Mayocide fetish

7  2019-06-28 by cfbWORKING


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Mayocide fetish -,,

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Dude has reposted that multiple times and people still don't care Giga Cope šŸ¤£

Black people donā€™t even want to insult him and heā€™s so desperate for their validation. So sad.

I donā€™t whatā€™s the more pathetic possibility. Heā€™s a lunatic screaming into the void or heā€™s a troll thatā€™s posted the same bait over and over without any response.

My bet is on the second.

It seems good on paper.

ā€œHah! Who cares if Iā€™ve posted this every month, YOU fell for it!!!ā€

Pretty good ā€˜just pretendingā€™ fork technique tbh. If he posts about more than that we should consider modding.

fetishes are fetishes dude what can I say

Looked at the accounts on dirtypenpal for 6 days before the post you are looking at he made the same post but has been copying and plastering it.