47 2019-06-28 by dootwthesickness_II
1 AutoModerator 2019-06-28
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-28
Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src
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1 Alicesnakebae 2019-06-28
Aaron get poor taste in bussy
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-06-28
Aaron could do way better.
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole 2019-06-28
Uhhhhh, I'm from Illinois, literally fucking everybody knew he was gay before he ran. Jesus christ reddit is retarded.
1 dootwthesickness_II 2019-06-28
Yeah but he still denied it constantly.
Yeah but we still knew lol we even bragged about having a gay Republican candidate. Illinois is stupid af bro
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-06-28
that's gay af
1 serialflamingo 2019-06-28
For a Mexican gogo boy he's got no ass, jeezo.
1 Plexipus 2019-06-28
Probably campaign funds he's stuffing into those briefs
1 AutoModerator 2019-06-28
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-28
Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src
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1 Alicesnakebae 2019-06-28
Aaron get poor taste in bussy
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-06-28
Aaron could do way better.
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole 2019-06-28
Uhhhhh, I'm from Illinois, literally fucking everybody knew he was gay before he ran. Jesus christ reddit is retarded.
1 dootwthesickness_II 2019-06-28
Yeah but he still denied it constantly.
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole 2019-06-28
Yeah but we still knew lol we even bragged about having a gay Republican candidate. Illinois is stupid af bro
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-06-28
that's gay af
1 serialflamingo 2019-06-28
For a Mexican gogo boy he's got no ass, jeezo.
1 Plexipus 2019-06-28
Probably campaign funds he's stuffing into those briefs