Jewish guy gets mad because blacks are getting the spotlight for most persecuted people instead of the chosen people

73  2019-06-29 by Big_Guy_4U_BANE


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Jewish guy gets mad because blacks ... -,,

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When the oppression Olympics start, I hope some dictator takes a sledgehammer to every races kneecaps and oppresses everyone.

That’s my dream job

When the oppression Olympics start

They already have. Where's Stalin when we need him?

Oh just wait. In 10 years there will be more Indian-Americans here than Native Americans. There are already more Pakistani-Americans than Navajo. Every single racial/ethnic/religious/sexual group will have at least a million members and will all be fighting for their seat at the attention table.

Native americans will always be higher due to the stuff people hundreds of years ago went through

You'd think so. There are currently more Indian-American congressmen than Native-American ones (two of whom are Republicans as white as the pure driven snow).

Blacks have been milking slavery for the last 200 years


You can't compare anything that happened here to the holocaust tbh. To do so is peak absurdity.

We're talking about industrialized murder and literal extermination camps. As horrific as the treatment of black Americans was, it pales in comparison to the holocaust.

By comparing the extermination of Jews to the Holocaust, you’re devaluing the suffering that G-d’s chosen people have gone through

Idk you would have to do the numbers of all the blacks killed due to institutionalized slavery etc and run them against the couple million that died in the holocaust. Bet it’s at least within the realm of closeness.

Well one actually happened soooo

Which one 🤔

Nobody ever told you about the black holocaust?

Detroit when the lions lose?

That's a weekly occurrence. Nobody cares about that anymore.

Was that that one time when Popeyes ran out of chicken 🤔

That's low-hanging strange fruit.

You haven't heard of the Millennium Falcon?

based and black-Israelite-pilled

Things that make you go hmmmm 🤔 🤔 🤔

You can't compare anything that happened here to the holocaust tbh. To do so is peak absurdity.

No, it wouldn't be,

Give me your logic on this, people dying under institutional slavery was basically the same just spread out over a longer period of time. You could say it was arguably worse. Inb4


Because people dying under institutional slavery is not on equal footing with the industrialization of genocide while attempting to exterminate an entire ethnic group.

You’re literally virtue signaling, and I hate using that rightoid meme. You not being black and probably not being Jewish 🤔 makes this virtually impossible for you or I to even have a legitimate opinion. If I were at a computer I’d look up some figures, I’d bet a lot of folks died under US slavery, and being treated as a sub human for labor first, over genocide, being better, is rather subjective.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

The number of slaves that died coming here didn't even break a million.

Oh so now we have moved the goal posts to just the slaves’ passage over here. Hit the showers ps we are done here

Are you retarded? The journey here was by far the most dangerous part of being a slave.

Do you think people ran around letting their own property die at will? Do you know how much a slave was worth?

So you change the parameters and expect me to answer your retarded unrelated questions.. no thanks. You also frame it like all jews we’re going to be eliminated around the world, and we both know that’s hog wash, at least on a couple of continents. Sadly I know where this is going, and as an Unironic anti racist I’m not sure I want to proceed.

You also frame it like all jews we’re going to be eliminated around the world, and we both know that’s hog wash, at least on a couple of continents. Sadly I know where this is going, and as an Unironic anti racist I’m not sure I want to proceed.

This is hilarious. Hitler absolutely planned to exterminate Jews, globally. He viewed racial conflict as the primary mover of history, going as far as to claim the chains of his people would not be broken until their "international prisoners" are exterminated.

Even more damning to your claim is the fact they let their global plans slip, as Evans in the third Reich trilogy writes:

The matter hung fire for a few weeks while Hitler and the generals argued about whether to move on Moscow or divert the German armies further north and south; and then for much of early August Hitler was seriously ill with dysentery.102 By mid-August, however, he was well enough to launch a fresh diatribe against the Jews, recorded by Goebbels in his diary entry of 19 August 1941:

The Leader is convinced that the prophecy he made then in the Reichstag, that if Jewry succeded again in provoking a world war, it would end with the annihilation of the Jews, is confirming itself. It is becoming true in these weeks and months with a certainty that seems almost uncanny. The Jews are having to pay the price in the east; it has to a degree already been paid in Germany, and they will have to pay it still more in future. Their last refuge remains North America, and there in the long or short run they will one day have to pay it too.

It was remarkable how Goebbels here let slip the global scope of Nazism’s ultimate geopolitical ambitions.

don't come at me dropper. I will bend you the fuck over on this one.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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I’ve got plans to eat every bussy here and two counties over, not gonna happen, but it’s my plans. Reeee.. Keep on moving those goal posts. Your original assertion is biased and you aren’t able to make that call. The assertion being that the holocaust was worse than the institution of US slavery. I like how you made it just the boat ride, nice try. Like I said, hit them showers ps, I know your ‘red pilled’ on black people.

FYI I won this one ps. Record still intact 🤔


I hate using that rightoid meme

This is why i hate rightards. They are what suits then at the moment. One could call them shapeshifters 🤔

Join us radical centrists, we get shat on my both sides though.

Believe me, i am. I’ve been downvoted from stupidpol to mde. I don’t know if you could say the same. Let’s be honest here for a moment, I don’t want to do le post history yikes.

I get upvoted and downvoted on stupidpol depending on the issue. I never could stomach Mde but I will weigh in on pol occasionally. My history stand for itself tbh. Mostly baiting and trolling retards, the only place I post in good faith would be stupidpol tbh 🤔

But the number of black people in the US only grew

Yup I just searched an estimate, but they say it’s really hard to even make a rough estimate, but from the hundreds of years it lasted it’s safe to say it was in the millions.

Tbf if Jews didnt want this to happen they

A: should have never been pushing ID politics and thinking people can tell the difference between Jews and Whites

B: Not set up a illuminati composed of five bankers

C: made a deal with satanic lizards aliens from space to start a world war via Israel to summon their hybrid jew/lizard anti-christ

Imo, they are retarded

great take

D) not murdered Jesus

There’s confusion with the word itself. A holocaust is synonymous with an act of genocide. The Holocaust specifically applies to the mass extermination of European Jews from 1941-1945.

This is bait.

More billions to Israel could fix this

Why jews are such whiny cunts?

That thread is just an oppression dick measuring contest.

I wonder if incels will get in on this Holocaust appropriation. Will we see claims that not dating them is a Beta Holocaust, a deliberate attempt to exterminate them from the genepool?

They already claim that modern fo*ds' requirement for men are higher than those of the SS for their members back in the day; thus women are worse than SS

Damn, I'm out of loop. Must catch up on my 'cel research.

Point being all people have gone through tragedy

Well no, not all people. Not white Europeans

American education in action

And how many white people have been slaughtered by black people? I wonder how many holocausts have been committed against white tourists in the wrong neighborhood of New Orleans or Baltimore lol.

Additionally, I wonder who would come out ahead if we tallied cross racial killings. I reckon you could open the White Holocaust Museum right next to the black one.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the mayos! Thank god we have niceshinebair and iwantedtopay in that thread.

Chad Jew>Everyone else> Beta Jew 🤣