Daddy jokes, Reddit copes

11  2019-06-28 by cfbWORKING


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Daddy jokes, Reddit copes -,,

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Threatening to murder journalists to own the libtards.

Dementia Daddy's sadly not based enough to do it for real.

It’s a real shame

Meanwhile libtards rape the same journalists every night.

The typical r/Politics novella-length comment aside, Daddy is legit fucktarded and rightoids would've sperg'd out harder than a FES mutant on fent had Obama said something similar.


Can you even see through that wallawallabingbang logical fallacy? Wow, I don’t think you’re even able to argue without making such a blatant chinanumbaone logical fallacy. Sorry, id respond but you made such a clear violation with a buttholehairdontcare logical fallacy. Perhaps you should learn FACTS and LOGIC before commenting in the future

Get a load of this guy's post history


I'm sorry I don't debate with retards.

wow can't believe the projection coming from you. Project much?

Don't run over any fat cunts on your way to your next tiki party.

Hey thanks buddy!

Honestly my respect for Obama would have gone up if he had hated on Journos.

Lol imagine coping so hard you write all that.

What this dude is saying is not normal. This is not funny. This is all a foreshadowing of our eventual demise.

If only. I have put my entire hopes for the future in the hands of Daddy starting a war with the Chongers that ends up getting them to lob nukes at our big cities where these /r/politics users all live.

Make that linked comment a Snapshillbot please oh my God hahahah

You know what it feels like?

OK, look let me explain. Growing up, I watched a lot of TV shows. Some are seemingly timeless works of art, others maybe just stupid. Either way, many of the shows had some kind of plotline where only some characters realize there's this big bad thing happening all around us, and often they'd juxtapose the awareness that the main characters with knowledge of the said big bad thing with the rest of society. And the rest of society is just chilling, doing its own thing, even sometimes downplay or ridiculing the notion of the big bad thing as anything to ever seriously worry about or consider unless you're crazy or brainwashed (the aliens are already here, for example and it we don't do something now we're all dead).

And it feels now like I'm one of those characters. I think the majority of you here must feel the same way?

Like, we've been telling all of you. This is as serious as it fucking gets. It is not hyperbole to say that the fate of our democracy hangs in the balance. We are headed toward the complete erosion of our so-called inalienable rights.

But like those characters in these shows who aren't actually aware or who don't accept the reality of the bad bid thing, everyone else is carrying on like it's business as usual.

Sure, you'll get a Maddow give an eloquent speech. You'll get a comedian move to us to tears on the people's floor.

But otherwise, it's business as usual. People still watch their Netflix. Fashion shows are being held. Politicians so very calmly make jokes, talk about other things, pivot away from the real crux of the issue of our time.

And this is all insanity.

A majority of Americans just don't give a fuck.

Scientifically speaking, I'm familiar with the models that explain and predict much of this behavior.

But just as a human being, I just can't take the normalization of all this any longer.

This is not normal. None of this fucking normal. None of this have been normal for a very long time.

I've been a hopeless romantic when it comes to democracy and a society in which the betterment of all humankind lies at the heart of everything.

But honestly, and this is kind difficult to say out loud, even to all of you strangers. This is the first time I am actually losing hope.

And I say this even if Trump gets impeached and convicted or loses his run at a 2nd term.

The fact that after ALL of this we still haven't shut the down country in daily protests means all those scientific models can explain and predict all that they want, but that won't change just fucked as a species we must really be.

Our planet is literally going to kill our species because how we're shaping the world, such that the future world won't be compatible with our biological design. The executive, judicial, and effectively the legislative branches of government are in the hands of people who have betrayed our country or allowed the betrayal to go unpunished or actively protected the traitors from any harm. And they are also beholden to a infinitesimally small number of people who just happen to be super rich.

I can go on with the list.

I know so much else is going wonderfully around the world and human progress in the last 100 years has been nothing short spectacular. But none of that will matter when we go extinct. And we won't stand a chance in fighting any of this if the world's biggest economy and military implodes from within and turns into some kind of fascist state.

What this dude is saying is not normal. This is not funny. This is all a foreshadowing of our eventual demise.

I think I read somewhere like this is witnessing the fall of the Roman Empire, except on Twitter.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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