Seriouspost: Help me Understand Kanye West

4  2019-06-28 by DramaModsAreGay

I was speaking to someone at work today who was unironically one of these "kanye is a genius" types. I knew they existed but I seriously can't understand it. I'm not even meming right now, I genuinely want someone to help me see what others see in this bloviating retard and his shit-tier music. Even from an objective point-of-view, ignoring the man's infamous ego and just looking at his art... I genuinely don't see what they see in it. I'm listening to some of his music now, but it honestly sounds just like every other contemporary hip-hop sound I've already heard a million times already in this life on random passing cars with windows too wide open and radios up too loud. Case in point, I had a youtube playlist on that secretly slipped in some Ice Cube and I didn't even notice until I went to close the tab. Taken in a vacuum, just looking at the music on its own merits, it's pretty by-the-numbers. I'm talking compositonally; the beats, the rhythms, the production, etc; it's all pretty uninspired and predictable. The only interesting parts I ever hear are when he rips-off (sorry, I mean samples) better stuff from other genres of music. I'm not a hip-hop head by any means but I have some stuff in my library. I've listened to a bit of MF Doom, Subtle, some Aesop Rock, etc; and although I'm by no means an expert in the genre it really seems like those guys are million miles ahead of this drab joker and his uninspired takes. Aesop especially, as a musician and a lyricist, just blows this fucking clown out of the water imo- his beats, his production, his ryhthms, syncopation, concepts, themes... It's been easy for me to hand-wave away his fans as philistines discovering their first sparkling water after a lifetime of nothing but sewage runoff, but my coworker isn't really stupid so I dunno. Maybe I'm missing something. Am I listening to the wrong things? Is it all about some hidden context that's only knowable to hip-hop fans? Or is my instinct right and he's just a giant bright light for musically-handicapped moths?


my coworker isn't really stupid

Are you sure?

Relative to me at least

You, him, and Kanye are retarded. Embrace it.

Did you just assume my coworker's gender

Yeah. I noticed low iq guys are more likely to stupidly argue points than low iq girls who just smoke meth and shit out 10 kids.

Kanye is mentally ill and so is this post

Case in point, I had a youtube playlist on that secretly slipped in some Ice Cube and I didn't even notice until I went to close the tab.

I too don't see any difference between Yeezus and Ice Cube's music.

Not a hip hop fag but with “innovators” like Kanye he sounds samey because he’s likely been so influential on other rappers that are around now. Dudes built up a great career through his music and clothes which you’ve got to respect and I’m sure he consistently pulls fat numbers for his record label not to mention he’s unironically got a hand full of really catchy songs. I’m pretty sure it’s a drake type thing where everything he realizes just does good on the charts and is of a consistent quality which isn’t all that common. The wiggers in r/hiphopheads could probably write you some gay long post about how he’s an innovator though I remember a few years ago he used to get a lot of Elon musk/Neil degrasse type reddit fanboying over there

Kanye West is what I consider to be the Steve Jobs of rap. He was a guy with a non-conventional personality who was exceptionally talented at managing others into creating a product to appeal to "normies".

Go to bed boomer

Because he makes classics like this

He's the GOAT for that masterpiece.

If you didn't listen to Graduation everyday on your iPod while walking home from Jr. High you'll never truly understand Kanye. Aesop Rock and MF Doom are schizo garbage. Kanye is the one that is consistently making popular hip hop which will stand the test of time. The only others that come close are Dr Dre and maybe Outkast

Kanye haters vs Kanye dickriders HAS to be one of the longest wars ever.


This makes OutKast & Dre look like The Wiggles.

His songs have a pleasant sound to them

I was speaking to someone at work today

How fucking desperate are you?

Not just stopped reading, went full puke mode.

The fact you wrote this retarded long post and the polarization of opinions about him proves he's doing something right, even if he's retarded himself