Boomerfugee creates work of art depicting Commie Mommy while it's on senile medication.

61  2019-06-28 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Boomerfugee creates work of art dep... -,,

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I give that sub until tomorrow.

Probably, but they allowed this post which was genuinely hilarious-

Lolcows always win. 😎

It sometimes upsets me that T_D boomers are pretty funny

The sub seems to have good number of 1488 animals looking to redpill Daddy's boomers.

Nvm they seem to be semi downvoted now.

Chances are because of the brigade from AHS tho

It was, fortunately. I think Daddy's subs are where the wypipo built everything, le 6 gorillion+, 109 countries crowd are gonna go to spread their autism after their subs get shoah'd.


Lmao who cares

T_D boomers are pretty funny

if you find those guys funny, you should check out this program I saw on channel 46, it's called the blue collar comedy tour!!! its amazing,, and the best part is. it triggers the libs! wwg1wga brother,,, may god bless u nr ur family

Real boomers have no idea how to quote others' comments

Talk shit about Ron White again and I'll come to your house and shit in your kitchen sink.

As much as I hate to admit it Larry the Cable Guy is pretty damn funny too. He really has a solid shtick down pat. Whenever I hear one of his bits on the comedy radio station it always elicits a chuckle. Engvall and Foxworthy suck though.

My grandmama suffers from ambulatory wind breaking.

Thanks Mike. See you over at Todd's for grilling next Saturday. Bring the kiddos!

-Daddy, posted from my red-phone

this is funny but not in the way the creator intended

glabal warming cow farts


Fucking LOL

The only way we will see that is when they finally ban it. That will be a glorious day in every single default sub.

Unironically hilarious content

When you're 14 and also a Boomer and decide to make a meme