Dundercell blames capitalism for the demise of his favorite show

42  2019-06-27 by GoldLeaderLiam


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Jesus Christ. This show died 10 years ago. It’s only popular because it is uniquely inoffensive and unchallenging while also being unfunny. Can Reddit and the rest of social media please stop fucking its corpse?

This, but for Taylor Swift and anyone who finds television shows “challenging”.

No television is “challenging”.

No, but some sure as fuck is less than others. This one specifically.

What about Most Extreme Elimination Challenge?

I love you.

love u 2 bby 😘

Right you are, Ken.

Fuck I remember watching that with my dad as a kid

Comfy times gone forever ;_;


There you go. Find some kid and make them watch it. Comfy times galore.

What about fake taxi / cash cab?

Watch another show.

I am legitimately mystified as to why zoomers are fixated on this show.

TV equivalent of harry potter


Zoomers? I thought it was Le QuIRki millennials?

It is. Zoomers aren't generally into anything that was popular in the early 2010s that wasn't literally meant for children.

Definitely Millenials. Late 20s who couldn’t connect to people on an emotional level. Identifies as Griffendor

Can Reddit and the rest of social media please stop fucking its corpse?

as long as foids and nu-males have access to the internet, the office will never die

Are they even sure NBC's streaming service is going to cost money? It might be free and full of ads

Are they even sure NBC's streaming service is going to cost money?


Or it can cost money and be full of ads

Retarded: Being mad at NBC for moving your show

Retardeder: Being mad at capitalism for moving your show

Retardederest: Being mad about the blandest sitcom since Friends moving from one service to another

Nah, that's probably HIMYM, since they didn't even bother to change the formula. It's a close race, though.

The Office is the best sitcom of all time other than 30 Rock.

Is it haram for chapos to enjoy media which glorifies the capitalist creation, an office? 🤔🤔🤔


literally any value or orthodoxy


Just fucking pirate it

is piracy communist or capitalist?

Millions of college students suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. 

Capitalism gave you your show. TBH it's worth RISING UP if capitalism has created retarded manlets like you. This makes me want to establish a Zionist dictatorship.

Why not just watching gloriious north korean sitcoms instead?

Someone, a person, at NBC had to look at this situation, and decide that profits are more important than the happiness of the people who watch their shows

Well I'd hardly call office fans "people"...

But yes, profits are more important than a bunch of basic mayo foids