The most fucking boomer post on the entire fucking internet, Hello(?)!

95  2019-06-28 by icefourthirtythree


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. The most fucking boomer post on the... -,

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Meet a dictator, kimcel.

Imagine being a MAGA-cel and watching your guy thirsting for azn manlet cock and then calling your guy BASED for doing so


just a lil

Does Ryan Hill have a real job

I want to be a fly on the wall every time he sees a trump tweet

Have you ever met anyone with a butt chin who isnt an outrageous fsggit?

Chinlet cope

Shut the fuck up or ill titty bang your deformed saggy chin flaps

Who told you that you could leave the showers, goyim

Great point tbh

This is his (((job)))

Right? It's fuckin' nonsense

Iā€™m confused. Why is daddy meeting the president of China in japan then leaving japan with the president of South Korea? Am I being stupid or did daddy have a moment?

G20 meetings in Osaka so all the big economies sent their leaders ie trump, Putin, xi jinping, Merkel, and May were all there as well as others.

He had a harem

worst isekai plot ever to be honest

I Was An Average Japanese NEET But Then I Got Reincarnated As Donald Trump?

You jest but Russians did it with a superior male. Cuck-logic at it's best to be honest

Why is he so THRISTY

I doubt that's even Daddy's most boomer post of the day


We pay thousands of highly talented people to work at the State Department to take care of the "(?)" side of this, but apparently Daddy is unaware and thinks that summit meetings with foreign leaders are arranged like 15-year old girls deciding where to meet at the mall on a Saturday afternoon.

Imagine if peace on the korean peninsula broke out because Daddy and Kim got to talk shit on mean girl Xi's haircut

Actual audio of Treezy and Kim roasting Xi

Imagine peace breaking out on the Korean Peninsula in summer of 2020 just as Daddy let's 1 000 non violent blacks out of jail. Trump season 2 will be glorious.

You can't sit with us.

Why would I (as a superior Canadian, in every way) sit with losers that almost elected a war hungry, favour owing, power thirsty bitch? It was NOT her turn, and you were conned by the establishment.

Open your eyes, and turn off the tv you dim with. Snowden showed how America operates, WikiLeaks proved it, yet you still support what ever shit sandwich the DNC decides you eat. Grow up, you brainwashed pig. The system hates you.


You act like Trump has even a basic comprehension of how government works or even what any of those departments do.

The guy is completely "know nothing." He's the GOP base incarnate.

He has the entire American system one or two phone calls away, yet you think he just sits on his golden toilet with his stable genius brain and does whatever he wants? Sounds about right for a World Wrestlin Hall of Famer. Can't wait for season 2. šŸ˜

you just dont get if. OOOoooOOOFf

Is boomer the new incel?

No, boomers earned it snowflake


No, boomers earned it snowflake

That letter makes it sound like Kim has the hots for trump

KJU and Trump's relationship is so damn weird haha

say Hello(?)!

Maybe they makeout a lil bit pretty hot tbh

Twitter: the new princess phone.