Dementia daddy and Russia daddy get WOKE on the journalist question, r/politics seethes

82  2019-06-28 by CapeshitterCOPE


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Dementia daddy and Russia daddy get... -,,

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Daddy finally got woke to the journalist question



Not a bad idea.

Who do you have in mind? Lauren Southern? Milo? Steve Bannon? Alex Jones?

Oh, that's right, you meant journalists you dislike. You just have a weird practice of using the term 'journalist' to refer to journalists you dislike, rather than the actual literal members of the profession.

David Icke, or GTFO.

Haha everyone point and laugh hes seriousposting! What a faggot haha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ

I just kinda want to see them naked. They can still journo if every piece was accompanied with one of those full-body, czech casting-type nudes.

Keep Alex Jones because he's a nut job and entertaining. All other Journos need to learn to code.

HEAVY seething. Gotta love r/politics

I forgot I was reading r/politics comments instead of r/drama and when they started seething I assumed it was just trolls lol.

Honestly wouldn't mind living under a dictatorship. I toe the line very well.

It's easy to say this when you donโ€™t live under a dictatorship.

But we do, now. Fascism has come to America, and it is killing the sex+ community

Why would I say it if I already lived in a dictatorship? Use your brain, dummy.

It's even easier to say when you do tho.

That's not how it works, lol.

You can join my dictatorship for 6,99$ per month (prices may change without further notice)

You can join my cheer-tatorship for free ๐Ÿ˜‰

Guess r/politics already done with that rape story

Rape allegations aren't even newsworthy anymore. Thanks #MeToo.

Few people take them seriously now.

They came up with a new one where he supposedly raped a 13-year-old girl.

That's not in anyway new.

Kavanaugh set the new standard that serial gang raping is a okay

Yeah, remember when the FBI hauled him off to the beer-drinker gulag for that? That was scawy!

They couldnโ€™t because Republicans didnโ€™t let them investigate

The FBI had one week and a number of specific witnesses to investigate, but also made the distinct choice of not questioning certain people because they were not specifically informed that they could.

Not to mention that they had already investigated Kavanaugh prior per the background checks. I don't think it was thorough investigation, but they did investigate, and technically they did it twice.

Tbf Iโ€™m on daddy and Abuela Putinโ€™s side. All journalists are Mayo by definition so this would just be step 1 of our end goal

All journalists are fellow mayos.

maybe journalists should just stop being annoying and whining all the time. Does anyone seriously respect journalism in the US as a profession anymore?

Journalism is rated as higher quality in the current year than at any other time. As discussed by a panel of Buzzfeed writers, commissioned by the Huffington Post.

Someone was seething hard enough to take you seriously.

Guess it's not obvious enough without /s

Fuck me r/drama is retarded sometimes.

This isn't a fucking joke. Rightoids like you are going to get heroic journalists killed with your fascist rhetoric. This is why we need better more equity in the education system.

You don't want journalists killed, you just want those who you disagree with killed

If they were real journalists, they would obviously not be people who disagree with me. Like, have you even read any Locke?

Sounds like someone needs a milkshake.

Only cummies, daddy.

No, but tarring and feathering should make a comeback honestly

Tarring, but no feathering. More outrage over blackface when applied to Mayos.

Decoded, this message reads: obey

It has been reported that 21 journalists have been killed in Russia since Putin came to power in March 2000.

Trump really has a lot of work to do to fill the gap. So far he has only allowed 1 journalist who was critical of him be killed without any repercussions, and he didn't even do the killing!

Political football is great. Only in a social media American culture can you criticize a President for not killing journalists.

21 journalists in two decades wow that's almost nothing.

It is surprising how few people got need to actually murder before the rest get the message and become compliant

This one's sarcasm detector seems broken, how do we fix it?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle African-American.

What kinda mental gymnastics do you have to be performing to blame Khashoggi's death on Trump?

because drumpf didn't immediately sever ties with KSA, it's all his fault

Does the average arrpolitics user even know what the KSA refers to? Kek

Don't forget he's responsible for the death of migrant children, because somehow he's responsible for every loser that wanders over here to hop the fence.

The government is responsible for the will being and safety of every prisoner it decides to imprison for the entire duration of their imprisonment. Like if they literally were invaders from a foreign army those captured and imprisoned would still be entitled to those rights she to PoWs under law. So literally under us law people who literally shot at our troops would be kept in humane and sanitary conditions. I see no reason at all that immigrants without visas wild be some special category who the federal government can and should treat as cockroaches, literally lower than the treatment an enemy soldier pow, or a child rapist, would get. Trump would be responsible under us law to ensure humane conditions for this categories, but not immigrants without paperwork?

That is a bizarre and strange thought process that should really cater to to take a step back and examine your entire system of belief. It is wrong. You are willing to commit any crime, stoop to any depths of morality, and grant the government any unchecked power it wants just so long as you consider that it might slightly reduce the number of immigrants. Literally any number of illegal immigrants would be less harmful to the United States than a government with the powers you want to blindly grant it in your stupidity, ignorance, and cruelty.

How do you think that's a sane way to think. You're mother needs to get slapped for raising you wrong.



Invading troops would be coming here under orders from their government. They don't get as much of a choice as immigrants, who just decide "welp I'm gonna go hop the fence now" and walk over of their own accord. We should definitely treat immigrants better, but at the end of the day, it's their own choice to come here.


Can you at least try to be entertaining like The_Marx?

im only pretending to be a rightoid serious poster

Rich coming from a Chapo sperg such as yourself.

thinks neoliberal posters are chapos

peak boomer

Hates cops

Loves to suck brown cock because fuck civilization amirite let 'em in, who cares that they have a drastically different culture, no education, and a lower average IQ, but also fuck low-IQ rednecks BTW

All you're missing is communism.

comparing globalist capitalists to communists

all your missing is an overdose of fenatyl

Literally saying the only difference is communism

Hah wow can't believe you think I'm communist

All "your" missing is an English class.

And history class

He was a permanent resident and thus an American national under US law. Even though nationals are not technically citizens it's not like they are totally disconnected from the US, they are citizens in waiting. He was also associated with the US by working for an American company in the United States. It was an obvious show of disrespect to the United States to assassinate such a person. Especially a journalist because the United States has such a long history of valuing press freedom. It was a massive show if disrespect to Turkey to assassinate him in their embassy and then illegally smuggle the body out of the country. Turkey is a member of Nato and in a way this was essentially a military operation on our allies soil, like legally the murder in the embassy they can't do anything about (its still incredibly disrespectful but still not against international law) but the operation to remove the body is different. It was morally abominable and shocking even by the standards of Saudi Arabia.

Continue to just go along this thinking though and unperson everyone who's not a white American though and just excusing the murder of journalists who work for American newspapers you dislike.

Nuh uh.

nothing in this wall of text explains how this is trump's fault

Trump: i wish i could kill as many journalists as you, papa putin

normal people: uhhhh that's fucked up, is he retarded?

DDF: haha look at all the angry snowflakes LITERALLY SEETHING. i wished i lived in a brutal dictatorship.

normal people

You have come to the wrong place, friend. We merely admire daddy's shitposting prowess

Yeah, but why are you seething about it here?

Daddy needs his angels ๐Ÿ˜

"We should get rid of the journalists over there" definitely means "we should kill every journalist."

I don't care about Trump one way or the other, just that I'm not a complete moron.

whatever you say, blue ranger.

TFW you're so assmad about Trump that you think anyone who isn't rabidly upset about every single thing he does/says is a fanboy

me: DDF are a bunch of idiots


You: Trump saying they should kick a specific set of journalists out of the same room is actually code for journalist genocide

Me: Lmao dumbass


Trump saying they should kick a specific set of journalists out of the room is actually code for journalist genocide

yes, telling Putin, a leader who has had over 20 different journalists killed in his country, to "get rid of the journalists" is definitely just a harmless joke that meant nothing.

go home, DDF. you're drunk.

And the assmad delusions continue. Look out, any day now Trump is going to open up the death camps for LGBTQ+, blacks, Hispanics, and journalists.

lol yes definitely not a daddy defender, not you, for sure.

you faggots could at least try to hide it a little better.

You've found me out, me voting for Bernie last election and favoring Yang now is just a coverup. I am truly a fascist Nazi Drumpf supporter. Everyone who calls you out on your delusions is a Nazi.

amazing, you sperg out just like them.

Because I'm the one sperging out here, definitely. Your genius is too much.

I am truly a fascist Nazi Drumpf supporter. Everyone who calls you out on your delusions is a Nazi.

this is literally "shit DDF says when they're made fun of" bingo

If you consider everyone to be part of the DDF, it's no wonder people who aren't part of the DDF ridicule you in the same way I am.

If you consider everyone to be part of the DDF

no, just retards like you who vehemently defend dumb shit Daddy says and say shit like "hurrdurr i'm not a nazi" despite no one calling you a nazi.

almost like you're used to it or something. hmmmmm.

It's almost like you retards have infested Reddit or something. Clearly the only reason anyone would say you're dumb for throwing wild conspiracy theories around is if they're trying to cover it up, and clearly the only way to notice a pattern is to be a part of it directly. You're extremely clever, you've got it all figured out.

please continue being this mad over a shitpost on reddit calling Trump and his fans retarded, while also denying that you are a Trump fan.

Thinking that you're a moron and being mad are two very different things.

I'm only pretending to be retarded


Is it odd that I keep misreading "d-amazo" as "d'mayo", realising it's "d-amazo" and then thinking that d'amazo would make for a great B-movie superhero name?




Yeah but then I wouldn't need to listen to annoying lispy journos

Like him or not, we all wished we had the trolling power of Daddy Trump.

Trolling power must be the REAL Art of the Deal.

It has been reported that 21 journalists have been killed in Russia since Putin came to power in March 2000.

Lol isn't that really good for a country like Russia? With the number of low level gangsters they have, I'd have expected the number to be way higher.

holy fuck i hate redditors

why are they allowed to vote? democracy was a mistake

Unironically, anyone who identifies as a journalist deserves nothing but the most hateful abuse. Hateful abuse as defined by uncomfortable words spoken but ended immediately as to not be harassment. Tim Pool is gross.