Boomers 🤮

55  2019-06-29 by crawfs42


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womp womp


  1. Boomers 🤮 -,,

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I always had a misconception about what anime was. I'm telling you, I'm so glad they had me check it out. Such a diversity of genres and I've already binged several shows.

guarantee this guy will shill one of the premium subscription anime sites within the next 72 hours.

I just happened to find them on Crunchyroll

called it

Those nieces better be careful now.


Calm down with your capeshit, old man.

Anime is proof that two bombs were not enough. Then again, to balance it out, considering the current state of American animation l, perhaps we are also in need of a bombing.

Turning burgers into weebs was Japan’s payback for the bombs.

Yes but how do we bomb /co/

It's all radiation.

Japan gets nuked - makes anime

USA tests nukes on one of their deserts - weebs are created

Czarnobly explodes - weebs appear in Europe

This planet is tainted, Mars is our only hope

Are you sure that the result of the atomic testing wasn't actually calarts trash?

Mars is our only hope

Elon is a huge weeb though - if he gets there first even Mars could become contaminated.

Ban all recreational activity.

The Amish always had it right.

reminder that all weebs are pedos and that posts like this should be proof enough in court that someone should be lobotomized/castrated/hung

Sorry sir but reddit is an anime website, either get animepilled or get out.

Why don't you head over to r/noanimepolice

only 1700 users? Sorry but I don't fo on dead subs.

50 is Gen X. Not even close to being a Boomer.

Boomer is now anyone over 30.

50 would be gen x right?

Born in 1969 is definitely gen X territory. It's pseudo-Boomer.

The best anime reviewer was an actual boomer or older. RIP


that's a lot of words to say "i'm a pedophile"

McAfee alt 🙄