Yang says his mic was muted, /r/aznidentity chimes in

75  2019-06-28 by uniqueguy263


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Yang says his mic was muted, /r/azn... - archive.org, archive.today

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IStandWithYang 😀





And fairly based as well

also Turingpilled

Dems messing up with democratic process by most demeaning methods?


It probably wasn't on purpose they just wanted to let the real candidates have more mic time.

Biden is not a real candidate though.

Because THE TORCH HAS BEEN PASSED. Zoomers rise up! πŸ˜ŽπŸ’―

Watch out, he's right behind you

Biden is the preferred heir.

Mike Gravel wasn't on stage though?

>Yeah, I just got back from punching the wall. I just can't express how I feel with a keyboard right now.

the yang thing is pretty bad, but god i just can't stop laughing at the image i have in my head of some seething asian manlet going to town on his drywall

I'm imagining a ricecel using the ancient Asian martial arts (that he learned at a dojo next to a denny's).

Next post he'll make is how white people built the studs too close and he shattered his hand.

Heaven have mercy on the soul that stands between a NEET and his tendibux

I'm more surprised that he's co-opted a prime past time of the mayo male, punching drywall.

Yang lost all of his steam after 4chan got bored with him.

Actually he actively shut down all of his meme support. One of the dumbest political moves I can imagine for someone in his position.

Still, this should provide a nice basis for beginning to claim the DNC's primaries are still corrupt.


Obligatory Asian vs chad OC

Asian men are the white women of deep-state gentrified coastal elite cities

We NEED to spread this. Make sure this story breaks.

the people who don't care already will care even less because the outrage is now manufactured πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ it's your fault this happened πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ don't @ me

Yup truly disturbing and I am utterly speechless, no pun intended. Let's think of this as a metaphor to what they have done to countless qualified Asian men who have tried to achieve their dreams that haven't made news.

lol aznC O P E

Western devil can’t even make microphone in you country πŸ˜‚ and you have audacity turn off for only asian candidate!! Pearl Harbor was just a prequel, you wicked dogs.

He should just admit that he has autism if he wants to excuse his awful performance.

Are we sure he just couldnt see the push to talk button with his squinty eyes?

Is /r/aznidentity the sub for ching chong incels or am I thinking of /r/hapas?

Huawei tries to succeed outside of the American-approved framework. America can't stand that and does everything to stop people everywhere buying their wares.


Andrew Yang tries to succeed within the American-approved framework. America can't stand that and cuts off his microphone

Yes these things are related, definitely