"It's not about helping people, it's about sending a message 🤡🃏" NPR listeners' Joker sides come out when they learn that their selfless donations do more harm than good

44  2019-06-27 by BasicallyADoctor


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. "It's not about helping people, it'... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Damn so my rat poison toothpaste didn’t make it to any children?

Just donate it to your local women's shelter

You say that like we haven't been funding that for years.

Very based and ironic and non violent child death wish

Rightists are not violent

Bad even for you

it's a manufactured crime against humanity.

Sometimes I wish daddy actually was commiting crimes against humanity seriousposters

That just perfectly encapsulates how I feel about a lot of these so called activists for stuff like this or racial equality or gender equality. They don't actually care about the issue they just want to use the issue to moralize and grandstand.

You've totally dehumanized millions of people and granted the federal government virtually unlimited and unchecked power due to your desperation for removal. And of course you only justify this with circular reasoning, "We need to have this law because of the law!" The law is not your motivation, it is your excuse. If it were merely about the law you likely wouldn't give a shit, certainly you wouldn't be entering into a seizure every other second because you imagine that a couple of pennies out of your taxes might help a Guatemalan child not be raped to death by American funded death squads. That's a couple of pennies that could be put to more use, like funding even more death squads to create even more refugees and then just continously building larger and larger walls to hide from the side effects of your policies.

You reap what you sow, your sins are returning to you. This was totally predictable.

Lol what is this strawmanning. Cope more

It’s a watermark account. I just read the response and move on because nothing you say to a watermark account will ever be productive.

credible accusations

Fucking NPCs lmao. The meme is real.