Holy shit Reddit is retarded

156  2019-06-27 by therealstig00


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Holy shit Reddit is retarded - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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AITA for giving my concert ticket to another girl after my friend said she only wanted to go with me as "friends"?

Unbelievably based

not making all of your property communal property for all women to take as they please without giving anything in return is toxic masculinity

commit suicide and leave all your property to kamala harris's campaign or you're a misogynist

I'm leaving all my worldly possessions to AOC's pedicurist

match me!

slay king

assuming xir gender in current year

Problematic and ch*dpilled

When are foids going to understand that we don't want to be their god damn friend?

Men πŸ‘ don't πŸ‘ owe πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ friendship πŸ‘

πŸ€” wait, so if i ask a girl out to lunch and she tells me she only wants to eat as friends, I still have to buy her food?

yes you smelly incel

dad what are vaginas like

Like bags of sand.

I dont like sand

sand in your mouth asmr 2 hours

They taste like coins

Salty tuna

like bussy but filled with blood and pee and other disgusting stuff

you gotta buy her food and eat that pussy like a golden retriever YAASSSS

That's a misogynistic word. Please use vagina. Also not all women have vaginas. You might need to eat some bussy. Also YTA if you make her shower beforehand or if you complain about blood.

im gonna eat the shit outta that front hole!

Debate abate

Os impurum, no thanks

And then you have to recognize it was rape.

Jokes on you, that's my fetish !

Wow, you wanted to share a table with her on the first date? YTA I am fucking shaking rn you sick fuck

Man, you think that's bad, you should have seen the thread where OP picks a girl up for coffee and a drive to the park a bit out of her way, she flirts with someone right in front of him, and he ditches her there.

People were calling him an asshole for not giving her a ride back to her home and for "putting her safety at risk".

😑 wtf

It's even worse than it sounds because he tried to let her know he was leaving, and she rudely ignored him to continue flirting with the guy! That sub is just trolls cooking up crazy stories to kick the hornet's nest of pathetic hags and even more pathetic male feminist incels. There is literally nothing that these losers won't stoop to for a couple good boy points.

She had to phone...a taxi. 😱

You know how much women have to pay for hygiene products? That are heavily taxed, unfairly? Do you know how much women pay for abortions? Do you know how much a therapists cost that most women need thanks to the actions of men like you?

I guess not. And that is why for women, especially for minority women paying a taxi can be financial burden that could lead to sever depression.

I think i know this post she couldn't get a taxi/uber because he dumbass didnt have money so she had to ask the bartender or that's whst she told the op

Ever thought that they just saw obvious misogynist bait and weren't going to up vote his side of the argument like a retard. And since aita rules don't allow you to call bs the other side of the silent rose to the top.

Have you tried crying nor

Found the incel πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You are oppressed, cry more

this is good b8 and i like u

I remember that one, it was bad. He tells her he's leaving 30, 15, and 5 minutes in advance and people were saying that because he drove getting her home is his respinsibility.

They literally treat women like toddlers

They just want islam without all the work smh

They literally treat women like toddlers

Now male feminists being pedophiles make sense.

Last week I won a raffle and have 2 tickets to see a famous singer perform next month in a nearby city. She also happens to like this singer so I asked her if she wanted to go with me as a date.


I said I can book us a hotel room and we can spend the night together.


Odds on coworker actually existing and not just cope?

Apparently his coworker is fine with it.

She doesn't exist pal

Thank God for those psychic powers of yours, otherwise you might look like a real idiot.

I mean if I really wanted to upset you i'd make very rude comments about his coworker.

he gets laid and you don't

Are you 12 or just a incel

You sound upset

Yes i'm super emotional invested in a amta post, they aren't a dime a dozen

no pussy gettin bitch is Big Mad lmao

This is like the 3rd progussy post i've had to see in a hour

your refugees need to go back

MAGAcel pretending that he isn’t a refugee himself in r/drama




Honk honk

lmao so mad you search my post history when i'm not even aware of your existance


I've posted here longer than you retard

Congrats on the autism


Nobody in this story exists.

Not surprising. If the story is true (I doubt it) he says she doesn't even like the music and is only going because she likes him

Sounds like a winner to me.

OP should sell his concert tickets and spend the whole night smashing the girl. Bonus points for selling them to the friend he rejected.

Chad move:

"Hey, the girl I invited to the date actually does not care at all about the concert, but just want to spend the night with me. Honestly, I think you are right. You should go to the concert instead. The tickets were $40 on pre-sale and are $80 now. I thought about just selling them for $80 each, but since you are my friend I will give you both for only $40 each."

Anyone who reads that and believes there is even a tiny possibility that he wouldn't expect sex no matter how the rest of the date went is an absolute retard.

Yea, i'm surprised how many people responded to me saying she's out of place. He pretty much ruined his friendship and made things super fucking awkward for his sister.

I'm pretty old-fashioned misogynist but in the fun charming way certain types of women love and even I wouldn't do something so desperately thirsty as that

Being an awkward idiot does not make you an Asshole though. That's what makes /r/drama denizens so special that we manage to be both.

awkward idiot does not make you an Asshole though

That's too fine a line for me to care about lmao, if someone did this to my sister's friend he'd be shunned for lying about being friends just to hope to get in her pants

He wasn't friends with her, his sister was.

I know man, read the analogy again

do I need to make a graph for you?

do I need to make a graph for you?

Yes please, that would be great.

I hang out with people for a entire year and don't call them friends too, it's not just cope from being friendzoned tots.

I was promised there'd be graphs...

Youre a fucking retard

We prefer /r/drama poster round these parts.

don't tell me about /r/drama newfag

Decent and subtle bait. Does a great job of revealing the entitled nature of the foid.

None of them can articulate why he's an asshole either. They're just putting themselves in the jilted foids shoes, sad that she's unable to get a free concert ticket.

Foids: "If a girl doesn't like you, go find another one who does. Don't be an incel."

OP: (Finds another girl who likes him)

Foids: "No, stop! Go back to the one who doesn't like you!"

No, for having the audacity to want to date her when she is clearly above his level he has to take her to this concert, buy some booze from the liquor store and then go get the guy she is interested in and take them back to the OP's apartment so they can fuck on his bed.

They're just putting themselves in the jilted foids shoes, sad that she's unable to get a free concert ticket.

There was an OP who dated a bisexual woman. She asked him if he would consider it cheating if she makes out with a woman. He said he thinks it is kinda hot. She got mad. He told her that he just answered the question honestly. He does not expect her to actually make out with a woman. AITA?

Top answer, over 1000 upvotes, gilded:

"YTA. I am a bisexual woman, too, and I can relate to her. For me being sexual with a woman is just as real as with a man. You thinking only one is real totally invalidiertes her sexuality."

I replied: "No, YTA. As a straight man, I can assure you that two girls making out is totally hot to me. You not satisfying this invalidates my sexuality."

Got just 5 downvotes and no reply why I am wrong.

Obvious misogynist bait specifically crafted to make op look good. The douche nature of op shines through tho

Yeah not enough spicy meatballs

Maybe you can take her to the concert and stare wistfully across the hotel room at her?

He's not a douche for pursuing a relationship with someone who is interested in him.

He's not an asshole. He is a loser cuck for spending a bunch of money on concert tickets hoping that it would impress a foid before asking her if she's interested in him at all though.

He got a different date tho πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

He had to get a different date as a last desperate resort who doesn't care about the tickets at all. That chick would go on a date with him regardless of whether he asked her to go the concert or to go drink a cup of coffee with him. He fucked up by wasting money on some tickets for a chick who wasn't even into him because he thought it would impress her.

He won the tickets in a raffle you idiot.


It's actually a very good story. We need a thread on here to make the best story that will illicit the best reaction while not being too blatant. Then we wait for three months and see how that sub reacts

AITA For voting for Trump by mistake?

The foid cries out as she strikes out at you.

And cries twice as hard when you strike back.

'The rightist cries out even as they strike you' - Polish proverb

If it's bait, it's damn good bait.

YTA. You don't rescind an invitation because you won't get laid at the end. 'Only guys understand' is an example of toxic masculinity. Don't be surprised if you lose a friend over this.

7500 upvotes, 3 golds, 6 silvers.

Absolutely astounding. You invite a girl out on a date to a fancy restaurant and she says "no thanks on the date, how about as friends?" and you're duty-bound to pay 50 bucks a plate for her anyways? And not doing so is "toxic masculinity?"

What can good men do against such reckless foidism?

Go gay obviously.

only guys understand the joys of being balls deep in a buddy's ass

This but unironically

this but unironically

Why? 90% of the people upvoting or even writing this shit are men.

Yeh, trying to get a crumb of puss. Bussy is in plentiful supply.

Male feminists bro they believe the dumbest shit

They don't consider themselves feminists. In fact, they think it is feminists fault that they are not a CEO despite 90% of CEOs being sill men. Stuff like this.

However, they are do thirsty that they automatically side with the women in any story.

"Yta. I would be happy if a woman would go out with me even if don't spend the night together. How dare you to have sex despite I'm being much nicer."

Straight men trying to virtue signal to get the gussy probably.

Or the retarded flaunty gay dudes that not even the resident gutter bear wants.

Either way it's probably better to pursue bussy.

and you're duty-bound to pay 50 bucks a plate for her anyways?

Inviting someone to literally anything than backing out of it for anything is a asshole move.

You've never had a girl pull the move this one did? Depending on how goddamn crazy she is it was just a test to see if he was interested in her or just sex since lol hotel, no flings, "not interested in a relationship right now"

Women lol

Homeboy wanted a gf if she doesnt wanna date her ass ain't getting taken on a date


what lmao

Date a crazy women

Sane bussy or crazy gussy?

Really hard choice πŸ€”πŸ€”

Inviting someone to literally anything than backing out of it for anything is a asshole move.

The invitation was conditional you mong. She didn't agree with the condition, so he withdrew the invitation.

Duh, you retards are sure good at projecting a bunch of shit I never said, maybe reread his post instead of reeeing about women lmao inccels

Hate to burst your bubble, but I have a great job, own my own home, have a brand new $63k vehicle, two kids, etc etc etc...basically I'm a Chad.

That said, I never said you said a fucking thing. I said that the OP made a conditional offer, and that her rejecting the condition is fine, as is his withdrawl of the offer based on her rejection of her condition.

Think of it like this: I don't have a car, but I have money. You have a car, but no money. I offer dinner based on the condition that you drive, and you say that you won't drive us to dinner. You think I'm still gonna buy you dinner? FOH.

Dude it's just a meme stop fucking serious posting jesus.

He came on way too hard and even if she was interested in him at all he killed any chance, she offered up a compromise that would have kept their friendship and he threw it away because he wasn't actually interested in being friends just getting into her pants.

basically I'm a Chad.

> thinking I'm serious posting


Sure you weren't, brag more to me about your happy family and car.

You at least understand why he's an asshole now right? And it has nothing to do with her wanting him to till take her to the concert?

Nobody owes anyone shit. Youre absolutely retarded if you think so. Inviting someone to something and saying youll think about it is not a binding social contract.

The proper response to "as friends" is "Fine, but you're paying for yourself."

Sure, but that's not what OP's post was about lmao

Depending on how goddamn crazy she is it was just a test to see if he was interested in her or just sex

I was thinking the same thing when I read it. overwhelming odds it's just a foid bein' a foid, but some chicks definitely play those types of games

I got -17 downvotes for saying that, I'm not surprised at all this place is full of soyboy orbiters who've never dealt with crazy women.

Wow the girl who's so interested in him she doesn't care where they go is more likely to have sex with him than the 21yr old dealing with her sisters friend hitting on her

Thinking a "fancy restaurant" is 50 bucks a plate.

Have fun at red lobster.

Fancy is closer to $300 for the meal. That's what I spent last time I splurged on a dinner for a woman. I've since learned better. Burger King from now on, and if you put cheese on that Whopper you're giving up the buttsex later.

I ALWAYS make my dates pay for their own macdonalds

McDoubles only on the first date tho.

Imagine going to McDicks and not getting a McGangBang

I always get a couple mchickens, for me, the mchicken is the best fast food sandwich

I can hear the star spangled banner playing in my head when I read this comment chain

You should go to denny's and get a grand slaaaamwhich. They are very popular. I am just gonna put you down for a couple of grand slamwhiches

Yeah but there’s like eight courses of that.

poorcels OUT

Bourgeioscels rise UP!

Luckily in my time on this Earth I've managed to romance many fine-looking 23 year old heavy metal enthusiast women using restaurants much less nice than even an Applebees.

Don't knock red lobster bro

At least the top reply is reasonable.


But the NTA posts have more upvotes and more gold.

We can see for ourselves that's false. Effortpost time.

Category Upvotes Platinum Gold Silver
YTA 9971 1 6 7
YTA 7901 1 3 5
NTA 5521 0 1 6
NTA 3783 0 1 1
NTA 2049 0 1 0
NTA 1588 0 0 0
YTA 648 0 0 0
YTA 402 0 0 0

I could keep going, but the first two YTA posts blow everything out of the water with nearly 18k upvotes, 2 platinum, 9 gold and 12 silver. The next 3 NTA posts are 11,353 upvotes, 3 gold and 7 silver.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Bots wrong because the top NTA is above 6500.

Do you understand how time works?

Do you because I was providing a number for when I made the original comment?

Why you gotta lie like that? It was at 5521 around three hours ago when I posted, 6500 when you made your second post an hour ago and is at 7151 now. It's not like you posted, it got downvoted just before I posted, and has been steadily upvoted for the past 3 hours (along with the rest of the posts).

You're simply wrong. Maybe it was downvoted. Or your numbers are wrong.

Here's the simpler explanation, Occam: you are lying because you want to save face.

Glad you admitted it.

Using the autism wall tactic when you're proven to be a faggot doesn't stop you from being a faggot.

It just means you're now an autistic faggot, good job.

you're now an autistic faggot

What do you mean "now"? You're in this sub with me.

2 platinum, 9 gold and 12 silver.

god akk the lost money...

Incel rage

What can good men do against such reckless foidism?

Dr. Pizzashill tried to warn us, but we wouldn't listen.

"Never trust a foid."

-Dr Pizzashill

What can good men do against such reckless foidism?

our only recourse is to post online daily, on every forum and in every image board. o7

at least until these sex bots becomes affordable

Reversed conversion therapy when?

Once she realized he wanted it to be a date, she should have just said no. I'm a total fucking moron, and even I realize you shouldn't accept expensive elaborate dates or gifts from guys you aren't interested in.

Though, the guy should have had a plan in place for the 'I just want to be friends' situation. Acting like it was ok, making it seem like the plan was final, then asking someone else is a high school move. Women do this shit too, where getting asked out for a date supersedes any and all plans made with other people.

He did have a plan the back up date

No, at the time. He didn't come across with another date until he found someone he thought was interested in him. She did wrong but he also did when he made arrangements with her knowing she was the backup in case he didn't find someone better. They both wanted what they wanted and were unwilling to possibly do without in order to treat another person kindly.

He could have said that their arrangements to go together were contingent on whether he found a person that was dating material to go with him. That's fine. You have to think that women are told guys are just going to use them for sex, so finding out a guy doesn't want to do something friendly together when he doesn't think he will score bugs women. Like being friend zoned does for men.

They both did wrong, but I think she was the one with the most responsibility because she shouldn't have accepted the offer if she didn't want to date him.

Directly going out asking to share a hotel room on the first date was dumb and basically forced her hand. You usually do not literally just proposition for sex on the first date. If he had just asked her to attend like a normal person in her own private hotel room she bought there probably wouldn't have been any issue and maybe something would have developed. The way he did it he threw too much on her initially.

Directly going out asking to share a hotel room on the first date was dumb and basically forced her hand.

So she says "no" and goes "dude are you autistic, what the fuck kind of come-on is that?" Instead now he owes her an ICP concert?

for a website that is all about weird kink and sexual/relationship freedom they sure are quick to condemn a man for wanting sex and making it outright clear he wanted sex.

he has no right to her body okay maybe but she certainly has no right to his ticket. hop on his dick or you must acquit

I love how they use "get laid" as an example of something bad or superficial that some toxic people do for their own self interest. Yeah, humans work like that regardless of race, gender, or sexuality. We all have our own self interests at the end of the day. Holy shit.


And it's not like he invited her, then waited a month, and finally had the courage to mention sex. No, he was frontal about it. Literally nobody is to blame in this than the stupid sister who is making a scene for no reason. Holy fuck this place is retarded.

"Hey, want to go to a concert together also let's book a hotel room and we can spend the night together"

Yeah, totally not socially retarded

I am trying to sympathise with OP but I simply cannot.

If you're afraid of getting labeled as incel, and you have to ask reddit if you are incel if you just find a girl who won't pull random garbage on you like you were a doormat, then you're a cuck, and that's worse than being called incel while fucking girls unironically.

have you ever had sex before? your daki doesn't count btw

No, I only rape, remember?

u still bitter normal people don't think children can consent to sex

You’re starting to be honest with yourself πŸ˜ƒ

Bring more alts pls.

>tells you to have sex

>gives you the worst cockblocking advice

You know every one of these advice subreddits boils down to "communicate and be up front". Reddit now calls the guy who is open about his intentions for a date and sex "creepy" and "pressuring". Absolute fuckin cunts

Umm creeping and pressuring is synonymous with rape and sexual assault. You fuckin rape apologist cunt.

"Hey want to go see a band with me and sleep in the same hotel room after ;)" - Very normal and non sexual and non creepy way to ask a girl out on a first date

What you think happened:

"Hey bitch, let's go to a concert. When we're done you have to let me bust in your guts. You owe me"

What really happened:

"Hey, I've got tickets to a concert in a city a few hours away, want to come out on a date with me? I dont want to drive back late at night so we would have to get a hotel, is that cool with you?"

I'm gonna have to be R E D P I L L for a moment and wager the main reason this guy is getting YTA'd is he sounds desperate for sex. Being desperate is a big turn off for women and they hate desperate men (since they have to deal with them and the fallout). Fact that he was banking on it being a concert the girl was interested in him implies he is not very attractive to begin with.


Lets imagine if the situation was reversed. Let's say he first asked his co-worker out on a date to the concert and got a yes, but then found out his other friend was a really big fan and decided to invite her instead. The foids would fawn over this guy for not only the surface level "niceness", but shows that he is not desperate for sex, implying he gets it so easily he is willing to sacrifice an obvious shacking situation for a friend. The irony being its massive douche move, since it knocks down the girl who likes him, and will make her forever wonder if they didn't do more in that hotel room than sleep in separate beds. Shit like that drives people insane.


He basically propositioned her for sex while asking her out on a first date. Literally no girl is dumb enough to interpret "Hey how about we share a hotel room" any other way.

Of course this is totally normal behavior and everyone else is wrong.

When did this become an incel forum

What's wrong with asking to fuck on the first date? How is it incel like to want to fuck women? What's wrong with propositioning women for sex?

M'lady must be treated like a queen before I am graciously allowed access to her undercarriage.

And everybody speculates that "just wann b friends" is actually a white lie because of the hotel thing. Obviously women lie you stupid men... ugh

Lol the best part about it is she's basically asking him to venmo her money and fuck off

wammen wants a fwb relationship

OMG so empowered and professional 😍😍😍

man wants fwb relationship

y i k e s 😬😬😬 don't you know that's sexist?

Feminism is sexist. Islam is much more progressive becayse its rules about fwbs are the same for men and women 😍😍😍

Like she could just buy a ticket herself. They act like expecting a free ticket is not the same as expecting someone to hand you free money.

Also since when is it creepy to ask someone to fuck? So what if he only wanted to have sex?

redditcels seething at the thought that m'lady would have le sexy times with a guy without having formed a deep emotional connection first, like they themselves would do, since they're gentlesirs and all

Another example of aita being full of spineless Moron

It really is. You really get to see it when someone who was abused/bullied finally sticks up for themselves in a story there. AITA absolutely SEETHES when someone sticks up for themselves after they have been getting shit on for a while.

These are usually the fantasies of bullies and it seems OK to you because your a bully

Incels seething that literally everything is preferable to their ideology

You saying that like Aita posters aren't massive virgins themselves

Reminder that IncelTears users get laid less than the Braincels they mock

as a date

Aita is as cucked as menslib.


Probably b8 but in this fantasy scenario the OP is an absolute L A D

The more i read this the more i think these losers either never go on dates or just get used by girls they like and think its natural because they don't wanna be mean

I said I can book us a hotel room and we can spend the night together.

that's amore

>only realizing this now

This sub: "Communication is important in a relationship"

Also this sub: "Wow, you're a total creep for communicating your intentions and moving on with no problem after she declined the offer"

I don't get it

Feminism in a nutshell. Madness. Madness and stupidity. (-38)

Don't. +9


If you don't like negative perceptions of feminism, maybe take issue with the 8000 entitled feminists who upvoted the top comment, not the people calling them out.


9001% based

This needs to be outlawed. This is why we live in a rapesociety



You forgot skipping the stupid gay concert cause those bitches just want your dick anyway.




Any girl who accepts that offer is a thot or a naive idiot. First date and you're gonna drive to a city a few hours away and stay in a hotel room with the dude. Oof

Sad as fuck I feel like OP just wanted to trigger the liberals

Man: * exists *


Foids, not even once. This is why we stick with bussy gents.

Unironically, OP totally has a chance with the first girl now. Make a girl jealous of another one and your chances skyrocket.

NAH in this situation but thinking maybe is TA in life sometimes.

LOL. I admit that nothing you have described here is wrong in any way, but you're a man so you're probably an asshole in life.

These people are unbelievable.

What's funny is the system counts votes by putting the vote in caps. So a lot of the time I will see something exactly like this but it goes something like "With what you wrote nta but I don't think we have the full story so I think if we had that YTA" that way they say they aren't the asshole but their vote counts as being the asshole.

Conversion therapy for straight guys now!




Absolute chad move. He goes to the concert on a date with some other foid and now he can date the original one because they're not friends anymore.

I don't get how virtual forums develop such weird fabricated consensus. No one irl talking in a bar would agree with this

As soon as you're in a Internet forum everyone is a doormat (also a feminist) who thinks men should sacrifice their eyeballs so women can get a penny

the losers who congregate on online forums to give dating and life """"advice"""" aren't the type of people who would go to a bar irl

But you'd figure people would speak out their 'worse' in anonymous contexts, instead of being extra subservient.

there has to be some mod-inflated numbers or something. So goddamn strange.

no, it's just redditors being virtue signalling losers in echo chambers. leddit is filled with anti social losers who adopt woke ideologies and think they're fighting the good fight by commenting. just look at chapo. obviously not everyone is as extreme as them but ledditors in general are subservient, meek, trying hard to be progressive. there's no need for conspiracy theories and mod interference, leddit is literally just a trash website filled with losers in echo chambers

In the internet, people ignore the obvious and focus on details that often are not even there and just matter because of an autistic imagined connection between events.

Like, if there were 10 people hanging out and somebody told this story, one guy would say "You asked her for a date, she rejected. So you asked another girl. Yeah, best possible thing you can do." and the discussion would be over. But online, some idiot rights a thousand word reply why OP is an asshole. In real life, nobody even would listen more than two sentences. And the guy would probably realize that he is dumb and just drop it.

True. Even bringing it up in a forum is already a weird context by itself which invites autistic minutiae

It's called group polarization. The anonymity as well as the quantity of users (more users -> more arguments for a view and that view also seems more popular -> more group polarization) makes it worse on the Internet than IRL.

It's odd, I always expect the worse type of "fuck dem hoes" keyboard bravadp from anonymity, not upvoting "women deserve your money"

Let me break it down


Virtue signaling as opposed to bravado.

The internet is perception and perception is dominated by feelings.

Women have monopoly over feelings.

Men populate the internet.

Weak men are subservient to women.

Weak men are the majority of men.

Add up all these variables and we get women spouting solipsistic self serving shit,

AND weak men virtue signaling for some crumbs.


Whole thing is tiresomely predictable.

Lol modern feminism has become so infantilizing towards women. Dude wants to get laid on a first date, some people like to fuck, when did leftists become such pearl clutchers? Is she incapable of saying no? Or asking for separate beds? Or separate rooms?

I swear to god feminism these days is all about changing men's behavior to protect the delicate little flowers that are women.

According to AITA, if you are not absolutely sublicating to everyone around you at all times and aren't a complete doormat then you are just the biggest jerk ever.

King shit

Based and thotpatrolled

I like how most comments explaining why he is the asshole say that the girl more or less lied about her reasons: She would have dated him if it wasn't for this sharing bed thing.

Remember: Never believe a thing a foid says.