Upvote to scare Chapos

751  2019-06-27 by TheLiberalAgenda_


That is interesting, because did you know It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. His claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering his chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. He seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. He digs his paws in even harder now and slams me onto his cock, I feel his grumble turn into a roar. He's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. He's mating with me, he's claimed me. I feel him slow, his cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for his cum. It's dripping out of me, onto his fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting him. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.


  1. Upvote to scare Chapos - archive.org, archive.today

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Who's rarted enough to downvote the bot

Yo mama!

posts in /r/teenagersnew and has a troll face on his profile

says yo mama

yikes and zoomerpilled

Yeah I'm the best wyd

I bet you unironically play Fortnite.

Please just go back to /r/altrightdogelore and stay there. Your kind isn't welcome around here.

Bro I don't give a fuck and I ain't about to make a second Reddit account to shitpost here. Also. Fortnite bad! Upvote me!

Can't you just use your mom's boyfriend's account?

Guess what came in the mail today

Your birth certificate?

Deez nuts. Gotem. 😜

Ummm sweatshirt that's not ok at all, someone with a n*t allergy could read your comment and die. Please check your zoomer privilege.

Hmm u rite. Just fucking arrest me already!


Funny meme!!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🅱️🅱️🅱️👌🏿😂🤣👌🏿👌🏿

I am funny :)

yikes and zoomerpilled

Hi deg

Hi cmosnter

Gross dude

Found the chapo.

Find your ass

So what does the dog pill do?

Shut up Mayo. Day of the spread when???

Found the nigger.

You're against abortion.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but niggers are the ones who seem to just simply love having families with at least 10 dying children all at the same time.

I'm a bit sad that you survived and will do the same.

Was that taken at Orania?

Oops All Mayo

This is what most Chapos look like though


These people are too tan to be chapos

Too skinny too.

I also don't see enough shitty wigs on a person with a 5 o'clock shadow.

Putting on lipstick and my mom's heels makes me a real woman, actually

Too attractive too.

why do you find kids attractive, paidflare trash

No most of them are fat or have cut their dicks off

Just a reminder of these people's heritage.

It's their family reunion

The joke is that they are white

Yes they're scared of themselves.

Controversial conclusion of the day: chappo trans people can't talk about fearing violence for being trans as trans white people virtually never get assaulted.

The true chapo is in the parking lot playing on their Switch, being sullen and refusing to endorse capitalism by taking a picture that doesn't reflect the truth of Amerikkka's crimes. If you just do that enough, maybe you can ruin that 5-year old's vacation and they'll end up bitter and worthless enough to be another revolutionary.

That's where the self-loathing comes from.

Fuck off. Drama is only allowed to mock right wingers chud!

You sound like a real organic member of this community, thanks for carrying the torch comrade

It's funny. Tourists on the left call this sub right wing, tourists on the right call this sub left wing. It's one of the main reasons why I keep coming back here, because it's mostly people talking shit to each other instead of barricading themselves in echo chambers complaining about the other side.

Fully agreed, this shithole is one of the best subs in Reddit. No political bias, just laughing at the lolcows regardless of their side.

Guess we'll have to start making fun of centrists now

This is a centrist Safe space. Please respect that.

Wouldnt the centriest thing we could do is make fun of centrists?

Is this quantum politics?

We're all lolcows pretending like we're just laughing at other lolcows but spending most of the time just seething

This subreddit is less predictable a lot of the time than others so it makes things interesting. A lot of that had to do with the fact that really stupid arguments tend to get upvoted though.


It does seem to lean right but I think its just to be contrarian.

It’s an inoculation strategy. We all know what happens to lefty meta subs after a while. People start “yikes y’all”-ing and suddenly you aren’t allowed to have fun online anymore.

I don't get where this whole "leans right" thing comes from. I've been here 2+ years now, and practically every regular here leans left at least somewhat

We have like 5 prominent "rightoids," and two of them straight up admit it's a larp


And one is a leaf thus invalid

Are any actual socialists upvoted here?

only the ones with big dicks and even bigger bank accounts

There's a distinction to be made here; socialists are upvoted all the time, its socialist seriousposting that gets shat on

No one wants to see agenda posting on a drama dedicated forum

Nah, I've seen plenty of people even shitting on unions here. Could be my better red the dead tinted glasses though.

That's not very fair, not all unions are good. Police unions for instance can fuck right off

I'm assuming you're American so yeah your police unions seem like bad news, but I'm sure they aren't as bad here *except if you're an indigenous Australian.

Yeah, unlike the morally upstanding CFMEU headed by totally not a domestic abuser Setker


I'm ironically up voted a lot of the time, generally I only get non ironically up voted when I'll not talking from a socialist perspective. And always some galaxy brain guy has to reply 'Wow can't believe I'm up voting watermark!'

Anyway generally I have the same sort of annoying post ironic style of commentary where I exaggerate how extreme I am. Really it is a cancer on the world.

Have you read my posts on the IMF and the liberal media though? Literally pure gold.

I've had sex.

Leaning left isn't being a socialist, actual socialists are lolcows categorically because it's a meme ideology.


Lmfao what? Is this a serious comment? I love when children have an undeserved sense of confidence about their poorly thought out political beliefs

Are you browsing week old comments on /r/drama? are you really trying to claim being a socialist isn't a meme ideology?

The idea of some milkbrained teenage redditor like you making that claim is hilarious and adorable

The claim that socialism is a meme ideology? It definitely is.

??? Can you explain?

It's an ideology that no one worth listening to takes seriously. Socialists can criticize capitalism fine but that's always been easy, their proposed alternatives are laughably bad.

Lmfao. I don’t know what reality you’re living in. You sound like a naive child who’s talking outside of his depth. Go sit down and have lolly

I'm not the person pathetically employing an entirely basely ad hominem like it's somehow solid argument. But I wouldn't expect a socialist to understand formal logic and debate because if they were exposed to good discussions they wouldn't be socialists.

Hahaha as if there’s any need to “argue” against you. Your opinion is a joke in the first place

Not being able to defend your meme ideology with any kind of real argument is kind of sign #1 of holding a meme ideology.

Of course I can defend it. But you haven’t said anything of substance. Which is why I’m just pointing at you and loling. But real talk, you can’t be over 19 yrs old right?? Please tell me you’re not

Of course I can defend it.

I doubt you can produce anything of substance beyond reworded "some people have so much and so many people have so little! Isn't that so fucked up?".

But you haven’t said anything of substance.

I said socialists were capable of criticizing capitalism but incapable of producing anything workable to replace it, that was your window to present a horribly naive and unworkable alternative for me to laugh at. I understand why you didn't try though, you'd fail of course, far smarter people than you have tried, even marx basically only came up with "the Hegelian world spirit will cause the people to come together and spontaneously form a cohesive world as soon as capitalism is overthrown.

But real talk, you can’t be over 19 yrs old right?? Please tell me you’re not

It is embarrassing that you keep pushing this after it was already pointed out how cringey naked baseless ad hominems are. It's even weirder because it's usually retarded teens that subscribe to meme ideologies like socialism.

You just typed a lot without really saying anything. I’m impressed that you know who Marx and Hegel are. Super cool dude. And I love how you’re portraying yourself as someone who’s just utterly unimpressed by the arguments of people who are much smarter than you and know a lot more about the world

You just typed a lot without really saying anything.

No u.

I’m impressed that you know who Marx and Hegel are. Very cool dude.

You haven't shown any indication you know anything about any kind of actual intellectual thought that wasn't regurgitated to you through some shitty lowest common denominator podcast. I have doubts you've ever read a primary source that wasn't assigned to you and even then I'm sure you read a spark notes version. You don't have thoughts you are given thoughts and that's what a meme ideology is, pre-packaged by people marginally but only marginally smarter than you. You're the kind of moron who thinks the communist manifesto was high intellect and not a pamphlet for semi-illiterate Russians and couldn't understand Kaptial if you actually summoned up the willpower to read your first book in a decade without pictures(which you won't).

I love how you’re portraying yourself as someone who’s just utterly unimpressed by the arguments of people who are a lot smarter than you are and know much more about the world

Where did I say I was smarter than either? I'm less arrogant than to think I can predict and proscribe the future of humanity. Although Hegel isn't guilty of that sin. My understandings align with modern Economists, I could start listing people who have the benefit of seeing history that Marx, Hegel , Ricardo and the other early economists didn't see and have formed better theories and understandings that you believing in an unsupported meme ideology would imply you think you're smarter than. But you wouldn't read them or understand them( or more accurately look to some podcast huckster to feed you a one sentence rebuttal for you to regurgitate in order to dismiss them without engaging) so what's the point?

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Kapital is just so hard I can’t understand it ☹️ can you read it out loud to me big guy? The fact that you think Kapital is actually difficult to comprehend says a lot about your intellectual ability

no u.

I am, but mostly because I'm lovable.

I always upboat you, if it counts. Especially when you are spicy at me.

Compared to the rest of reddit, that is leaning right.

this sub leans right because so many subs on reddit, especially the defaults are so far left now it's comical. I do want to emphasize leans right, not hardcore TD or conservative by any stretch just leans that way to be contrarian to the rest of the default circle jerk.

Is it your impression that reddit has gotten more left wing? When I started here there was virtually no right wing, it was all liberals with a libertarian contingent. When I first saw screenshots of people on stormfront talking about infiltrating reddit and propagandizing to convert people to their side I thought they were laughable and pathetic because the thought of such a liberal site becoming a breeding ground for the far right was laughable to me.

Then the far right exploded around 2015-2016. I felt like I was going crazy as I saw one community after another fall, like at the beginning of this period I'd notice unhinged racist and Nazi leaning posts just downvoted to oblivion, the occasionally I'd see one controversial or slightly upvoted, and after a while it was just a nonstop stream of people taking with utter credulity stories about DNC officials bathing in the blood of children or whatever.

Any time there was a post on some far right party that was clearly descended from Nazis, all of the sudden out of the woodworks would flow hordes saying stuff like "how nah they're not really far right at all they're like super moderate and stuff trust me they even support universal healthcare man so they totally can't be far right". There is no party in the world actually far enough to the right that I don't think I would find at least one reddit comment trying to die on that molehill and convince me that no the German National Democrats really are just really cool centrists and proud of their country.

Also slowly it became impossible to refer to immigrants in any way that signaled that you approved of their life more than that of a cockroach. If they are unwanted they are "illegal" and thus the state has the right to assume any power it wants if it expresses the vaguest notion that it will slightly increase the rate of its ability to remove such cockroaches from the white man's land. Double pinkie promise hope to die it will only be used on the cockroaches though, you can trust the feds and it's totally reasonable to hand over these vast unchecked powers to the executive branch. If an unwanted cockroaches presence is in fact perfectly legal according to the plain words of the law and you point this out, you are guilty of the crime of abusing the actual words of the law itself in defense of one deemed "illegal" and must be punished for these serious errors of thought. All rule of law must suspended.

Very reasonable thought processes I see people going through. Very rational centrism.

Also now literally a month does not pass without the gaming community going into a collective seizure and foaming at the mouth rambling nonsense for weeks on end because they saw a woman or a minority in a video game. I'm would've want to argue in bad faith though and evilly assume the worst intentions of these nobel warriors just because literally 100% of the time they're bitching about a woman or a minority in a video game. I'm sure it's purely coincidence that literally 100% of their victims are women and minorities, all cases were extensively investigated beforehand using logic, reason, and the power of STEM with utter impartiality, and thus you are against science if you put two and two together and make obvious connections that are not allowed to be made in modern political parlance, no matter how obvious they are to literally everyone involved, because your talking to right wingers and right wingers have power so they have special privileges others do not.

I don't know I've noticed a bit of a pushback in the last year maybe. But again I think this is just right wing persecution complex. By any measure you have been successful beyond your wildest dreams and should in no way feel inadequate regarding your measures.


Good speech watermarks. I’m with you, mostly. I still have a vague hope of uniting people I guess.

Just don’t ask me to goose-step to neolib bullshit or jerk off to POC for existing, and I’m on your side. I tend to think the solution lies in humor and watering holes, but I smell what you’re stepping in.

Don't worry, that picture of kids sleeping in prison cells under mylar blankets is from the Obama Administration, which means it's okay

This, but unironically

no one:

u: It's funny. Tourists on the left call this sub right wing, tourists on the right call this sub left wing. It's one of the main reasons why I keep coming back here, because it's mostly people talking shit to each other instead of barricading themselves in echo chambers complaining about the other side.

What's it like to eat one's own ass?

I don't know, you tell me.

I mean you aren’t one either.

I'm confused, why would Chapos be scared by a nice large polyamorous relationship involving several children?



The chapo fears the mayo

WASPcide when?

WASP just seems like a term so that bog trotters and spaghetti n words can play the victim.

The guido shall inherit the earth.

hahaha, it's funny because it's true

I don't get it

Most chapos are self hating whites.

Jesus man, I just ate

How do I delete someone else's post

Step one is to microwave your phone for 30 seconds.

Step two is to lodge something into the part that detecta the closed door and microwave your head for 30 seconds

This is literally a kys not that I care just pointing it out

30a is chapos biggest nightmare

Of all the things that trigger Chapos (and it's a long list of things), you had to go with mayos?

Missing from the picture: Zac.

Another victim of the opioid crisis. :(

On the other hand, I can hear the rightoids getting their jollies off to this post.

Wow this sub has turned into MDE congrats

Don't worry, I got ya covered: https://i.imgur.com/wmwgBgP.png



What kind of meta convoluted pointless crap is this?

holy shit, are they one of those '19 kids and counting' type families?

Lol, you pinched that from me yesterady.

This photo needs some diversity

To mayo, needs more bullets.



Mormons haven’t yet realized that it’s a vagina and not a clown car.

The only human who triggers me is Chef Boyardee

I live in Arkansas and this weird incest cult came into my job once, could literally smell the shame on the younger girls, gross as pedo wypipo man

Man this is one unfortunate looking family. Except those random two attractive people.

Is this their endgame?