Benny Boy did a funny one (with no tags!)

240  2019-06-28 by le_epic_xd_part_2


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Benny Boy did a funny one (with no ... -,

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this is based

if only the democrat clown car contained such exciting policies as these

🤡 🚙

why are we even talking about abortion? literally the dumbest debate in politics.

cause fuck infants who no one wants, are you fucking idiots like trying to create more misery?

also not one of them are socialists. welfare capitalism isn't socialism ya fucking lot of morons.

found the antinatalist

i'm not categorically for or against it. but would not want to be born if my parents didn't want to care/raise me properly.

not wanting a hard life just so it makes you stronger

lol. sure let's also rape and maim everyone cause it'll make them "stronger".

fucking retard.


Boomers and evangelicals think women go get knocked up on purpose go have late stage abortions just to piss off conservatives.

I know I would if I were a foid.

Women who have abortion should get a free American flag sticker like I do when we vote.


and a "Thank you for your service"

Especially if they abort a real vegetable.

Boomers and evangelicals think women go get knocked up on purpose despite easy access to birth control go have abortions just to piss off conservatives because they're irresponsible, half-wit foids.

Let's be honest. Nobody likes a dumb whore.

Come on, if a child is gonna be unwanted or the parents are incapable of providing for them, it is more often than not, better off not being born.

I bet a million bucks welfare spending and crime go way up if dumb whores have more children.

I didn't say we should get rid of abortion, I just pointed out that you're not quite right about what Boomers and Evangelicals think about women who get abortions.

I know I was just trying to 🎣

I save my hot takes for tranny threads.

Pibble and tranny drama are my favorite.

Yeah, Zyklon Ben threads are a solid 3 or 4 on the list, though.

I always enjoy them, it is nice to see that boomers can meme too, even if they're using old ones.

I mean, a lot of conservatives like the First Mail Order Bride...

The only dumb thing that woman did was marry Donald Trump.

Was it dumb though? She'll get a ton of money when he dies and he can't even divorce her and trade up anymore because he's president and that would be a step too far even for the evangelicals.

That's a good point, and she'll still have enough of her looks to bag a trophy husband.

I wouldn’t put it past half of blue checkmark twitter

Take a deep breath zoomer, it is going to be okay.

Because rightoids don't realize that banning abortion doesn't stop abortion, it just encourages infanticide, which was legal for most of Western history.

which i'm ok with too, as it's been a form of population control since we've been human.

see once they become conscious and have a will against dying, we're morally obligated to ensure their well being. best to not let people get that far if we don't want to (or can't) take care of them properly.

rightoids love creating problems they hate the most, non mayo crime makes them really seethe so they deny them any government benefits and crack down on "crime" which always has the opposite affect. Even better if they have more kids than they want that means even more criminals for them to seethe about.

true facts

Don't forget their constant attacks on sex education and the pushing of abstinence-only education, which is proven to have the exact opposite effect.

Conservative doctrine does this a lot.

They cut taxes which does nothing but lead to future tax increases.

They fight sex education which leads to more unwanted pregnancy and thus more abortion.

They hate crime so they push tough on crime policies which invariably lead to more crime because you create hopeless people that can't live a normal life after getting arrested.

Conservatism is like the ultimate "feels>reals" doctrine. They feel like these things work, so they do, no matter what the evidence says.

There is a waiting list for people who adopt newborns. I’ve seen fucked up bewvorns. Hermaphroditism. Crack babies. These people are so desperate theypay 10-50k to get the whole process done. There is always a demand and a want newborns in the us, no matter how fucked up they are. This is something I’m intimately familiar with and it pisses me off when retards on reddit spout off like they know shit. I know a baby that came from a teenage prostitute that knows mandarin and is getting legit acting jobs because his adoptive parents are fucking ballers.

even if people do want them, it's not their right to force another to have a kid for that sake. they aren't owed a baby by others.

still literally the dumbest fucking debate ever, only made by blathering retards who have no fucking clue there's way too many fucking people on this planet, we can't forcing people to create people they don't want to create.

you're like fucking cancer.

That’s not what I was arguing you dumbfuck. The parent comment said that no one wants the kids which is fucking retarded and incorrect.

Learn some fucking reading comprehension holy shit.

i am the parent commenter dumbfuck. and obviously not all of them are wanted or else none of them would end up in foster homes.

He missed a perfect opportunity to have the fetus being scythed by the sickle!

This might be the cringiest one yet

Will MAGAcels ever realize that NPCs?

NPC's are never self aware, by definition.

Goddamn p-zombies

no u

I agree that wokecels are NPCs.

we're all NPCs on this cursed day

i can't be an NPC because i'm always playing with myself haha

typical cumbot cope

The real NPC’s were the nerds we dunked on along the way

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for NPC.

Determinism gang.

anyone who judges things by how they fall into their selected ideology is

I thought Ben "fag fragger" Garrison was making some sort of coked-out Pez dispenser reference, but maybe I need to up my dilaudid

how do you get that flair?

Be painfully average for 2+ decades

I don't understand without labels. What's that weird red pointy thing? Who are these people? What are the boxes in front of them? I'm completely lost!

Forth from the right is Anderson Cooper.

fourth from the left is humpty dumpty

Idk, but I find abstract concepts inherently threatening.

This is Delaney erasure

Damn, unapologetically accurate.

Sooooo unapologetic! So tough! Big man! Big boy!

This is so funny! anD so True!

Upvote = Jesus loves me. Share = Trump love me bigly!

I NPC what you did there.

Even Garrison forgot Yang. 😢

I think this is just debate 1

It's a pretty bad drawing because conceptually the NPC meme is about how they are all the same person. So fundamentally differentiating each candidate is a mistake for me.

>complaining about Ben "wrecking ball to the Western Wall" Garrison making a bad drawing

I agree tho

complaining about Ben "wrecking ball to the Western Wall" Garrison making a bad drawing


Needs more labels, what are all those pez dispensers?

Honestly, this is better than his other shit. I liked the one where Marx was obviously a Happy Merchant.

No mayo babies allowed.

WTF I love democrats now.

Wait Democrats want to abort communists now?

That's pretty fucking based.

why are we even talking about abortion? literally the dumbest debate in politics.

cause fuck infants who no one wants, are you fucking idiots like trying to create more misery?

But what does he think of night 2

The Boomers discovered the NPC meme.

Was fun while it lasted.