Scientific proof Italians aren't white

72  2019-06-27 by BIknkbtKitNwniS



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ERROR! Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable I could never delete you Brother!

Send this to ten other Mujahideen who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called Brother again

If you get

0 Back: Juhanam for you

3 back: you're off the martyr list

5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly

10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Scientific proof Italians aren't wh... -,

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Paulie, look wat dis basted is sayin about us proud Italians.


The product of a leaf cuckk, flanked by unqualified foids-in-power, and dickk succin most likely HIV+ BUSSY lovers


Italian greaseballs and gamers are the most oppressed class in SOCIETY.

Hell yeah, I knew I wasn't a mayo

The moment you turned on us you lost your chance on honorary Aryan.

Holy fuck can I make him give me reparations?

For purposes of mayocide can they be honorary? Asking for a friend.

Whiteness is a spectrum.

And southern Italians fit no where on that spectrum.

Carthage and islam jihad tunisian rape babies 🤢🤮

Yeah my great great great grandmother fucked a n word, so what.

More like a bedoin instead of an actual n word aka sub saharan african

Lol I know wogs are racist but this is knew levels of "We're white".

Autistic spectrum

I can’t imagine how any of them were rounded up, they’re usually so greasy you’d never be able to get a grip on them

What about all those Germans Canada put into concentration camps during WW2?

They are white.

He was white Peter...

All these years protesting the civil rights act, and one of my own gets me

Was I wrong boy?

Uncle Ben....He....he looked Italian to me.

Oh Peter, thank you

[Uncle Ben dies smiling]

We needed more?

Rakes looking for loopholes in the mayocide. Not today justin

pasta nslurs

What the fuck bro? Yes I stole it but not within an hour.

imagine thinking you're the first person to make that joke

Yes I stole it

no u stole it

Calling them nigger is too good for them. Since that would imply Italians have anything to do with the human species.

Shit, does this mean we have to spare them in the mayocide?

It depends on the flavor of the dago, northern Italians are white, anything south of Naples is something else that not even the top anthropologists can categorize.

I wonder if we’ll ever reach critical mass for apologies and then Trudeau will have to apologize for making apologies meaningless

So if I'm 1/2 italian, 1/2 irish I'm 100% NOT mayo right?

50% non-white and 50% soulless ginger!


People ITT proud of being mayo

Wth smh

He made an announcement for the issuance of an apology?

It's over for organized-crime-cels :(

It's over for pastacels.