Gentlemen, I bring you the latest example of The Left trying to meme.

60  2019-06-27 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Gentlemen, I bring you the latest e... -,,

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40% of crabs will commit suicide.

Harass transgender people

They become depressed

lol gottem

It’s fine to argue that the mentally-ill are being manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry, but acting like you’re somehow winning because many of those mentally-ill people end up killing themselves is despicable.

They were depressed and mentally ill before you "harassed" (lol u couldn't harass anyone even if you tried, nicecel) them.

Yes, that’s why it’s especially terrible to still harass them.

Nah that's a good thing.

40% is simply not enough. It needs to be 100%, in fact, everyone who supports them in general should be harassed.

What about trappysaruh?

An unfortunate side effect. However the loss of 65% of drama mods will not have any effect on this shithole anyway

I never heard about then so they aren't relevant.

Imagine a world in which the Jews shoah'd themselves because someone posted an attack helicopter meme

Implying tranny suicide isn't a win for everyone 😂😂

Trannies necking isn't a good thing because they're people, but once they become Chapos, they're not people so it's funny again

Yeah I understand, people who don't the humanity to serve the economy but the economy to serve humanity clearly have no morals and don't deserve to be called humans.

All Chapos serve is themselves to the coroner

You still haven't given a reason, you hate filled prick.

Chapos are a stimulus package to the funeral business

So are you.


I'm not a Chapo so I have no reason to neck tbh

Holy shit

My boy Esteban Frances is based.

Imagine defending chapos 😂

Imagine wishing death on someone for no reason 😂


Literally not people

That's nice to know you're a coward. You want to kill people for no reason so you just say they're not people. Lmao fucking bitch ass, grow some balls and find a real reason if you want to kill people.

"I want to kill people because I'm a pasty white suburbanite that can't imagine having to work for a living" -chapocels

Okay, this is epic

posted right after a literal "no u"


Proof that Chapos are not human

Damn, top tier logic my dude, you really got them.

But it's a fact so it's funny when they 40%, correct?

Yeah it's funny to kill people I agree, every sunday I take out my baseball bat and go beat up some drunks. That's what I call having fun, all you young pussies do is harass trans people online to have them kill themselves, you got to step it up son. I mean seriously if you had some balls you'd at least shoot up a school.

But kids, while almost equally disgusting, do not deserve it.

They deserve you're a fucking pussy. If you had morals and really hated people you'd go kill them, but you're just like chapocels, you're another lowlife edgy cunt who can't match his words with actions.

So like, to get your respect, he'd have to kill someone? You seem like the weird one.

Yeah. I only respect people who don't talk out of their ass. If you think someone should be dead, go kill them.

Do you have anyone you want dead?


Well you're a Chapo so there's a 40% chance that you do 🤭🤭🤭

I shit on chapo retards daily but sure mate.

larping frog pretends to be different from Chapos


You're the one who's no different that chapos, they're white kiddos who act like they want to kill rich people while they don't do anything. And you're here pretending like you want people to die while not doing anything. Both of your are LARPers shitheads.

no u, but with extra words

I'm different than Chapos btw


I don't know, I at least have an argument instead of hiding behind retarded drawings.

You make one retarded drawing and suddenly you're a retard.


Why would I argue for facts lmao, you're incorrect

Because you know that you don't have a functionning moral system.

Laughing at the plight of the Chapocel is moral though. They deserve it

Keep lying to yourself, one day you'll believe it.

He does believe it tho.

Because it's true


“Chapos are people”

I don't want to kill anyone because I'm not some edge fag like you guys lmao. I'm just here to laugh at the supposed revolutionaries eating themselves and occasionally eating a handful of pillies

"Just here to laugh". Nice excuse for being useless.

But I have a job that's useful lmao. And I'm not a Chapo. Truly a superior person, and I'm a person at that. Unlike chapos

Lmao thinking you're worth something because you have a job, nice try coward. We both know you're lying when you can't even tell me what you believe in, fucking trash.

"heh this dude doesn't even want to LARP as a stone cold killer online, what a dweeb" -Mayo kid on Mom's wifi

Absolutely epic

But you're doing it. You say you want people to die. And then you're too much of a coward to defend it. "They're not really human 🤭😅😃" Lmao fucking find a logical argument for once retard.

Find one person that thinks Chapos are people. You cant



Yet you wouldn't kill one. You think they're human wether you want it or not coward.

I don't want to kill a cow, either.

Really? You're a fucking pussy mate.

Define pussy.

Yo gender neutral language please. Christ sake

Show me where I've wished death upon them.

You don't want to defend chapo users against a guy who said he wants to see them dead. So you're fine with them being dead.


Show me where I've wished death upon them.

You don't want to defend chapo users against a guy who said he wants to see them dead. So you're fine with them being dead.

I know it's hard to follow a conversation you're not part of.

Nobody here wishes death on anyone. That being said, chapos aren't people. Imagine getting upset at a man swatting a fly.

Then go kill chapos you coward. Oh no you're just an edgy retard who can't match his words with actions? What's the difference between you and chapocels.

The difference is I'm a person.

A person who can't act on their "beliefs". What I think is that you don't actually hold any belief, you're just a sad lost kid who doesn't understand anything.

Probably right 😩😩😩

Chapos wish death upon people all the time. I've seen threads where they unironically supported civilians getting killed in Venezuela. I'm not gonna defend these pieces of shit.


You can't try to use shitty appeals to emotions here. You'd have a better time persuading people by showing your mayo bussy.

It's not an appeal to emotion. It's an appeal to human rights you uneducated dork.





they don't have human rights lmao

It's an appeal to human rights you uneducated dork.


Getting told to keep yourself safe isn't a fucking infringement on humans rights you retard.


Uhm like can we unpack this sweaty??

a guy who said he wants to see them dead.

Eww, I would never want to actually see a chapocel.

So you're fine with them being dead.



Who said there was no reason?

.>Edit* Don't downvote the lolcow

This rule needs to be sticking look how many downvotes these cows are taking its just disgraceful, such poor passive miking powers.

no just chapos

Just because you don't value your life doesn't mean others don't mate.

i value mine just not communists

theyre bascially like ants lmao whoops stepped on one who cares though

Chapocels aren't communists lol.

they think they are and thats good enough for me

You don't make any sense. Pathetic kiddo pretending to have values online. You're LARPing just like them, you're pretending to not care about their value and they pretend to be commies. Both of you are sad cowards.

Your grimy seriousposting hands are all over this sub at the moment. At least pretend to not being an autist plz.

Jews during the holocaust/in concentration camps and blacks during slavery had lower suicide rates than white middle class trannies do in the first world.

If transgender people are largely mentally-ill, they could be more susceptible to harassment than other demographics.

If their suicide rate remains the same post and pre op even in the most progressive places on the planet (like sweden with the infamous study), in the most privilidged class (middle class white in the first world) then the issue is with them, not everyone else.

That study didn't evaluate pre and post op...

The swedish study evaluated normal people and post op, the williams institute evaluated pre and post op. Table 5

The swedish study evaluated normal people and post op

Their findings on the suicide attempt rate was only significant for those who transitioned before 1989 though. Cultural attitudes and medical procedure have changed a lot since then

From the study: "Even though the overall mortality was increased across both time periods, it did not reach statistical significance for the period 1989–2003."

the williams institute evaluated pre and post op. Table 5

It only evaluated lifetime rates, not before/after. We don't know when attempts for post-op took place

Page 16: "As has been noted, the NTDS instrument did not include questions about the timing of suicide attempts relative to transition, and thus we were unable to determine whether suicidal behavior is significantly reduced following transition-related surgeries, as some clinical studies have suggested (Dixen et al., 1984; De Cuypere

et al., 2006)."

Their findings on the suicide attempt rate were only significant for those who transitioned before 1989 though. Cultural attitudes and medical procedure have changed a lot since then

From the study: "Even though the overall mortality was increased across both time periods, it did not reach statistical significance for the period 1989–2003."

If anything sort of a padded cell results in you necking yourself, the issue is you, not society. We're talking about sweden. I want to re-iterate, jews during the holocaust, people in gulags and black slaves had a lower suicide rate than trannies.

It only evaluated lifetime rates, not before/after. We don't know when attempts for presently post-op individuals took place

No, but the number of subject is significant enough to give us a fairly accurate result due to the law of large numbers, unless the results we got were complete coincidental and could have gone either way.

If anything sort of a padded cell results in you necking yourself, the issue is you, not society. We're talking about sweden. I want to re-iterate, jews during the holocaust, people in gulags and black slaves had a lower suicide rate than trannies.

All those groups also had immediate support networks. There's far more vulnerability in isolation than as part of a group, and untreated illness only makes things worse.

The great majority of studies show that acceptance drastically reduces suicide attempts. Your own Williams source says

"Two interrelated risk factors appear to be most strongly related to suicidal behavior among

transgender and gender non-conforming adults: rejection, discrimination, victimization, and violence related to anti-transgender bias and serious mental health conditions. In this study, we found a markedly high prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts among respondents who reported experiencing stressors related to anti-transgender bias, and among those who reported having a mental health condition that substantially affects a major life activity. In addition, our analyses suggest that these two sets of risk factors are closely related."

No, but the number of subject is significant enough to give us a fairly accurate result due to the law of large numbers, unless the results we got were complete coincidental and could have gone either way.

What exactly does this mean?

All those groups also had immediate support networks. There's far more vulnerability to be experienced in isolation than as part of a group, and untreated illness only makes things worse.

The great majority of studies show that acceptance drastically reduces suicide attempts. Your own Williams source says

I am confused does the Swedish study say this as well? Are you honestly implying they're facing rejection, violence, discrimination and victimization in Sweden?

Or do these studies consider being accidentally misgendered a massive discrimination?

I am sure whatever discrimination they face isolation or not is still not as bad as the holocaust

I didn't say it was worse, I said they were vulnerable

I am confused does the Swedish study say this as well? Are you honestly implying they're facing rejection, violence, discrimination and victimization in Sweden? Or do these studies consider being accidentally misgendered a massive discrimination?

"In accordance, the overall mortality rate was only significantly increased for the group operated before 1989. However, the latter might also be explained by improved health care for transsexual persons during 1990s,along with altered societal attitudes towards persons with different gender expressions.[35]...

Other facets to consider are first that this study reflects the outcome of psychiatric and somatic treatment for transsexualism provided in Sweden during the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, treatment has evolved with improved sex reassignment surgery, refined hormonal treatment,[11,41] and more attention to psychosocial care that might have improved the outcome."

Try something more recent

Maybe they should check whether their mental illness plays a bigger role than the actual discrimination they think they face.

Imagine thinking LGBT people never face discrimination. I'm sure they comprise 40% of the youth homeless population for shits and giggles right?

I didn't say it was worse, I said they were vulnerable So you're saying their mental fortitude is so weak they break under shit that are far less severe?

Imagine thinking LGBT people never face discrimination, especially before 1989. I'm sure they comprise 40% of the youth homeless population for shits and giggles right?

Funny you say LGBT as whole? Do gays and lesbians have similar suicide rates after facing similar homelessness and discrimination?

Again their discrimination and corresponding suicide rates seems disproportionate.

So you're saying their mental fortitude is so weak they break under shit that are far less severe?

Are you really this dense or what?

Funny you say LGBT as whole? Do gays and lesbians have similar suicide rates after facing similar homelessness and discrimination?

I mean yeah

"LGB youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth"

"LGB youth who come from highly rejecting families are 8.4 times as likely to have attempted suicide as LGB peers who reported no or low levels of family rejection."

Are you really this dense or what?

I mean are you? Look at what you're answer is to my question

"LGB youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth"

"LGB youth who come from highly rejecting families are 8.4 times as likely to have attempted suicide as LGB peers who reported no or low levels of family rejection."

I asked you whether it as high as Trans not "how much higher it is than Heteros?"

40% percent of trans attempting suicide is an extremely high number. Saying it's X times higher than hetero youth (who have the lowest suicide rates if we go by sexual orientation/gender issues) won't answer my question.

From what I know the numbers is 20% for LGB youth only half as bad as trannies.

From the American Journal of Preventative Medicine32436-X/fulltext)

Data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System indicate that LGB youth are at greater risk for depression, suicide, and substance use and nearly one third (29%) of LGB youth had attempted suicide at least once in the prior year compared with 6% of heterosexual youth

gay males were more likely than non-gay males to have experienced other relationship problems, such as problems with a friend or associate (12.6% vs 2.1%, AOR=5.69, 95% CI=3.20, 10.13), or family relationship problems (16.2% vs 7.9%, AOR=1.97, 95% CI=1.17, 3.32). Gay males were more likely to have had an argument precede the death (21.2% vs 10.1%, AOR=2.03, 95% CI=1.46, 2.81).

Lesbians were also more likely than non-lesbians to have had other relationship problems with a friend or associate (7.8% vs 2.1%, AOR=3.35, 95% CI=1.31, 8.59) or an argument precede the death (29.3% vs 10.6%, AOR=2.88, 95% CI=1.93, 4.29)

Is 30% not high enough for you?

All those groups also had immediate support networks. There's far more vulnerability to be experienced in isolation than as part of a group, and untreated illness only makes things worse.

Really? People telling you that cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman is worse than being worked to death in concentration camps and working as a slave under the whip?

The great majority of studies show that acceptance drastically reduces suicide attempts.

No, all they show is that there is a temporary increase in short term happiness.

Your own Williams source says

"We discovered that drinking bleach results in death. It seems that there is an issue with the discrimination bleach drinkers face, our analysis suggests that in order for bleach drinkers to die less they need to face less discrimination instead of not drink bleach."

If "anti transgender bias" is the excuse for suicide then "anti jew bias" during the holocaust and "anti black bias" during slavery and segregation should have resulted in equally if not higher suicide rates.

Its clear they're bullshitting considering their result doesn't line up with reality.

What exactly does this mean?

They've got such a large number of subject that the numbers for pre and post op suicide will naturally skew to the expected value anyway.

Really? People telling you that cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman is worse than being worked to death in concentration camps and working as a slave under the whip?

Tell me how many Jews are kicked out of the house and rejected by their closest friends and family for being Jewish. How many slaves were rejected by their closest friends and family for being slaves?

If you fail to see that someone suffering in isolation is more vulnerable than someone suffering in a community, that's a problem with you

No, all they show is that there is a temporary increase in short term happiness.

Alright Einstein, show me the source that says satisfaction goes down

"We discovered that drinking bleach results in death. It seems that there is an issue with the discrimination bleach drinkers face, our analysis suggests that in order for bleach drinkers to die less they need to face less discrimination instead of not drink bleach."

Are you suggesting that transitioning hurts the trans person? Where does it do that?

They've got such a large number of subject that the numbers for pre and post op suicide will naturally skew to the expected value anyway.

That doesn't make any sense. The post op value of lifetime suicide attempt rates is going to be incredibly skewed by attempts pre-transition. Remove those if you want a proper comparison

Tell me how many Jews are kicked out of the house and rejected by their closest friends and family for being Jewish. How many slaves were rejected by their closest friends and family for being slaves?

None of that is worse than being put in a concentration camp where your starved, tortured, see your friends and and family die. Holy shit, how sheltered are you?

I never said it was worse, I said it left you more vulnerable

If you want to throw out all nuance and make suffering some kind of competition please do it on your own time

So people whose suffering is objectively worse were less "vulnerable" to suicide than trans folk. So maybe they have bigger issues than rejection from their network?

You realize that a force concentrated on one point exerts more pressure than a force distributed over many, yes? Even when the initial force can be substantially weaker than the first?

Would you like to complain to physics as well?

You realize that a force concentrated on one point exerts more pressure than a force distributed over many, yes? Even when the initial force can be substantially weaker than the first?

So now you're saying they're suffering is worse? Are you retarded?

And you're not arguing physics but psychology. Even looking at it from a physics point of it's retarded because that implies the force is equal when it's more like using a gun to shoot a specific part of your leg as opposed to dropping a truck on your entire leg.

Tell me how many Jews are kicked out of the house and rejected by their closest friends and family for being Jewish.

Are you serious? Jews were being betrayed by literally everyone around them. They had their property taken away and were being hunted down to be sent in camps. Their own communities were giving them away.

How many slaves were rejected by their closest friends and family for being slaves?

Having your dad tell you that you shouldn't cut your dick off is literally worse than being worked to death under the whip picking cotton.

Are you suggesting that transitioning hurts the trans person?

Where does it do that?

The literal physical body that undergoes extensive physical trauma for one. Having to rape yourself with a dildo to keep the axe wound on your crotch closed, the hormones that cause cancer and cardiovascular issues, alongside emotional instability, combined with whatever supplementary surgeries to turn yourself into a shitty caricature of the opposite sex. Not to mention the sterility of course and all the other complications that arise as a result of literally physically mutilating yourself.

The cure to anorexia is not liposuciton

That doesn't make any sense. The post op value of lifetime suicide attempt rates is going to be incredibly skewed by attempts pre-transition. Remove those if you want a proper comparison

Except we still have the swedish study showing post op suicide rate and the williams one showing the pre-op.

Also, lol at the implication that causing grievous physical harm to your body with thousands of complications and no results would help.

That degree finally paying off

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the most privilidged class (middle class white

Your premise is generally correct, but wouldnt upper class white people be more privileged?

If your mental well-being relies so heavily on every single person who communicates with you lying to you, you might deserve to be snipped.

everyone gets bullied but for some magical reason normal kids dont kill themselves en masse

If a mentally-ill child is bullied and kills themselves, do you say the bullying couldn’t have been a factor because children who aren’t mentally-ill but still have been bullied haven’t killed themselves?

no im saying dont pretend your identity is something dumb if you dont want to get picked on

like furries

trans shit isnt actually real so who cares just be a regular person

effeminate boys and masculine girls have always existed, let kids be kids

trans shit isnt actually real so who cares just be a regular person

I’m not saying it is.

yeah ultimately i say punish the parents

but for real you cant brainwash your kid into being a mental case and then blame society for saying "what the fuck"

harassing them is just telling them they need to not take gay drugs lol

My shitty work pc just shows rectangles.

heh you know what would be funny? Talking in baby speak like fren world but doing it with a deader, more limited meme

Great idea chapomongs




I swear to god, it's always that. Give gays an inch and they'll take a mile. Hussie made a mistake by creating it. ~~Nobody look at my profile picture please.~~

I looked

I wonder if hussie is suicidal

so unoriginal they steal memes from runescape

Are you talking about pepe?

why crabs? is there a reason to why it's crabs, is it based on some kind of meme?

I think it's in response to the Lobster movement (Peterson).

Nah, it's a really old and dated meme named Crab rave. Started on r/OkBuddyRetard (tranny originated sub) but it's long dead since. Just like what the retards at r/frenworld did with Apu Apustaja, they want to bring back a dead meme but now with political connotations.

Actually funny unlike you sorry clowns.

The crab meme has been dead since early February.

I don't think memes have an expiration date. Not really going to take Republicans seriously on the rules of humor, since they are where jokes go to die. They only have like one joke anyways.

They only have like one joke anyways.

What's the joke?

something something becareful don't misgender, lol sjw. Something stupid like that.

They definitely have more jokes but they're still raging faggots. Anyone who unironically calls themself a democrat or republican is probably humorless anyways.



I mean, it's not as pathetic as baby speak frogs but it's also devoid of anything actually funny. Honestly Lobster Daddy memes are better

Lol pathetic

The smart thing would be to repurpose the clowns.


The world is melting, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. People are having to sell plasma to make rent. Clownworld is real.

This is actually convincing though, and therefore unacceptable

What's hilarious is that it's the same handful of people making posts, and they don't even have three pages worth of content after a month.