So I decided to check out r/AgeplayPenPals after the rightoids sperged about it, and YIKES

118  2019-06-28 by Ghdust2


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. So I decided to check out r/Ageplay... -,,

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Almost makes chapos seem human in comparison.

Wrong, they're equally subhuman


Because they are the same people:

yo what the actual fuck

The only good comment on that entire sub

Why this hasn't been nuked from orbit is fucking beyond me (unless it's some kind of elaborate FBI honeypot). They wont even let the anime subs post their stupid loli shit without banning users but graphic depictions of kidnapping and raping a 10 year old are perfectly fine apparently. ๐Ÿคก๐ŸŒ indeed.

I got like two sentences in and yeah burn and salt that earth. Fuck that

Daddy can start that nuclear war with Iran any moment now.

I've always been on the fence about it, but this has finally convinced me that the internet was a complete mistake. Does anyone know the directions to the biggest server farm in the US?

Three letters. DNS

Ashburn, VA.

Make sure you get reddit's servers too!

Same. Fucking closed that shit, feel like I am probably on a list now.

Yea, if you report the posts there, one of the options is along the lines of, โ€œinvolves minors.โ€ So Iโ€™d say itโ€™s pretty much NOT legal.

Based and bible pilled

Iโ€™m actually of the opinion that two adults can act however they want with consent. Maybe itโ€™s not normal but as long as they keep that shit private, Iโ€™m not too bothered. People donโ€™t come into r/drama and judge us for loving bussy.

r/ageplaytales got banned so maybe they're next?

r/ageplaytales was the right-wing r/ageplaypenpals.

Let the degens play out their fantasies harmlessly you faggots. Writing rape fic has to be one of the best ways the sexual energies of a pedo can be directed.

Killing themselves is the only worthwhile thing a pedo can do with their energy.

Just need one blue check to write an opinion piece on an obscure website and its over for them

There's one more now:

The ending would we better if the cops busted in and blew your brains out all over the walls. Maybe the next one.

This sub may unironically outlast TD, cth and us.

Children are the future.

That entire sub is an FBI psy op, right?

I refuse to believe otherwise


unfortunately ageplay/ddlg/dmlb/abdl is have been the trendy kink for the past couple years. it seems to be equally enjoyed by both men and women but given that it's text-only it's probably mostly a bunch of pedos pretending to be kids and getting off to each other

Leftists love abusing children, so it's no wonder that they've pushed to normalize shit like this.

its true, the catholic church in the 20th century was a stronghold for the radical left

At least priests imparted strong ethics into the kids they diddle, whereas all leftists do is force-feed them hormones in order to ruin their lives.

I'm sorry your hippy daddy touched you ๐Ÿ˜ข

Nah, it's pretty common irl, too. I like a lot of kinky sex (but not this shit) and dabbled with the idea of the kink 'community' to see if there was anyone there worhh fucking. Two things:

  1. No, everyone there are unironically fuckin weirdos and usually physically pretty gross

  2. Age play may not be the most popular thing, but it's far from niche

Pretty much this but for pedos

Wouldn't it being text based possibly point to a female dominant demographic? Erotica seems to primarily be consumed by females after all.

Wouldn't it being text based possibly point to a female dominant demographic? Erotica seems to primarily be consumed by females after all.

Good point, though I'm not sure if the demographics of people exchanging letters is different than the one reading erotica. Women can get laid irl more easily and reddit isn't a big place for female-oriented fetish shit so I just assumed it was men.

It's a very different scene in the kink spaces - probably because those people actually would like to live it in the real world, and there you simply cannot get away from the fact that everyone is an adult.

It's still super weird, but without this aggressively pedo creepy vibe.

Men and โ€œwomenโ€ you mean?

Nah it's big on places like tumblr

Please be true... 35,000 people are subscribed to that shit.

I got banned from there

I'm genuinely surprised there are mods

The last time this sub was featured on r/Drama the top mod went here and argued with everyone for hours.

Did you kink shame them?

99% upvoted. Burn this site to the ground.

I'm on a list because of that post, God damn it dude.

The AgePlayPenPals mailing list?

There is a tranny on there (transAPPdomme) that explicitly requests being contacted by a child.

And I would LOVE to find a fellow dom (or even a good submissive manwife with a dirty mind) as a partner in crime or a little that wants to get the shit fucked out of him.

She has made about 50 reposts on that sub saying largely the same (the request for a little to contact her is a constant in all of them). Yet still not banned with probably over 20 times of being reported. Either this is some lousy sting operation or spez found his passion in libertarianism.

They're not banned because they're not" requesting to speak to a child. You're completely unfamiliar with the lingo and the fetish. The term *little does not refer to an actual, literal child. A little is an adult woman who adopts the childish role in a DDlg relationship.

Are you trying to say that person isn't fucked in the head?

No hes just pointing out that that's part of the role-play, someone acting "little". Then again it could be a dog whistle, I wouldn't know I'm not a dog. It's all fucked either way

Are you sure about that? The way VanillaReign answered smacks of implicit approval of the going-ons here. Try not to answer for other people in the future.

All I'm saying is that person isn't looking to speak with actual children, which was the previous comment's misguided accusation. I made no statement concerning his/her/its mental health.

Admins don't really have a leg to stand on since they banned the jailbait sub because "pedos might look at them in a sexualized way".

Jailbait was sexualizing actual minors. Do you not understand the distinction? The entire point of that sub was sexualizing actual minors. Ageplaypenpals is adults role-playing as children.

Fair warning, this is kinda dark. It involves a kidnapped little girl becoming a slut (which she enjoys) but the kidnapper seems to outsmart the police and delights in taunting her parents with what she's doing. I'd really like to play up that angle: the pervert getting off knowing her parents see what he does to her and the little girl acting so happy despite being treated like a sex object.


Really, an alt just for this thread? You seem little obsessed, friend. Don't you have a pizza parlor to shoot up somewhere?

5 day old account retard

daily reminder you're supporting people who get off to ten year olds being raped in front of their parents

Actually no, because it's not real.

Won't somebody please think of the children?

why did he delete his account

Nah its literal child pornography stories you defend by saying the author is just pretending, in other words a loophole you pedophile.

That's not a loophole, that's the intent of the law. Only a drooling retard would think criminalizing fiction is a good thing. Are you a drooling retard? Explain how this is somehow different than other fictional depictions of crime that are also entirely. legal. Try to make a more convincing argument than just muh children.

Only a drooling retard would think criminalizing fiction is a good thing. Are you a drooling retard?

Did you read the linked story? Like at all? Imagine thinking that wanting that stuff made illegal makes me a "drooling retard" that wants to "criminalize fiction." That story was the op's deviant sexual fantasy, and if someone came upon that story they'd be hard pressed to discover it's "role play" instead of seeing it for what it is, child pornography, written instead of photos or video but still reprehensible and absolutely a loophole being freely exploited.

Ask yourself this, these people get off only to the pretend aspect and not the being attracted to children and children in sexual situations aspect?

Imagine thinking that wanting that stuff made illegal makes me a "drooling retard" that wants to "criminalize fiction."

There's no need for quotation marks because that is literally what you're advocating for, and yes, that makes you a drooling retard. Regardless of how much you abhor someone else's speech, they still have the right to express it.

Ask yourself this, these people get off only to the pretend aspect and not the being attracted to children and children in sexual situations aspect?

That's completely irrelevant. The law is not, and should never be, concerned with someone's thoughts or fantasies. Mental illness is not a crime. Unnatural attractions are not a crime. Acting on them is the crime. For all the hissyfits you right-wing faggots throw about the left wanting to punish thought-crimes, you're all totally oblivious to it once your side gets to determine what's kosher and what's verboten.


the vast majority of those disgusting prompts are written and regularly reposted by foids

Really makes you think

by "foods"

It's because there's less stigma about having these fantasies as a victim.

So every single one of those women in the sub have been diddled as kids? Hmmm

Seriousposting continued, I think there's certainly an increased history of that, but it's a lot more complex and some masochistic submissive littles have no history of abuse.

of course every commenter in that thread is subbed to either;

  1. /r/FtMPorn
  2. /r/ddlg/
  3. /r/wickr_pervs/
  4. /r/chastity
  5. /r/Sissies

and that josh cunt whos obsessed with tickling minors





Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo come to mind...

Not quarantined btw.


I dont see whats wrong with this its just a sub for libertarians?

At least they are not as bad as T_D

Reddit gonna quarantine r/the_donald but not you niggas lol



Today is the day that /r/drama turned into /r/SubredditDrama

Because we don't like pedos?

Indeed. It is a sad day, and one I hoped never to live to see.

Suifuel for Darkwolfcels

I dunno. If you've ever jerked off to Piper Perri, some kind of "Stepmom" porn, schoolgirls, porn where someone is portraying a "teen" etc, you've basically taken part in ageplay, which according to threads like this, makes you a pedo and you should be extinguished from the Earth.

The rules all seem based on making sure people are consenting adults who aren't sharing even drawn pictures of anything, so it mostly seems fine to me because it's not based on anything real (tbh, I'm more disturbed by shit like A Serbian Film or any of Rob Zombie's splattergore movies existing because exploitation horror is disgusting and visually depicts that stuff, but others call if art and no one gets hurt, so eh)

Get a load of this massive faggot