I'd take Jill Stein over her. I don't know where my hatred of her comes from, but it's definitely there and I don't get why the Democrat Party loves her so much.

It's the fucking Okie accent. Nothing good has come out of that state.

She talks like a stern kindergarten teacher

It's because the Dems love her way too much. Everyone at drama is a contrarian at heart.

I also don't like her but because her policies are retarded and I hate how people are just accepting them

What I want: Creepy Uncle Joe

What I'm probably going to get: Creepy Uncle Joe


Joe's gunna win.

Yeah this shit is pretty boring so far except for Inslee acting like a woke Thad from BMS. No one has any charisma at all 😴😴😴

All his handlers have to do is keep him away from any children.

Hey, I get it, no one diddles your children but you.

This deserves to get the crying jordan treatment

Is he standing in front of a greenscreen

Bad time to have an existential crisis.

"Do I read this next prompt in English or Spanish?"

He's trying to read both teleprompters at once.

Donde esta la bibliotechna?


USA is fucked lol.

If our economy crashes we're gonna take everybody else down with us lol.

europe stronk stfu burgernigger

NBC is incompetent as fuck lmfao. Some audio tech is getting fired today

@NBCNews and @MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for having such a horrible technical breakdown in the middle of the debate. Truly unprofessional and only worthy of a FAKE NEWS Organization, which they are!

....I can't tell if this is ironic or unironic boomer posting.

MODS, ban them anyway, just to sure.

My god

Done, but for you.

And no chyron after the introductions.

Even better reading this today

Imagine watching any political debate. The only watschable clips from any debate ever was trump bullying Jeb. Everyother second is excruciatingly painful to watch/listen to.

Christie completely ruining Rubio's primary run was up there too.

Rubiobot did that to himself

That was great too. Rubio didnt know what to do. Christie called him out immediately too

Can you link this for a europoor who has little knowledge of burger politics?


They are fighting so hard to be the wokest. No amount of meme is too far for these fucking clowns.

Holy shit the mic thing was fucking embarrassing

Yes Liz, please co-opt more federal agencies for political issues. Who needs “disease control” anyway?

This is exactly why we need feminism

They are falling over each other to have the openest borders imaginable. I don't get it. Are they running for president of Mexico?

Many Hispanics in the U.S. want their family members to be able to immigrate more easily.

And many want to be the last ones in and have the border close right after them lmao

Of course, but a number large enough to have political significance does not.

Orange Daddy should capture the brown vote that way.

Trump: "Listen, those Mexicans that are picking our avocados and laying our brick are hard workers, it's true, believe me. So one day someone said to me "why don't we let the families of the hard workers in?", I know I couldn't believe it. So here is what we are gonna do, all Mexicans with jobs in America get to be a citizen and we bring their families in, but after that we are done, no more. Nobody else comes in... maybe a few non-french Canadians but that's IT!

maybe a few non-french Canadians but that's IT!


It’s still over for Québécels

That’s why Hispanics support Beto


I can barely recognize the Democrat party when it comes to immigration. They really shifted left in that regard.

Is open borders left? Seems to be a friendly move for the interests of those with capital, which is historically allied with the right politically.


You'd be correct, it's only recently that the left has co-opted the open borders narrative. Not even 10 years ago Democrats used to be all about fighting illegal immigration and Bush was trying to push his immigration reform.

Trump was a response to the base. GOP donor shills oc want all the immigration they get get

the left wants welfare and open borders

libertarians want no welfare and open borders

conservatives want no welfare and closed borders

only an idiot wants no welfare thats how you get shanty towns.

Dude just kill the poors

shanty towns with designated shitting streets.

seattle's got those too

And San Fran

Seattle's an example of what happens when you advertise how awesome your welfare is but also refuse to put anyone in jail over repeated petty crimes.

If they get an amnesty program, they get 10+ million new voters, 75% of whom will vote for them in Presidential elections that have routinely been decided by 5 million votes or less is a hell of a reason.

Also, how economically reformist is the left anymore? You get the chapos that want to burn it all to the ground, but even your Bernie Sanders types aren't anticapitalist in any real sense. They want to use more of the fruits of capitalism than they currently squeeze out of people to fund their various programs. Democrats are capitalists through and through.

If they get an amnesty program, they get 10+ million new voters

In California tho

Ain't no Mexican moving to Wisconsin

That’s why they want to get rid of the electoral college, too.

Thats because the Left is stuck between the retardation of open borders and the Latinos they need to pander to which make their stance incomprehensible. Because basically they need to let in illegals from latin america but not the rest of the world.

Thats why you never see them calling for more legal immigration.

Expanding the guest worker programme would do wonders. Not everyone who comes for work wants to become a citizen, some just wanna make bank and live like fucking kings in Guatemala. They want to do work I and damn near every American can't and sure as shit don't want. They'll be in the system so eyes can be on them. Win win win.

Daddy Inslee 😍

I dont care if tulsi is a hare krishna fascist she gives me wood

You know she'll top you with her m14 barrel - with launcher attachment on.

tfw no soldier mommy gf

I'll go gay for Tulsi

she is my mommy

The dnc needs to run a black dude who is good at roasting. That's the only way to defeat trump

Oh shit oh fuck

from daddy to mack daddy uuu

First nominees debate:

Mr. President, the American people deserve to know, when was the last time you washed yo azz?

If he swapped to being pro-trans/mayo, he'd be an awesome candidate.

His presidency is inevitable


good at roasting

Barry's best bants on Daddy last time were "at least i will go down as a president!" and then he dropped the mic.

And then after the election Trump picked it back up and shoved it up his black ass,

when you make Trump seethe he takes your job and destroys your legacy

alpha af

I know, I know, you're really upset about Tard_Donald getting quarantined so you need to seeth about something. It's cool.

Btw, encouraging MAGAfugees to flood drama has got you on thin ice. Did you think we wouldn't notice, Eva? I didn't personally care about you flooding drama with jannie posts (I even upvoted all of them) because I agreed with you that the original thread shouldn't have been removed, but trying to smuggle fugees across the border in revenge is no bueno.

So anyways, yeah Daddy got Barry in the end so you've got that going for you.

What kind of vaguely threatening, moralizing faggotry is this? What is wrong with you?

It's me not wanting drama to be advertised as a TD back up sub, like Eva was doing in that metacanada thread.

I could care less about jannie posts or making fun of Barry but deliberately trying to flood drama with MAGAfugees is one thing that will annoy me.

It's me not wanting drama to be advertised as a TD back up sub, like Eva was doing in that metacanada thread.

lol who cares? the MAGAcels will come and we will get retarded lolcows and then they'll leave.

Why on Earth you're digging through people's histories so you can post sloppy, retarded assposts is another thing altogether.

I didn't dig through their history. We were alerted in modmail by a bot.

There's enough MAGAcels that they could easily flood this sub and ruin the balance. I don't care about much on this shit site but I do care about that.

It's a delicate balance, especially right now with all the right wing sub bannings and the last thing we want is this sub turning into TDrama.

I usually try my best to take subscriber feedback into account but this is one issue that is non-negotiable. Don't advertise drama as a TD backup.

That's a lot of words for you to say "I do it for free"

I do it for free

There's enough MAGAcels that they could easily flood this sub and ruin the balance.

Yeah faggot, I know.

Get dabbed on.

Well feel free to do it again and get banned. Your choice.

I got banned twice yesterday.

Still here.

Cool story

Holy shit dude I thought he was just trolling earlier... he is serious about this bullshit?

Couldn't care less*

Fixed thanks

How come I never make you mods mad enough to troll through my posst history

or blame me for Reddit's vote fuzzing that everyone who's job is modding should know about

I'm too lazy for all that. We were alerted to Eva's comment by a bot in modmail.

Your supposed to lie so I can keep fighting with you

god you new mods are all such pansies

Sorry. It's late and I'm too tired to bantz 😟

I was too tired to fuck your mom but I still man'd up

Has your butthole recovered?

Lmao what about Transwomens abortions

I don't care much about them, but I heard their subreddit got walled off today.

It's literally a quote from the debate silly. T_D being quarantined is the best thing that's happened in like a week, Jr's even posting about it lmao

I didn't watch because I'm not a burger and I don't hate myself.

But seriously? Jesus Christ. /r/badwomensanatomy.

I turned it on during dinner just to bother my sister with irl shitposting ( a non-political democrat who didn't know until tonight i'm a repub even though we talk to each other while voting lmao) It's a super long Huffpo link with the video but this was after Jay Inslee boasted about how he's literally the only one on stage who's actually done any real things for women.

Jay also said he's running his entire campaign on global warming because our fields are flooding and our towns are burning and when asked what the biggest threat in the world was said Trump and let someone else say climate change lmao it was a hilarious debate.

The HuffPo link isn't available from my location (lol).

But given his tweet, it seems I missed out on the Virtue Signalling Olympics.

The HuffPo link isn't available from my location (lol).

Lmao what? Why?

"I don't believe only in reproductive freedom. I believe in reproductive justice," Castro said to applause from the Miami audience. "What that means is that just because a woman—or let's also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female—is poor, doesn't mean they shouldn't exercise that right to choose. So I would absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion."

One of my favorite parts was when the guy from Ohio said the dems have to move away from being coastal elites to appealing to the working class and literally nobody clapped.

"I'm going to win by pandering to the least-enfranchised 3% of the population!"


Advertising drama as a back up for any quarantined sub will get you a one way ticket to bansville. Don't do it.

Are we doing a new "schoolmarm" thing here? I honestly don't think it's going to catch on.

I hope not. I don't like being an unironic dick but I will when someone starts doing some shit like trying to start a refugee crisis on our border.

I figured being the schoolmarm was better than just silently banning them.

This isn't schoolmarm, this is a power trip.

No, a powertrip would have been banning them without a warning first. That's what usually happens. I was being nice.

you have a very skewed idea of what nice is. I bet you and Stalin would have been best buds.

Da, comrade

I think you’re the upset one buddy.

I do get annoyed when people try to fuck up drama, it's true

Get a life shit stain. Go get your corporate sponsored #resist swag and be a good little communist and shut the fuck up while the adults are talking.


Dude You didn't even include the Lion King part what the fuck.

> He would bring some change to the whitehouse

What a great bant

I just grabbed a clip from YouTube that had Daddy's reaction.

The Simba but was pretty great.

This is Booker but he's gonna keep quiet until there are less people on the Stage

You are the only Latino Democrat who is running -


This is beyond parody.

We are fucked. 😥

Who cares about the first primary debates. It's the place where everyone panders and the dumbest ones get weeded out.

the best part is he’s not even fluent

That's ideal: speaking Spanish didn't do any favors for Jeb.


Please clap


I actually bought his guac bowl.

Does it give good guac?

No actually, it doesn't. It's too small to make guac.

Yet another politician who can't fulfill his promises.

Unironically it does, he was on to something with that mortar and pestle.

Probably his only redeeming quality.

So fucking cringe. None of them can speak Spanish properly. The accents are fucking depressing. These people are an actual fucking meme.

Biden did a great job tonight. Zero gaffes.

i wanna fuck tulsi aaa

What is the greatest geopolitical threat in the world?



Oh boy...

Literally the most based response in this entire debate


I was messaging my friends as soon as I heard the greatest threat question. You could see all the candidates literally praying that the guy before them didn't say drumpf

legit giggled that the man who has based his entire campaign on climate change and nothing else let fucking Beto beat him to the punch in declaring it our biggest threat, so he could instead sperg about blumpf.

Inslee's a fucking idiot, it's amazing.

Washington lmao, i'm gonna call my grandparents and get some hot takes to post here

I think Klobuchar only got half her Botox before the debate

> Beto talking about the moment he led


> Former Texas congressman instead of current Texas Senator

Hey hey the zodiac killer is one tough cookie to beat

This debate was garbage, Andrew Yang and Sanders are the only ones worth a damn

he situation on the border, and the drowning death of a father and his daughter, should "piss us all off."

Yeah. I'm pissed (not really) that we are politicizing this one like the Kurdish boy that drowned. How does that have anything to do with our immigration policy?

I'm starting to get the crazy idea of people drowning others on purpose for political gain.

the only Latino Democrat who is running

Jesus Christ. This is all so tiring.

I tried watching the playback, made it about 10 seconds into Priestess Warren's first answer, wanted to gouge my own ears, and then realized literally none of these people have a snowballs chance in hell of actually winning this primary. Who the fuck even are half of these people? A mayor? A godamn Housing Secretary? Some dude who failed to beat the most despised reptilian in the Senate? "Randomly selected" my fucking ass, they threw Warren out there with all the bottom feeding chumps so that tomorrow night has the Biden v. Bernie showdown everyone's expecting without her making Bernie look bad by comparison.

I'm so glad I don't live in America.

Oh boy I love a good televised Hebrew slave auction. Israel has some fine choice meat this time around.

Drudge report: White woman from Hawaii ends up winning the first democratic debate.

CNN: What White Woman?

Google: You know the White woman that been blowing up on my search results

Beto and Buttigieg are really the Michelle Branch and Vanessa Carlton of this election.

It was nice to see Tulsi call out Tim Ryan on his ignorance. I really hope she gets a shot at Trump. Her calm, presidential demeanor alone would win over a lot of people.