Honkies stop laughing at the world and start crying when Becky brags on Twitter about dumping her daddy for supporting Daddy.

27  2019-06-27 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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With an unredacted screenname and they wonder why they get b& over and over...

Looked them up because I like to see if I'm surprised by their Twitter bio. Hint: I never am. I'm sure there are a silent many that also do this but all it takes is like 5 basement-dwellers to start DMing and boom, subreddit gone.

I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume father was a POS previously and this isn't Trumpsteria.

after all they are autists larping as frogs larping as clowns

what do you expect really

She should have just murdered her dad and they'd love her.

Wait so girls who get raised with conservative Christian values look like that? Yikes

This is beyond terminal daddy issues, holy shit.

Clownworld more like cryworld


She is still a daddy's girl technically. She chose a different one. And his dick has weird blotches on the glans.