r/gamingcirclejerk seethes after question is asked without /uj or /rj

82  2019-06-27 by Gysinator


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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3 replies in and there are already some death threats

The only thing worse than gamers is /r/gcj users

Check out the other comments in the thread too, lots of galax brain takes. If you've wondered what the idea behind t_d was:

un-ironically started by them under the guise of irony as a means of radicalizing young 2015 memers and gamers


Was that sub ever funny, or has it always been used to moralize and grandstand? Just tell a joke. You dont have to inject the fact you think all Republicans are literally the anti-christ, in order to showcase what a good person you are.

It used to be an important and necessary counterpart to /r/gaming, then one day it was taken over.

I think it was post-gamergate when /r/gamergazi stopped being about videogames and strictly about idpol. The idpol gamers of /r/gamerghazi grazed over to /r/gamingcirclejerk and the non-idpol gamers left because they grew up.

Imagine making a sub dedicated to making fun of one of the worst subs on Reddit and having that sub end up being even worse.

Pre Gamergate it was pretty good. It was something you could enjoy laughing about while drunk or high. Though compared to their current "humor" you would think Dave Chapelle used to ghost write for them.

They had their moments before i left the sub the best joke was a guy getting his balls upvoted in r/gaming

It, like several other subs (i.e. TMOR), used to be pretty good but once daddy got elected and made this site lose what little bit of braincells they had left, it turned into what you see today.

90% of GCJ users have a cuck shed that they play Nintendo Switch games in.

This screenshot looks like a local news broadcast from 1987.

Why don't they make an apolitical version of the sub?

I'm starting to believe that topics can't stay neutral because one group of people is always going to care more than another. As time progress the group that cares more will overtake the other groups until they leave or are removed.

This sub stays pretty neutral. There needs to be a centrist gaming circlejerk sub. I don't care enough about games because I'm mostly an adult but one of you talented nerds should start one.

Drama is a strange anomaly that is difficult to replicate. SRD is a homogeneous mass of glue huffing cretins, for comparison. I think self hating hard leftists are the only people who give enough a shit about dabbing on gaymers on a consistent basis. So any new sub would likely just morph into the same thing, or die off.

I feel like r/gamersriseup is pretty centrist. I could be wrong.

At some point it felt just like an offshoot of gcj, but I feel like it's changing. About a month or two ago there was a post that used "nigger" instead of "n-word" and people offended by it got downvoted

You are. They're unabashedly Chapotard.

no it's because of americans. just ban anglos from your gaming sub


Amerimutts aren't Anglos ☝

That's how the sub turned into what it is now really the bigger a sub gets the more shit it becomes

After looking at the comments in the post for about 30 seconds I unironically started wishing Trump would get a second term.

The gaming community has basically become a political entity since 'gamergate'.

lol it absolutely 100% has not.

The hilarious thing is that to them, the gaming community is a political entity. They just refuse to accept that other people can enjoy games without the autistic compulsion to view the medium through a political lens

Those who take games or their meaning seriously, should consider growing up instead. Games should be banned along with anime

Reminder that Gamergate brought drumpf to power

I'd highly doubt half of politicians have even heard of Gamergate. It couldn't be more irrelevant.

I guess live me alone I dont care about your bullshit I'm trying to play a game is political

GCJ was alright until it became mainly an anti rightoid sub

The real drama is that none of them actually enjoy video games.

Literally their only redeeming feature

Fire watch is a video game you fucking bigot

Gaming is pretty political now unfortunately

Bitch everyone was fine until you started demanding gay trans poc in every game. Fuck off.

Gamergate was instrumental in the election of Donald Drumpf and the destruction of America. Wake the fuck up and rise up.

Someone said this. Someone unironcially typed those words on their phone / computer. Amazing

Imagine thinking gamergate was ever relevant to broader political discourse, much less was still relevant by the 2016 election. The amount of time and energy the anti-gamergate people have wasted over the last half decade for what was essentially a 3 month flash-in-the-pain nontroversy would be sad if it wasn't so fucking hilarious.

Gamergate was instrumental in the election of Donald Drumpf and the destruction of America.

Yep, all those rural, boomer gamers in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania really turned the tide in 2016. Especially considering that young people only made up 13% of the electorate, and that demographic overwhelmingly voted Democrat comparatively to all other age groups...