Yang Gang Debate Thread

99  2019-06-28 by ManBearFridge


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Disappointed about the lack of inquiry to which candidates support YangBux

Disappointed about the lack of inquiry to which candidates support YangBux so far

They sabotaged Sanders, they will sabotage Yang.

All of the women on the stage are milfs

You have odd tastes, but Yang supports that.

Gillibrand is annoying but goddamm can you imagine her down on her hands and knees with an apple in her mouth

Unfathomably based

None of them have anything on Tulsi, sorry (Harris comes close I guess).


I really wonder what Tulsi looks like without cake-up.

her closing statement last night was well done.

And all pale in comparison to Supreme GILF Nancy

Supreme GILF Nancy

You mean the Supreme COURT RBG!

necrophilia is illegal

necrophilia is when furries go goth

someone tell mamalgam we need daily RBG pics

I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 💯 ass 🍑RBG ⚖️ 😍 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 😘 become a ☠️flatline💀

Can you imagine Bernie as a trap? 🤤

Based and milkerpilled

Given the debate yesterday and the rhetoric so far today, it looks like the party has gotten BERNIE'D and is making a decisive shift to the left this season.

Sure, why not? How many neat bux we get from him?




How'd you miss this, Snally? This has been clear since the day after the last election.

They've continued to push centrists pretty hard, e.g. Beto and Biden

Both are pretty middle-of-the-road in terms of the Democratic party; i.e. liberal. I wouldn't call either of them centrist Democrats (as opposed to Hickenlooper or Delaney last night)

They're pretty middle-of-the-road in general, they're just capitalists who pay lip-service to social justice to prevent the #woke crowd from getting angry and want regulations that are more or less standard fare in the rest of the industrialized world. The candidates in these debates have made a surprising shift to the left in terms of pandering to the working class and adopting more leftist stances and rhetoric than they did prior to the debate. de Blasio visited a worker's strike and quoted Che after the debate ffs

It's also debate #1. You screech enough leftism out, you stand out and get the caucus zealots to support you and keep you going until the field thins and you don't have to pander as much. Overall, this really makes me respect people like ThiccButt even more because he's engaged in so little of the wokelympics.

you stand out and get the caucus zealots to support you

left-wing populism was popular among the zealots during the last election and they still went with the milquetoast centrist route.

I guess we'll have to wait and see if it sticks, but the hard left turn in these debates is a surprising change from what's been peddled by the media since the last presidential election. My guess is that the DNC has hired some competent researchers and analytics people and are steering the conversation based upon the findings.

Yeah, they're trying to snatch Bernie's supporters. I really wasn't expecting Kamala to go so hard on Biden tho

It made sense. She's been flatlining for like 5 months at 7-8%, and Biden has the soft support of her most likely constituency (lawyers).


That was kind of hot ngl

I was shocked Biden wouldn't just concede to open borders with the rest of them. He would suffer absolutely zero setback if he went open borders now and then changed to his real position once the real race starts

The candidates in these debates have made a surprising shift to the left in terms of pandering to the working class and adopting more leftist stances and rhetoric than they did prior to the debate.

Bitch Ohio guy said they need to stop being such Coastal elitists and it was like he said he just pooped his diaper on stage

the delusional cope.

they haven't said Union or Jobs once but Trans Abortions made it in.

they haven't said Union or Jobs once

did you even watch the debate? unions and jobs were brought up by nearly every candidate, there was hardcore pandering to the white working class, fucking de Blasio of all people visited a worker's strike after the debate.

did you even watch the debate?

I literally didn't, I was just shitposting in the hopes that someone like you would tell me about it, I had to go walk my dog and visit a friend so I missed it.

If I knew it was you I wouldn't have said bitch either gimmie the highlights plz

gimmie the highlights plz

There weren't any really, but they pandered to social justice shit much less than expected and in a mostly shallow manner (aside from women's reproductive rights) and almost every candidate invoked Bernie's rhetoric/policies and some referenced him directly. It was a big surprise imo


np np

it'll be interesting to see how this plays out and whether the woke crowd gets upset that they're not getting enough attention if this keeps up.

I don't see how the DNC is going to balance not pandering to the woke group and the working class man, but I didn't see how much they attacked Biden for not being woke enough in the debate.

Seems easier to go to the middle and just tell the woke people to vote for who the Dems pick ala what happened to Bernie Bros

Kamala ripping out Biden's throat over his record was the idpol I didn't know I needed tbf.

hardcore pandering to the white working class

Which is why Robert ~Beto~ fake Mexican O’Rourke paid to have his questions in Spanish and answered in Spanish.

a few shallow episodes of one-off pandering doesn't invalidate the fact that the policy and rhetoric was directed explicitly at the white working class for the majority of the debates

The late-night TV guys are shilling Buttigieg pretty hard, so I'm betting that's who the DNC wants.

which one is that?

Who even remembers

The gay one

which one

The one with the funny name.

The Cuban goblin?


Gay Patrick Bateman

Mayor Pete. Young, gay, learned Greek to read a book.

Calling it now, Warren will win nomination and it'll be Hillary the Sequel with Trump making Pochahontas jokes the entire campaign and Warren getting snookered into the dutch ruddering session with him.

I hate Pocahontas, but she was the most reasonable person in last nights debate. She refused to say the government should take people’s guns.

Indians love beer and firearms. Thank God her diabities and alcoholism didnt take her to the buffalo graveyard

Based and Redskinned

Nearly all of them unironically think you need to pay your nearest black person for enslaving them though so it's really a tough call.

Yang 2020. The only Dem who isn't dabbling in the cancer of idpol.

Fuck you. I'm single issue this year. Whoever pushes the most reparations gets my vote. Mayo rage must accelerate.

unironically a good idea, slaves never got back pay for their work building America while mayos strut around pretending they actually built the greatest nation of earth based on their own awesomeness.

That dude is a glow-nigger.

You've got to know Biden is going to win! He's a terrible public speaker, and prone to terrible gaffes.... but he's a man of heart with real experience.

And a real human bean

And a real hero

You've got to know Biden is going to win! He's a terrible public speaker, and prone to terrible gaffes.... but he's a man of heart with real experience.

He has a good heart, but if his performance during this debate is going to be the norm then he's probably not going to make it. T

if his performance during this debate is going to be the norm

He's already well known for this

He's still a way better option than anybody else.

Debate performance is pretty well-proven to shift the polls too much. Biden's a damn good campaigner and he'll do the retail politics circuit as well as always. I don't know that he's necessarily going to win but I don't think this was a harbinger of his demise.

I'm only talking about the shift of the politicians and party tho

You say this, but it's not just about his performance at the debates

The US has consistently voted for the most charismatic candidate

The thing I can't help to forget is how he rejected running in 2016 because of family issues, and how he was so honest about how he didn't think he could be the best he could be.

🤣🤣🤣He decided not to run in 2016 because he didn’t want to end up on shillarys kill list. That and there was no way he could’ve won the nomination. There was never ever any doubt about who the dem nominee was going to be.

and now he's back because he genuinely believes that is what's right. He isn't in it for the reputation, money or fame.

I might’ve have overdosed on the irony or just be incredibly cynical but I can’t imagine ever actually believing any of that, about any politician,let alone one who has 3 houses, hair plugs and a shitty legislative record.

This is all fireworks snally, it's gonna be Biden. Also, that Marianne Williamson foid saying Trump can only be beaten by LOVE! My fucking sides.

This is all fireworks snally, it's gonna be Biden.

I wouldn't be so sure, he doesn't seem to have the stamina for all of this bullshit.

Also, that Marianne Williamson foid saying Trump can only be beaten by LOVE! My fucking sides.

How was she even allowed on stage?

How was she even allowed on stage?

After last time the DNC is afraid of being too overt with their picks. As a consequence they set the bar for getting to the first debate pretty damn low.

Eh, that's probably a good thing; the less serious people (Jeb?) will go away over time.

Jeb! Is serious and he should be the president.

I think she stumbled up there on a lude-binge.

Trump can only be beaten by LOVE


Most confusing marketing ever. Hillary’s campaign was retarded.

The highlight for me was the Mexican that can't speak good Mexican promoting "abortions for trans-women."

But I want Yang :(

yanggang out

party has gotten BERNIE'D a


Actually, the party has gotten Trump as he was a hardcore Democrats before running in the primary. Trump believes in universal healthcare, gun control, and abortion before Bernie run for President.

Actually, the party has gotten Trump as he used to be a hardcore Democrat. Trump used to be a big supporter of Universal healthcare, gun control, and abortion right up until the 2016 election. Bernie is just adopting many of Trump socialist policies to fit in with the millennials.

can I get your fent dealer's number? you've got some strong stuff

you've got some strong stuff

Sure! I will be happy to give you my fent dealer number after you give me yours. I'm going need it after watching tonights debate.

you can't just delete your first post and then pull a 'no u', that's kinda lame

that's kinda of lame

Actually it kinda of lame for people to write a post that doesn't make any sense at all. If a person is going write a post they need to make sure the reader can understand it.

being such a pussy you delete posts on /r/drama

stop drinking soy KingRuler07

Only going to happen for the primaries, I will immensely enjoy the near instant pivot to the center from any person who gets nominated who isn't Biden/Bernie.

this is true

I can't believeve I doubted yang 😫

Pretty much, this is all just a show to look the wokest to the Dem's base.

This is just the debate phase where they pretend to be retarded to get more of the insane people who actually vote in primaries to support them.

Almost every candidate is using Bernie rhetoric and most of them even referenced him. Compare this debate to the last early dem primaries and it's painfully obvious that the strategy is to shift right and pander harder to the working-class

This is because of Biden, He has the center left position and anyone interested in the the center left will just vote for him. There is no ground to the right of him, at least no ground worth holding so the name of the game is to capture the ground to his left. Right now they're all fighting eachother but as the primaries get tighter and they have to go after Biden expect them to want to eat deeper into that center left share, price is right +$1 style.

Bernie rhetoric

Shift right

Say what?

They've been so drenched in idpol they think caring about the working class instead of the urban poor and underemployed baristas is right-wing now.

Urban poor are working class. Sanders doesn't neglect poor in cities he champions the poor everywhere.

If you're on welfare, you aren't working class, the urban poor and fetanyl-Americans both. It's blue-collar work.

Tbh, I put retail wage slaves in the same category unless they climb the ladder enough to be a shift manager or otherwise take on some modicum of responsibility.

Lol you are retarded. Working class doesn't equal only white guy in a F-150 commercial.

My bad, I meant 'shift left'

Oh much better.

You forgot to drop a paragraph in broken Mexican to catch the beaner vote.

Do you think they’re going to whittle the cast down to one centrist and one radical? Or are the radicals too powerful this season?

Oh no, they are speaking Spanish again.

Vota por mí o tu madre morirá mientras duerme esta noche.

dios mio

This is Yang country




I don’t like russia



gets laughed off the stage


Yang's a bit thiccer than I realized. Does he work out, or is he just a pasty nerd?

Under that suit is where he carries all his bags, where are yours?

Not fair, Biden brought in a cheerleader 😡

This sassy lady of color is stealing too much of the spotlight from Yang.

LOL that question where they ask if you'd abolish employer insurance plans and fucking Biden does a half-hand and Demothot #3 scratches her nose like she's raising her hand... Lester Holt's hitting the right notes

Daddy Yang is taking home the gold tonight

definitely more watchable than the one last night

Kristen Gillebrandt is such an annoying, bitchy mayo foid. Bring back Mommy Tulsi 😍 Also, this debate is a joke lmao smh

Gillebrand is literally screeching every time she speaks wtf

Mayo women smh my head

That's just how she sounds. There's a reason that she went from Heir Apparent to the Hilldawg throne in NY to some irrelevant also-ran in the span of a single senate term. Literally no one likes working with her, apparently. Even one of her own underlings claimed she swept her sexual assault accusation under the rug, and this is the same Senator who invited Mattress Girl to the State of the Union.

Didnt mattress girl go there after she got outed too? Its either that or some feminist award, or both.

I think Gillibrand invited her like right after it became a big news story, because Democrats just can't help but fall over themselves to believe anything that fits the wokenarrative, even if it ends up making them look retarded down the line.

And she was also the spearhead of the push to get Franken shitcanned.

I'm changing my vote to OJ

OJ is such a nice guy! He's really got a lot of heart and wants us all to be ourselves. I'm glad he's finally taken a stab at social media and tell it like it is! The gloves are off for the juice!

Sports heroes r/drama needs to mod yesterday:

OJ (center of the fun, appeared in multiple TV shows and documentaries)

Messi (manlet, autist, his kids cuck him about Barca losing)

Balotelli (fireworks enthusiast, not afraid to call out rightoid spergposters)

Kyrie (eye see all, knows truth of flat earth)

Megan Rapinoe (go visit the white house my ass (I won't go to the white house))

Unironically the dude is charasmatic as fuck. I mean don't get me wrong, he's a total murder but I see why people like him.

He was great in the Naked Gun movies. True comic timing.

OJ truly stabbing everyone above him. Including white women on TV.

Kamala Harris is channeling her inner AOC with this dramatic-ass monologue, this is too good. Dramacoin's going to the moon in the next 18 months

Marian williamson is fucking baked out of her mind.

Williamson sounds just like Jill Stein their both crazy.

Has anyone actually done a location check on Jill?!

Awww shit, our boy Andy with the edgy meanie word

Did he say it? Did he say the N-word?

>no Daddy Gravel

This election is illegitimate

Just imagine how much better this debate would be with a soundtrack like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S2zkh6ZOGE

Chuck Todd looks like he should be performing magic tricks on Friday nights at Pizza Hut

Would your healthcare plan give coverage to """""undocumented"""" immigrants?

Everyone raises their hands

Godammit, it's like we're trying to lose

I don't get it it's way easier to say no and just not acknowledge that they get treated at ERs and shit anyway (even if it is likely more expensive to do it this way)

""""Undocumented"""" immigrants can't even vote. Why are you pandering to literal foreigners? The hispanic vote is in the godamn bag, you are running against TRUMP for fuck's sake. Say anything other than "LMAO Build The Wall!" and you'll win 80% of the hispanic vote just like you always do. Why the flim-flaminy-fuck are the Dem's so intent on shooting themselves in the face over an in-the-bag demographic?

Twitter made everybody retarded and afraid of getting cancelled so they are all gonna be hyperwoke until the field gets cut down to the last man standing then its gonna be normal democrat shit and twitter will seethe

I was thinking that too. Quit listening to the retarded opinions of .001% of the population

then its gonna be normal democrat shit and twitter will seethe

I hope not. I want to see daddy run against free healthcare for non-citizens. Can you imagine the seething if daddy lost at that point? Might even score a boogaloo out of that rage.

How many an heroes will we get once that happens and why will 100% of them be traps? [It's always trans women who flip out about this shit and never trans men]

Barely got any an hero last cycle, for the noise they made, we can only pray now

did you post this yesterday too?

My conspiracy theory is that a few major figures in the party read this book when it came out 15 years ago and have infected the party with the idea that they can Californize the entire country if they get enough illegals in and can ram through an amnesty bill.

the Hispanic vote is in the bag

“””Hispanics””” don’t necessarily want an open border. They left their countries for a reason.

they genuinely think its a popular position lol

Raising taxes on the middle class to pay for universal healthcare for illegal immigrants.

Trump is going to win again, isn't he.

If the Dem's stick with this kind of pants-on-head retarded approach and the economy stays strong, he'll actually win the popular vote too this time. Like, you lost because working class white people feel alienated from your party because all you do is focus on "others" and "foreigners", so in literally the first debate you all sign up to use said people's tax dollars, which you said you'll raise, to fund literal foreigners' healthcare... like, HOW stupid are you?

He wont even need a war to win, and then probably brag hes the first to get a second term in decades without starting a new one, then the leftoids are gonna seethe about his provocations and we will get even more drama, has there ever been a worse time for the dramacoin

has there ever been a best time for the dramacoin

10 civil wars you may have forgotten about, #69 will definitely surprise you. Historians hate me.

As if anything that happened before social media affected the dramacoin in the same way trump presidency has, boomer medias were centralized, now the whole world is enjoying the best retardation in every corner of the planet

Ahh but you're not properly accounting for the inflation of dramacoin. That's why the richest athlete in history isn't Jordan it's some chariot fucker from Rome.

The inflation only applies to the growth of the population, im talking about access here mate, you have peoples in zimbabwe tilted at brexit or fentamericans in alabama mad at hong kong protests now, things that exponentially increase its value

True, but did that chariot guy have some dope kicks for the past 30 years?

I doubt many of them will. General election debates are mostly pointless, but primary debates aren't. These are genuinely the only debates that matter this election cycle, so they aren't campaigning to win over the public, they're campaigning to win over their party.

After that's done I imagine they're gonna soften up a lot to not alienate the moderates.

you lost because working class white people feel alienated from your party because all you do is focus on "others" and "foreigners", they're all on fent

oh yeah plus just let them in

That's why you just tax the billionaires

Trump is Allah's chosen friend.



Did they actually say/do that?

I'm sorry, but did Andrew Yang already lose? Oh, that's right. The debate isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 10:08. Does not having the lead at 10:08 count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debate is still on? Yang is still debating right now and he has been the best candidate in the Democrat Party for how many years now? He’s debating one of the worst politicians in the Democrat Party who just happen to have a lead because he’s feeding off the energy of being Obama’s vice president. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Yang is one of the best fucking politicians on the stage, he got 100 thousand donations last year and would of gotten more if Bernie didn't run. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Andrew Yang wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Joe Biden just gave a shitty answer to how he would fix healthcare, just like Kamala Harris. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Yang topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the guy because he’s good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these other candidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Lmao everybody is just taking endless potshots at Biden hoping to get over on him.

Yang and Bussy Judge MIA lol

I don't get how the question asking even works. Just ask the popular candidates most of the question and then let the same people interrupt for 2 minute stump speeches?

They really should have done an enforced Mic shutoff for question and rebuttal

It's almost like the DNC wants to narrow the field down.

lolno, even NBC knows the only reason anyone's tuning into this is in the hopes it's a Republican primary 2016-tier shitshow, the infighting and same people constantly interrupting is intentional.

I'm not even against Bernie but holy shit that dude never answers the questions he's asked. He just goes off on whatever.

Lol Bernie literally never answers the question he's asked.

Millionaires(Lmao, "Book Deal Bernie") and Billionaires..... Free Colleeeege....

I'm noticing that as well. Also, everyone in that debate is so obviously threatened by Biden.

"Alright let's talk about guns: candidates, how do you personally plan to lose the election again?"

Here it comes

promising to go house to house taking """assault weapons""" will really win you votes in rural areas

Bernies coming for your guns burgers, I cant wait for the headlines tomorrow about the rise in gun sales

Yang is literally in shambles.

Jesus Christ, the NBC livestream has crashed three times in around two minutes.

Yeah it kept dropping to potato quality, I thought it was on my end but literally everything else was streaming fine.

Swalwell: trying way too fucking hard, looks like a marionette

Williamson: ???

Bennet: Nobody cares about milquetoast senators

Hickenlooper: Trying to run a campaign from 2008. No chance. Centrism dooms him

Gillibrand: Muh women. Muh clean elections. Captures single issue voters on very narrow issues

Yang: shambolic disaster

Harris: Has fire and good public speaking skills. Wokescold.

Bussy: Mayor, so he actually has done things. Speaks like a human, not a TV screen, witty, actually talks about policy, 100% winner

Sanders: just get in the grave already, no one cares

Biden: Here's how Biden can still win, guys. Can barely get a fucking sentence out without swallowing his tongue.

Based and donkey pilled

Tell us more about how you like bussy boy

I hope he notices. I need respectable military man bussy N O W

That was a lot of words to say you like a college town mayor to be in charge of a superpower.

The mayor of fagtown thinks he can run a superpower with just his ability to communicate ideas using complete sentences. America needs a leader that is semi literate and barely coherent if we're going to survive the warming globalism (((soros))) is cooking up for us.

I don't think you understand how useless Senators and Representatives are in current year 2019, being a senator gives you -20 electability points.

I guess Kamala was at least a state AG but it was for fucking clownifornia


Even if Buttigieg were to win the primary somehow, he'd be literally doomed in 2020 because fentanyl-Americans are still traumatized by bussy

We can't elect le icky gay person, muh bible and all. Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, dog bless

He's icky regardless of loving bussy.

Marianne Williamson is the official /r/drama candidate.

How dare you

Literally who?

Gussied-out Granny

Imagine making the human personification of boomer white women #resisting the /r/drama candidate

But shes pro reparation

this but unironically



when is yang going to release his debut soundcloud rapper track crying about how he was bullied onstage.

Unironically, I was impressed by Kamala. Still not voting for her though.

It's kinda Biden or bust for Dems, and if they're gonna support free healthcare for illegals, I don't see how I can vote for them.

Why should I care about that? The only problem I see is that every universal healthcare program covers Fentanyl-Americans.

Give me $1000 dollars
