Looney Labour Britbongs Buttblasted As Based HeteroMayo Wins LGBT Seat

24  2019-06-28 by pantaloonation


Let’s just say Newham is a very ‘enriched’ area...

So, hold on, the straight majority he refers to is not "white" then?

I’m just speculating but I doubt it is, given the area.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Looney Labour Britbongs Buttblasted... - archive.org, archive.today

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A straight white man was voted by a straight majority GC to be a LGBT Officer. Tell me how the Labour Party is still the party for equality and social justice?

Tell me why you're not a wrecker


ما شاء الله‎

The real drama is in this reply.

If a straight white man was appointed women’s officer there’d be outrage!

Apparently a white transwoman was appointed as a woman's officer, so all the terfs have come out of the woodwork.

But do you need to be LGBTQA=5#+ to advocate for them? or would denying someone the chance to prove themselves based on sexual orientation and race itself be discriminatory?


Equal rights means EVERYONE gets a shot at the pie even people in the majority.