California bans black people afro hair discrimination. No, I am not joking.

20  2019-06-29 by 2Manadeal2btw


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. California bans black people afro h... -,

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This probably isn't a bad idea depending on how far it goes tbh.

It's kind of dumb you can be fired or told to cut your hair a specific way.

Really dumb. Much rather work with a pimp than a generic 9-5er.

That is a retarded opinion. Imagine having a dentist examine your mouth and his dreadlocks fall in your mouth.

R u retarded?

Yeah, you must be retarded to not want nasty dreadlocks in your mouth.

how the fuck are deadlocks gonna fall into your mouth at a dentist lmao!??! never visited a female dentist with hair?? they wear stuff you know

How the fuck can you believe that I shouldn't be able to run a business where I don't want stinky dreadlocks keeping customers away?

We kinkshame here at r/drama

Yeah because dentists with long hair never tie their hair back when working with a patient....

Also niggers cannot be dentists (because their IQ is capped at 60), so this is a non issue.

That means you cannot be a dentist

Imagine having a +100 iq like yourself and then doing less with your life than those you try to make fun of lmao.

I'm fairly certain that I'm doing more than stealing from walmart to survive, but ok.

Why would you be joking?

Why would a ban on discrimination against black peoples' natural hair be a bad thing?

Smh rightoids these days don't even try anymore

The golden rule is:

Rightoids can't agendapost.

Leftoids can't meme.

In all seriousness, I just was trying to think of a catchy title.

smelly black lady hair is a toss up with gamer hair for most disgusting tbqh

Because dreadlocks ate fucking disgusting and black people ate stupid for thinking they invented not washing.

"They invented black people invented not washing", whatcha tryna say, nigger?

thinking they invented black people invented not washing.


Barbarian Celts wore dreads before the Romans taught them how to civilized.

He's retarded, he won't even explain the autism he typed.


Lol. How is mushing your hair together in turd shapes after not washing it for a month "natural?"

yea no idea why i'd want to discriminate against massive smelly and dirty hair. at all.

52 days old but fuck it.

Why do you assume natural black hair is dirty? Any number of google searches/guides/surveys etc would inform you that black people wash their hair regularly. Unless you have some sort of biases that isn’t based on reason at all.


You're so moron. I keep my fro clean


Based and Pimppilled

Is this really that bad though? Idk my cousin said she has a friend who faced discrimination for wearing her hair naturally. Maybe this is an issue

Might be in some places.

You're right, but lefty California bad, so people are gonna seethe

Except if you’d ever met or interacted with a black person before you’d know that this actually happens. You have can perfectly clean and well-kempt hair but if it doesn’t look white then you get told it’s “messy” or whatever and forced to change it. And keeping it in a white style can be really time consuming and expensive depending on your hair.

Anyway your seriouspost sucks and you’ve forced me to seriouspost in response so everyone has already automatically lost here.

You shoulda replied to the top comment, classic autism.

Just dont be born black haha how is this even in issue fucking sperg lmao 😂👌


(people will just say "you've been rejected for being a bad culture fit" instead and nothing will change)

Maybe when black people create a civilization they can ban neat parted hair at the work place.

Ugggh go away MDE refugees 🙄

OUT! 👉👉👉


based and redpilled 😎😎

It should be illegal to fire someone because of their afro, but it should be legal to fire someone because they're a gamer-word.

There is no sane argument against California being the GREATEST state in the Union. Unironically.

“Eurocentric standards of beauty have established the very underpinnings of what was acceptable and attractive in the media, in academic settings and in the workplace. So even though African Americans were no longer explicitly excluded from the workplace, black features and mannerisms remained unacceptable and ‘unprofessional,’” said Mitchell, a black woman.

Did these retards just say that blacks can't behave 👏and that's 👏 a 👏good 👏thing👏?


Some customers have asked her to cut their locs — short for dreadlocks — because their bosses deemed them unacceptable.

why would their dreads be unacceptable? the title makes it sound way more retarded than it is. it's actually reasonable