Slazo; Yikes

7  2019-06-28 by AddlepatedSimpleton

I’m sure a few of you already have seen the video that Slazo put out. His Apology and Defense

I truly feel bad for any thoughts I may have had, thinking it was normal for jumping on the bandwagon of gaslighting and destroying his career. That was my mistake. However we should really take the time to remember innocent until proven guilty, and also not to doubt victims at the same time.

Attacking and bashing victims is terrible for people who actually need the help and support they can get, and it’s also still terrible to harass the accused if there isn’t any definitive evidence.

All in all, I think it was just a very messy teen relationship and I hope that they can live normal lives without this situation being rammed down their throats years into the future.


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Slazo; Yikes -,,

  2. His Apology and Defense -,

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we should really take the time to remember innocent until proven guilty

Not in 2019 sweaty.

It’s sad innit.

I truly feel bad for any thoughts I may have had, thinking it was normal for jumping on the bandwagon of gaslighting and destroying his career. That was my mistake.

this is a good bit


I think the problem is pretty simple. They are trying to make things work. They should not. Here is an article talking about how online contact affects emotional recovery, personal growth and general postbreakup recovery:

Ah that’s also true, it’s good to separate yourself completely from a person who has done you harm. Thanks for linking the article!

I'm kind of scared to watch the video honestly, can someone give me a tl;dr of it..?

Oh goodness. I am so sorry. By now you should’ve seen the video. I’ve been off of reddit.

•Chey has exaggerated instances and doesn’t tell the whole truth, this is basically blatant lying. •She avoids focusing on messages that incriminate her and ones that paint Slazo in any good light. •She basically ruined a career all because of an angsts regret filled teenage relationship.

However as a side note, Slazo is not completely innocent and both parties have some fault.