Youtuber loses a decade of income in one day

142  2019-06-29 by snallygaster


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Dude had money, a solid YouTube fanbase and wasn't even bad looking. Why would he be so thirsty/desperate to risk it all for some jailbait gussy?

Well if you’re that big of a pedo regular girls won’t do it for you.

But still, what a fuckin idiot. Imagine being good looking and rich from YouTube and throwing it all away.

yeah but now when he gets out he will have some street cred

I have never understood this. Even if you were afflicted with chronic libertarianism, surely a few of your millions of teenage fans would be a 19 year old that looked 14 or something.

Right? The press says one of the girls he tried to diddle was 15. 15 year olds aren't that much physically different just-trurned 18yos.

I have a theory that what excites many of these hebejeebephile types are the illicitness of the act of hooking up with someone underage rather then the actual age/appearance of the person.

I have a theory that what excites many of these hebejeebephile types are the illicitness of the act of hooking up with someone underage rather then the actual age/appearance of the person.

You're probably right. You know what excites me? Not going to jail and not helping my potential mate with her senior thesis.

Going to jail doesn't excite him

What are you, a hetero or something?

Dude do not spread that shit around, I have a reputation online to uphold.

Be gay, do crimes

Well, he made them repeat their age while twerking, thats where his thrill came from, their age.

Shit man, I hope to god if I ever catch libertarianism (I'm unvaccinated), one of my friends will be looking out for me by grooming 19 year olds and getting them to lie to me.

ffs the age of consent is as low as 15 in some places, and 16 in most. All he had to do is not get pictures of girls that young, he could bang them if he wanted. Couldn't even do that.

If you cross state lines to bone a 16 year old the feds can go after you. And definitely don't even think of helping to transport a 16 year old across state lines to you for sex, not 100% sure but I think that could literally get you hit with human trafficking charges.

Transporting a minor over state lines comes with very serious charges. He would have been in jail for life.

not 100% sure


have a theory that what excites many of these hebejeebephile types is the illicitness of the act of hooking up with someone underage rather then the actual age/appearance of the person

Possible. Personally my theory is it has not just to do with looks but also the pedos the victims mental age even if a younger looking 18 year old would be in their lok category. Even the difference from 15 to 18 is a lot in terms of growing up and the 15 year old who can't even drive yet is easier to manipulate while not having any real dating experience so it's easier to convince them fucked up shit is normal.

Agreed. I read the transcripts for this, the 2 victims were incredibly gullible like every 15 year old is. He was getting off their innocence and had them repeatedly say things like "this ass is 15" while twerking (sometimes) nude in the videos they sent him.

Lol I read the transcripts too some parts were pretty fucking funny

JONES: I have to see your butthole to know for sure that you care 100%

Next time I see my mom I'm gonna show her my butthole so she knows i care about her 100%

Lol I read the transcripts too some parts were pretty fucking funny

JONES: I have to see your butthole to know for sure that you care 100%

Next time I see my mom I'm gonna show her my butthole so she knows i care about her 100%

I don't get it man, because I have known a few chads in my life and it doesn't matter if the girl is 18 or 24, they can manipulate/charm/woo them all the same. And I'm talking chads with menial dead-end jobs, not even rich famous dudes.

It's difficult for lefties to prevent themselves from abusing minors. That's just how they are.


It is the mental difference. A 15 year old and 18 year old are MUCH different mentally -- usually.

No. They're both pretty fucking retarded.

It's literally about power and the thrill. Same reason they all do it.

He got off on convincing the children if you read the texts, he would ghost both the ones who complied and the ones who didnt go do more shit, its pretty gross. The degenerate is not just a pedo, he most likely got off on the grooming aspect just as much as the kids underdeveloped bodies.

Leftists are like that. They just can't help themselves from wanting to abuse kids.



The agendapost with Steve Paikan!

Stop appropriating Libertarian culture

Sir, this is a Wendy's.


This is Americuh

Land of the Antifa Nazis.


Why would he be so thirsty/desperate to risk it all for some jailbait gussy?

it's a theory, but the same reason people lust after belle delphine: living the high school relationshit they never had because they were ugly, couldn't control their spaghetti or both. that and autism.

Maybe he wanted a pure waifu? 19 year olds have been the cumdumpster of 5 or 6 chads by that age.

Based and redpilled.

The left-wingers have bad brains that think like that. They love normalizing pedophilia. They can't help themselves.

what the fuck does "couldn't control their spaghetti" mean

This is some real problematic kink shaming. AgePlayPenPals should be advocating for him.

totes worth that 50$ to bed you tbh

One post from snally blasts every political posts out of the water.

Agendaposters hate her!

People in entertainment business has serious issues, every single one of them.

The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

10 years is a long time to bounce around various federal prisons with a face like that, trying to convince the inmates that you're anything other than a youtube pedo.

All youtubers are pedophiles.

I have no idea who this person is

So let's get this straight.

✔️ Known by millions of people.

✔️ Tried to solicit underage fans to send him child porn.

✔️ Used his real name in doing so.

Not exactly the smartest pedo around, but I guess pedos aren't really known for being great at not being total dimwits.

When you've only got enough game to manipulate 14-year old girls it really says a lot about your social skills.

Well he did take clever means of hiding his presence, like communicating to the girls directly through his cell phone connected to his home internet line with no proxy, tor, or any attempt at obfuscation at all


Leftists aren't known for their bigbrains.

Enuff brainshaming

As described more fully below, on or about June 12, 2017, HSI arrested JONES and searched his residence. HSI conducted a video taped interview of JONES, during which he waived his Miranda rights and agreed to speak with HSI. During that interview, JONES admitted that he has been in communication with a number of teenage girls via Facebook. He admitted that he had used Facebook to have sexually explicit chats with the girls; that he directed them to make videos of themselves dancing in a sexually explicit way and instructed them on what to wear, say, and do in the videos, including performing sexual acts, knowing that they were fourteen to fifteen years old; that he requested that they send the sexually explicit videos to him, either via Facebook or Apple’s iMessage service; and that he received the videos, viewed them, and masturbated while watching them.

You know sometimes I expect criminals to incriminate themselves by giving really bad and lame excuses that are later disproven or something like that. Not sure what Jones exact strategy here was though with "Yeah I asked them to give me videos, they were just twerking videos see! And also I asked them to perform sexual acts. And also I masturbated to the videos."

Literally he just had to go out of his way to mention that he masturbated to the videos. Like in general everyone is going to assume you know? I can just imagine the deafening silence in the room when he just went out of his way to inform the agents of his masturbation though.

Like how the fuck did this take two years to prosecute?

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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I wonder how hard this retard's lawyer facepalmed while reviewing his case.

Imagine how much of a retarded foid you have to be to get manipulated into being sexually abused online he can’t even beat or dox you lmao the retarded teenage gussy just wanted to impress a Bieber type

Teenagers are nothing but retarded angst factories. You're barely a real person until you're 22. I'm not shocked at all a good looking man was able to manipulate incredibly stupid children who were constantly starved for attention, as all teenagers are. I wish we had the death penalty for people like him.

Based on the context of the communications, as well as the content of the videos I have reviewed, JONES is using the term “clap” to refer to dancing involving Victim A shaking her buttocks repeatedly


>posted a video to YouTube admitting it

Jesus the prosecutor could have shown up to court drunk and started singing showtunes and still won

The internet is full of people like that. I don't have a single female friend who didn't have some weird relationship with a much older guy when she was younger. Probably he made a mistake of being kinda famous while he did it.

That's a nonce haircut if ever I saw one

How is it that I had to scroll all the way down to hear to find someone talking about that fucking hairstyle holy shit. Aren't we supposed to be cattier than this?? I'm legitimately disappointed

Literally everyone over the age of 12 with that haircut is a paedophile.

Why the fuck would you have hair and still want a comb-over, shit is mystifying.

At this point I think it's fair to say that YouTube and pedophiles go together like peas and carrots.

I read the documents. He is obsessed with ass.

So they fined him $350? (Rimshot)

