One of the few Chadlike speedrunners has just been #METOO'd at GamesDoneQuick

72  2019-06-27 by volcel_wisdom


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. One of the few Chadlike speedrunner... -,

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Is Sam and tolki gamerghazi 2? Or destiny or something?

It's a subreddit for general e-celebrity gossip, in theory. Most of the time it's an anti-Boogie subreddit.

at first that sounded alright with me but just look at this level of autism

It was actually a great sub before they began their autistic fixation on Boogie, it had a nice mix of e-drama and GDQ trannies. Now it's more or less a play-by-play report on Boogie's twitter feed.

Last week, there was an entire thread dedicating to criticising him for saying that people should get weight loss surgery and improve their lives.

it's kia but for speedruncels

It's an anti-boogie subreddit most of the time. Though whenever GDQ, Trans, or video games in general gets brought up they swing into the standard autistic breakdown mode.

weren't they massively obsessed with Cosmo Wright before his parents took away his internet, or am I thinking of a different subreddit?

They look pleasantly centrist, actually. Lots of "it looks like she's making it up but people posting vids of her masturbating as if it means she can't get molested are slut-shaming".

Nancy doesn't even fucking play any games beyond a casual level. Her entire business at GDQ is to meet and hook up with guys that are a part of the speedrunning community.

what a miserable waste of your life

Can you imagine the smell?

The speed running sex pests who transitioned solely to try getting laid as a transbian must be furious

Can't fault her for doing what she loves but damn speedrunners? At least go after the pro gamer types so you'll get pampered.

GDQ... so they weren’t actual women.

Lol, this is why you don't hang out with foids at public gaming events and why you always have a personal body camera.

Any moid that has any level of fame with any gaming community should have a body camera 24/7.

I was gonna say "are you trying to become the next pizzashill" and then I remembered you are actually him

Ginger with glasses


Ummmm... sweaty....

Chad any%

I don't get this lingo. What does any% mean?

It's a speed running term, any% generally means finishing the game using any techniques like glitches (except for cheats and hacks) and any ending is possible. Of course that depends on a game and some any% runs don't use major glitches that can skip most of the game since those aren't very "fun".

Here's a handy info graphic that explains it better, btw.

He's the Chad of the speedrunners. Otherwise, he fits the profile of a guy who exclusively dates Asian women.

a guy who ... dates

So the Chad of the the speedrunners

not being a trannie in current year speed running

What did he think was going to happen

Foid it GameSmellBad


Lol check the comment section

Based serial killer with pornhub link