Yang had his mic muted at the debate last night. Fun collection of cope from many subs.

150  2019-06-28 by Clean_lt_Up_Jannie


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  1. Yang had his mic muted at the debat... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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How dare they mute Daddy Yang 😤

They're scared of the power of NEETbux

Unironically makes me seethe. More proof that the system is innately corrupt, regardless of which side is elected.

Remember 2017 when the DNC admitted that Sanders would have won, had they not rigged it for Hillary? The reddit hivemind response was "they are an organisation that can decide which candidate they put forward"

This is gonna be a repeat of that, just 7 or 8 times in one season. "Sure his mike was turned off, but they can choose whom they give airtime to" "Sure the hawaian politician was the only one dealing with critical questions, but they can choose who answers what"

Gotta love democracy

Remember 2017 when the DNC admitted that Sanders would have won the primaries, had they not rigged it for Hillary?


Yeah wtf, sanders never had a chance

But but but ...all those 'heres how Bernie can still win" articles???

Here’s how Bernie can still win the 2016 election today, if it only the DNC would stop preventing him from inventing a time machine

But but but ...all those 'heres how Bernie can still win" articles???

Sure, the emails from that guy DNC, they were released by the hacker 4chan, he also killed the guy we forgot about, Sam Poor?

If Seth Rich didn't want to get murdered, then why did he work for an organization that elected someone named Killary?


This didn’t happen lmao cope harder commie

"Sure the hawaian politician was the only one dealing with critical questions"

Lmao only on Reddit would someone think Gabbard was the only one "dealing with critical questions." Please try not to off yourself when your meme candidate doesn't even make it to the primaries.

That’s actually the only thing I agreed with in his post.

and you're only on reddit, right?

Actually, he's in my local kite club the Augusta Hellkites

>Remember 2017 when the DNC admitted that Sanders would have won the primaries, had they not rigged it for Hillary?


That's not what happened, the DNC argued "assuming it's all true," they (the DNC) have every right to do so, and could even just have 3 guys with cigars pick someone, the charter rules governing an impartial primary are "political rhetoric," and not any kind of binding contract, so the lawsuit is invalid. The court agreed and dismissed the case.

Meme candidates aren't people.

Remember kids: make sure to eat healthy so your organs are in top shape when Bernie starts requiring organ donations to stay in the race.


I usually don’t care about politics, but you’re right. I hope Yang can get some justice

I'm someone who doesn't know anything but my uninformed statement about what's going on is absolutely right

Not having preconceived notions ("knowing" things) makes him more centrist and thus naturally wise.

you can know lots of things without caring about any of them

He's a national debate champion, but this format doesn't really let people who debate well, using facts and reason, to shine. It's a corporate lead sound bite harvesting event.


And he was afraid to bring it up at the debate? Imagine if someone disabled daddy's mic at the debate, he would probably take a mic from other candidate and roast the tv station.

He would take the place of one of the moderators.

Please 👏

True. He belongs back hosting a shitty tv show instead of being in charge of anything

I don’t envy him. Telling “Hey my mic is muted!” Would make you look like a retard on live television, especially if they turned it on as you were calling them out.

Lol Yang got cucked


Yeah, there's a good chance they're mostly just incompetent, rather than malicious, at least when it comes to the mic issues.

Lol MSNBC is just an arm of the DNC at this point.

I love how conspiritards on the right and left think the DNC is some powerful, shadowy cabal akin the Illuminati or the Rosicrucians. It's a two-bit fundraising and candidate search operation that had to be bailed out by the Clinton campaign. It also hosts a big party every 4 years.

Then why did it take Russia's greatest government hackers to leak all those emails?

What a retarded angle. They got the emails because it's a shoddy organization.

But shoddy organizations barely even have to be hacked, I've been assured that only a government intelligence agency could have pulled this off. We've been assured by the entirety of the western intelligence community. Most of the CIA went to Harvard and Yale and I doubt you did so I'm gonna go with them over you.


Ironically, the political parties are weaker than they've ever been.

They are so weak that the networks (Fox and MSNBC) and internet communities have taken over the role of de facto parties, since they're more powerful than the actual parties .

what power have they lost?

They used to own the political machines, really. If the party didn't like you, it wouldn't give you any money, and it wouldn't endorse you, so you weren't going anywhere. This was a curse because it concentrated power in the hands of a corrupt few like Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. But it was also a blessing because the parties actually cared about the cause; it also meant crazy people, liars, racists, grifters, etc. couldn't run.

The age of partisan media and the internet changed all that. Now the people with the power to disseminate the message are on TV, radio, and their only concern is making money. So guys like Rush Limbaugh who doesn't give two shits about the cause are literally leading the conservative cause. Also the internet cuts out the middle man altogether, so politicians who can navigate social media do well. But there's no filter so they can lie and demagogue all they want.

Yang Cux