Chapocel celebrates someone's horrifying death

322  2019-06-29 by thedopestfish


If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Chapocel celebrates someone's horri... -,

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Chapos 🤮

Crabposters are equally as bad as frogposters.

Much worse. Crabposting is forced and derivative.

So is modern frogposting.

Frogs will shit in your Fruit loops for talking like that. 🐸💩

That's my kink. Stop shaming me, cisscum.

Its a shame you think I’m shaming you. No matter how filthy, wrong, and morally reprehensible a persons tastes are I would never say so to their face. God thats just rude!

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's bits

There is no 'worse' at the bottom.

It's hogs all the way down.

Babytalking is worse.

Babylaughing is fine though.


Romulus talking is best

Shut the fuck up hozenhollern house fag


How dare you.

Babyposting < Frogposting < Crabposting

Ohh, the admins will surely like this one

Of course they will, they didnt do shit last time they threatened them


Didn't chapo have their ranks purged at one point? Every sub keeps claiming they're the only ones being hit. Pretty retarded after the third time. Even more retarded after the hundreth time.

Well when CringeAnarchy went down, the admins replaced the mods with a couple tranny pedos.

When the admins tried to do that at Chapo, all the "replacements" were already modding there. Not much to be done about it I guess. 🤷

Appoint the old MDE mods to Chapo, it's the only way.


I really don't want this sub to be deleted, we need to make more obscure jokes so the rarted admins can't figure out what we're saying.

I don't get it, I thought Chapos hated ableism. How is this different from rightoids arguing dropping the hard r makes it not a slur?

You are looking for consistency with chapotards?

But hey if youre looking for inconsistency, its your luuuucky day. Just head on over to the Chapo Trap House. We got anti-police violence, communism, socialism, censorship, political violence, anti-trumpism, anti-americanism. We got hypocrisy, aristocracy, elitism, and abortions. Join todayyyy!

And post hog, which isn't culturally appropriating dramautists' bussy meme at all!

Goddamn mayos appropriating drama's culture

Consistency implies they have a set and firm stance on saying retard. Say nigger on there and you'll be banned. Say retard and you'll get upvoted. You can't call out hypocrisy on a group of people unless they all share the same beliefs on what they're supposedly being hypocritical about

r/cth has basically fallen to the wokescolds but the actual podcast hosts say meany words sometimes and have an episode called "the 9/11 retard" so weird half measures like this are probably pretty common. idk though, been like a year since i checked that place regularly

You listen to that?

not religiously, it's p good as far as podcasts go though. the episodes where they review weird magatard movies are my favorites

lol the podcast might as well be completely separate

It pretty much is, the hosts hate the sub.

we need to make more obscure jokes so the rarted admins can't figure out what we're saying.

That’s called dogwhistling.

Isn't that what frenworld did exactly?

But with less autofellatio


Time to die hat?

Rarted is Jamaican patois you small dicked whiteboi.

What is that, like dirt caviar?

So you're black facing?

its because ICE agents are sub human, just like




Not all of them are against saying retard. Its not hypocrisy if it's not the same person saying the two things. Example

the right is inconsistent about immigration for example.

we want amnesty

All illegal immigrants should be deported

Obviously there's a disagreement between the right wing on immigration and you can't call them hypocrites because they disagree with each other.

So many of them are legitimately mentally ill that they have a pass to say “retard”, it’s like their “nigga”

If they banned frenworld they should ban this sub.

No, they should promote frenworld and Chapo into superdefault subs, and give them priority over AMA and AskReddit.

No drama here, is this just a thread for areDrammer to pretend they care about some governmentjoblet dying this however was drama infusd and not to make fun of magalets

what is this crab thing?

Far left's version of retarded frog posting.

They took a song that's as stupid as the nimble navigator one but has a video aimed a little kids.

Are you one of those retarded boomers? How is the crab meme far left? It just means you're being ironically edgy


430 subscribers

I know pathetic right?

they literally stole it from the right lmao, it was the right's thing six months ago

Ikr? It was super fummy to me but as soon as the meme dies, i swear to god leftists just dig up the memes corpse and get all reanimator on it and shit and it just looks awful.

Its like pet semetary. Its just not the same!!!

No, it was popular on okbr last year, not a rightoid meme, okbr was started by a foid who made a few good subs a few years ago but then made a bunch of other retarded generic subs like okbr as okbr became more formulaic and generic. Anyway, the sub was overrun by regular redditards who thought they were funny by reposting the same shit. Most leftoid shit comes from there or dogelore. It wasn't ever funny, okbr became boring real quick.


Kirbizia is an mtf-cel


it was rightoid too or whatever

The original dancing crab meme had "OBAMA IS GONE" didn't it?

what? it's a twitch meme about being banned, what the fuck are you talking about?

I think Crab Rave is supposed to just be silly and light-hearted rave music, hence the crabs raving. I doubt Noisestorm intended his video to be aimed at children, lmao.

crab meme is far left

are you retarded it started out as a meme celebrating Obama being gone

meme that died 6 months ago

The addition of this was pretty funny tbh

Dancing crab

Considering how much the left supposedly hates the Alt-Right, they sure do love stealing their memes...

since when is crab rave a righty meme

Dangerously close to lobsters, which is an alt right meme due to Jordan Peterson.

Very problematic.

TFW Noisestorm is alt-right. Wonder how he'd feel about the title.

reminder to upvote all calls to/celebration of violence.

Just more evidence chapo hates actual workers.

I don’t think they are consistent in any political theory sense. Their mind space is basically a virulent opposition to any authority + fetishization of any group of people that isn’t them + self righteousness. Their responses are fairly predictable once you go by that, and have a stench of, dare I say, religious-y radlibism.

It’s all very American. Scream until you pass out about the hot new outrage, zero discussion of long term trends or the results of last year’s screaming.

You think it's hypocritical for a leftist to hate police and ice agents? Do you know anything about politics?

Let's see, what is a better move. Raise class consciousness in the army and police, or let them know that if you win, they are going to the gulags? And, good points have been raised by smart people involved in leftism that cops should be seen as workers.

Only the killers go to the gulag. Everyone else will get better training and understand that the concept of policing has changed and that their days of unaccountably has changed.

Ah yes, as everyone here knows, ACAB means "All cops are just undertrained and we will do our best to assimilate them into our glorious new regime."

Jesus, ditch any and all talk about gulags. If you want cops to think that they are going to be integrated into your brave new world with training, stop cheering when they die. Doubtful the ice cops who got shot to death ever killed anyone.

Chapos embody the intersection of laziness, resentfulness, and self-righteousness. It's quite repulsive when you really think about it.

It is all self righteousness.

How can you be wrong when you are so right?

I heard somewhere that people treat politics in America like team sports. At the game, there are no long term consequences you consider for your team winning, you win if they win. Same with politics, don't look at the system or think ahead. Just care if your team wins the game.

They literally want justifications and excuse to ban us at this point to please the chuds.

delusionalcels, t_d quarantined but cahpo isnt

those meanies looking for excuses to ban us

He said in their daily thread where they talk about how much they want to kill people who...enforce immigration laws

oh no they'll have to work in a country for $4 an hour where cost of living is 2.5x less than they do in the us where they'll earn $10/hour

It’s quite literally any kind of law enforcement, which makes me wonder who is going to enforce the rule of law if their revolution ever takes place.

In b4 “a body of community members”. That’s almost exactly what a police force is.

You mean police forces are made up of people who live in the community (mostly) and actively want to be police officers and go through a shitload of training in order to do so? Impossible.

When chapo and the Donald act like they are truly any different.

I love T_D and chapos.

good post, thanks for sharing it with us op 🦀🦀🦀

And T_D was the one who got banned...

Im 18 but im too old for this world, i cant...


Chapoturds are gonna face it sooner or later.

Oh yeah my bad quarantined. Just trying to access it on mobile is a hassle and so for a lot of mobile T_D users its as good as banned. Its so damm coincidental that it was right before the Democrat Debate.

Just trying to access it on mobile is a hassle and so for a lot of mobile T_D users its as good as banned.

It's only a hassle if you're an utter retard who can't figure out technology. And that still doesn't make it "banned."

Dude for some reason i cant get it to work on mine. Either my browser is just being an ass or its on reddits end. Whats going on in the sub anyways? Anything crazy? Havent seen it for a while.

Maybe you're a retard then

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

"Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are"

Confirmed retarded. KiA and the Donald lmao, a retarded pedophile. Can't say that's the first of that combo


Oh was that supposed to be a good comeback? Sorry I forgot to laugh.

What's your favorite Chinese child porn cartoon

The one with the pig tail loli trap. It was called Ding Dong Ming's Home Part 2: Sausage Princess.

I say it was better than the 1st one.

Whats yours? Let me guess... Little Boys Vs Priest Pt. 1

Not my taste, but hey to each their own, eh?

language of Cretin Retardian

The free speech rally videos weren't a false flag, TD/KIA posters really are those scrawny, pasty mayo kids whose pariah status has left them with undeveloped humor and social skills.

Limit your free time to playing video games, going out with people who aren't this retarded, and either a sport or the gym. Otherwise you'll end up doing something like this.

Dude, how many times do I have to say that I'm not fluent in Cretin Retardian before you get it through your Rocky Dennis shapped head?

Duurr dyarrr dyeee whahhoo

I dont speak Creton Retardian. How many times does this have to be said?

Ok, I translated what you said, lets go.

Also, Im Asian and kinda stocky. I have good humour and laugh at alot of things. I also have pretty decent social skills growing up with abuse and bullying.

I was a varsity cross country runner, varsity basketball player, varsity golf player, in theatre starring as George in Of Mice and Men, in Advanced Video Production and was put in my town newspaper for my work and being the youngest person in advanced video production in my schools history to be invited to be a presenter at a tech expo about video editing and filming, worked in a tire shop during the summers, worked a job chopping wood for older people in my town during the winter, currently provide for myself and my financially irresponsible parents....I'm 18, almost 19 in two months. I'm making strides to move to another state in pursuit of a carpentry apprenticeship since I liked it and never really sought to go to college.

I think im decently adjusted considering.

Do you normally sperg out like this?


Oh was that supposed to be a comeback? Ok.

Well, if you want my comeback, youll have to suck it out of your dad's colon.

You are a sperg of epic proportions. Please stay

No. I must go where im needed.

disappears into the shadows only to spill my spaghetti

Are you this retarded in real life?

Nope. Internet isnt real life. Different humour and joke set ups. The fsct that you cant tell the differe ce between internet chat boards and real life is mimda weird...are you ok? Do you need someone to talk to?

There is no way you aren't also a school shooter suspect in real life as well. Please stick around

Actually surprisingly not, i did make a school shooting joke but the teachers just said it wasnt the time or place. They dont see me as a school shooter since im a pretty chill person.

Pretty fucking rude of them to claim I'm not brave enough to shoot up the school. Ill show them....not brave enough to murder innocent people my ass. The gall of some people. I swear. Yknow as soon as we lost manners the whole school went to shit.

To be fair, the joke was on Halloween and my friend and I dressed up in the outfits of Eric Harris and Dylan Klobeld. We did get sent home and got ISS. Totally worth it to see how pissed off the principal was at how offensive it was. My dad was pretty neutral on it and just said it was a bad idea, which i agree. Not the best choice.

My friends parents absolutley laid into him about getting trouble over that.

Wouldnt do it the second time around. I already got my laughs out of the first.

There is a 100% chance that you will shoot up a school

We i havent and am pretty damn close to a pacifist?

Now i know pacifist is a big word for you. It usually means, a non aggressive or non violent person. Fairly simple.

Grade A autism. Accept radical centrism in your heart and you'll fit right in here.

How the fuck cam you be a radical centrist? Its like:

"Do you want to be murdered or not murdered"?



Dont you dare stop me from shitting on your living room carpet. Ill take that shit to the supreme court for my rights.

Also, Im White-Asian and kinda built. I have good humour and laugh at alot of things. I also have pretty decent social skills having grown up with abuse, irresponsible parents, and bullying.

I was a varsity cross country runner, varsity basketball player, varsity golf player, in theatre starring as George in Of Mice and Men, in Advanced Video Production and was put in my town newspaper for my work and being the youngest person in advanced video production in my schools history to be invited to be a presenter at a tech expo about video editing and filming, worked in a tire shop during the summers, worked a job chopping wood for older people in my town during the winter, currently provide for myself and my financially irresponsible parents....I'm 18, almost 19 in two months. I'm making strides to move to another state in pursuit of a carpentry apprenticeship since I liked it and never really sought to go to college.

I think im decently adjusted considering the facts

Damn!! You too?

You sure we aint related?

No shit, TD/KIA posters are scrawny, pasty, mayo kids. Just like Chapos and LSCs. It's almost like being an internet "political activist" usually doesn't lend itself to muscle mass or a good tan.

Dude, just go to reddit on your browser, Log in, and then visit the quarantined sub of choice, and click "Yes".

Also, please stop visiting T_D and make the world a better place.

Zoomers are utter retards that think they’re technologically adept because one time they synced up up their retarded boomer moms AirPods.

It's only a hassle if you use the awful official app, in which case it's better you not be in Reddit, as you're either retarded, or a Boomer.

Wow you just insulted thousands of redditors at once. Congrats man.

Press X to doubt. The admins virtually never go after left-wing subs.

Im 18 but im too old for this world, i cant...

lmao right

That’s why we call you zoomers, cuz you spend your summer break posting mueller comics in r/conservative like a 60 year old semi retired CPA with a desktop folder full of ebony porn.

That’s why we call you zoomers, cuz you spend your summer break posting mueller comics in r/conservative like a 60 year old semi retired CPA with a desktop folder full of ebony porn.

I thought it was funny. Mainly cause it was specific to whats gonna happen. It was a somewhat normie meme so posted it somewhere where it fit. I leave dank memes where dank memes are, and normie memes where normie memes are. And dont blame Gen Z for leaving more conservative than any other young generation. Blame Millenials.

And awwww how cute...that you have to stalk my account to get something to say to me. Its so adorable that youre soo pathetic that you have to stalk someones account to attack their character and meme that was posted on a predominantly milquetoast sub rather than challenge their point. You guys are just sooo precious.

If your dank memes are as dank as your comebacks I think r/conservative is where they should stay

Wasnt my come back.

Luckily, I've been brushing up on my Cretin Retardian. You know, the language of your people. Alright, lets see...aha


Durrr dar durr duhh wuhhh woho darrrr

For the non-Cretin Retardians in the Audience, that roughly translates to:

If you want my comeback, youll have to scrape it off your mom's teeth

trap loli isn't a race

Hey fuck you, dont slander my loli trap porn. You can cross any line, but thats too far. How dare you insult their little beautiful dicks?!

why do you think child porn is an acceptable thing to joke about?

Because you can literally joke about whatever you want. Im not an SJW.

so you think the only people who abhor pedophilia are SJWs?

Oh i abhor pedophilia, after all I believe the cure for pedophilic crimes is a .357 round to the brain. I can still make jokes because again, I'm not a sensitive emotional hemophiliac. Im White-Asian and make derogatory asian jokes about Nanking amd the Bataan Death March being justified despite being Filipino-Chinese on my moms side. I make derogatory jokes about the irish, jews, gypsies, and serbs even though I have relation to that blood line. I literally don't care who I joke about as long as its not a directly specific one against a specific defensless person.

that's a lot of words u could have just said "yes and I also watch anime" but if you feel the need to be a faggot at the same time then u do u

Absolutely. First stop, your daddy's dick and your mommy's cunt for a threesome. Youre about to have two fathers.

those aren't kids didn't u say ur a pedophile

Nah, I aint picky. I mean you gotta produce the kids to fuck em. Im just a pro active pedophile

Also obviously someone doesnt understand what an offensive joke is.

just saying "I am a pedophile who rapes kids" isn't a joke it's just you being a pedophile I don't think you know what a joke is tbh. are you too afraid to ask I can explain if u like

If its along the lines of "A joke is supposed to be funny", to that I say "Comebacks are supposed to be good".

Jokes are subjective and up to the teller of the joke. Not you.

Now go suck your siblings out of your dads cock for lunch.

again u r just saying stupid cringe stuff and screaming that it's a joke when people call you a faggot. really hope u r actually younger than 18 all ur posts are just inexcusably awful for someone that old

slides an uno reverse card across the table

Checkmate, libtard.

I literally cannot think of a more zoomer faggot piece of shit response u r peak zoomer faggot piece of shit. why do u feel the need to ruin this corner of the internet can't u just post doggos on meirl or whatever it is u faggots do on the internet


I only see one person triggered here, ranting and raving.

I know it ain't me...and...youre the only other person here sooo, yeah. Big oof, bud.

cant wait 4 the day when ur entire generation of pale skinned neon haired faggots gets holocausted for not giving enough back in slave reparations (which are very based)

Im White-Asian and none of ancestors owned slaves so why should I. My ancestors who were fought for the union. So is spilling their blood to free the slaves not enoughM

no not when u benefitted from centuries of white supremacy



I'm laughing knowing you will be subjected to a life of inceldom thanks for that

Because of my race? Wow youre so morally better than everyone. I bet images your comments get posted on r/ihavesexn all the time.

How did I benefit? Pretty much all my ancestors in the U.S. were poor loggers from Kentucky and Washington. I grew up with a pretty shitty poor childhood, just recently got a bed for the first time. Honestly the floor and couches kinda feel better.

Yep women are not attracted to hapa men u r universally ugly all 4/10 or below. Also u benefit from white supremacy by getting advantages in every facet of life when compared to people of other races (except sex u r awful at that) Your lack of personality and intelligence preventing you from properly taking advantage of that privilege just makes you more pathetic as a person

Man, so edgy. I mean it just seems youre trying too hard. You gotta be laid back and structure your comments so people dont just immediately spot you as a troll.

Try using full words instead of one letter abbreviations and use punctuation.

Also, dont cram all the insults into one big paragraph. Once you move insults or change the idea of the area youre speaking of, put it in its own paragraph.

Also, don't put to many insults into one comment. You want to come off as natursl and build it. You gotta lure them in and trap them.

Other than that, the insults are pretty ok and the agression is somewhat on point. Just dial the aggreasion back a tiny bit to make youbappear more dismissive rather than this. Thatll make them more upset because they'll think youre a normal person who actually wants to talk and theyll try to beat you, but stay as a wall. Dont give an inch and accept insults and flip them back.

All in all, uhhhh 7/10. Its an ok troll, but could do better. I'll be rooting for you.

First off, why would anyone take advice from u look at your posts they are awful.

Second, bullying you for being a faggot is not the same as trolling. I'm not trying to bait u into long-winded replies or trying to waste ur time (u r doing that of ur own volition however) I'm just trying to make u understand that you look and sound like a giant faggot

ur a hero

Heyyyy there you go you cleaned it up. Idk how im being bullied here but ok.

Yo thanks for the compliment though. I was worried about my membership in Pride about hey you man you fully eased my worries on it.

Thanks. Love you baby girl. 😘

u really should feel bad about the person u r

Too bad that i dont. Tough titties

wait till ur a 40 yo hapa incel too ugly and annoying to even buy a prostitute

I dont even like sex bud. Tried it and didnt like it so not much of a loss for me.

rape doesnt count as trying sex

Oooh nice burn. First time i heard that, i laughed so hard i fell of my dinosaur.

not a joke just making sure u know

Whatever, man. Thats your problem.

TD was making "jokes" about ambushing police, you know, like what terrorists do

A few of em were and mods removed it where they saw it. T_D is pretty strict on not getting the sub in trouble with saying things like that. Everyone on the sub knew that wasnt allowed and very few generally believed it was ok to say and encourage that.

Im 18 but im too old for this world, i cant...

LMAO what a loser.


If you want my comeback you can scrape it out of your daughters throat the day after she turns 18.

lol u r such a faggot I really hope u don't think posting stuff like this makes u cool. kinda getting embarrassed even reading it tbh

Good comeback, did your favorite priest make that one for you?

u r for sure a dumb nigger least I aint stupid

u r also a pedophile

Supposed to be an insult?

yes pedophilia is abhorrent you should feel terrible for what you have done to children you will nev**er make up for it as long as you live.

Man good thing im not actually a pedophile. Just offensive. Also pretty glad im not a sensitive pearl clutcher like you either.

then why did u say u were a pedophile do u just think pedophiles are cool don't believe u tbh

No because its an offensive jest that caused you to clutch your pearls like an old white woman seeing a black man within eyesight of her.

do u think if u said that to parents of abused children it would prevent u from getting knocked unconscious

Hence the internet! Very reason internet exists is to be offensive without worrying about someone physically assaulting you over words.

Also, I'd be vary wary on chastizing me on not knowing about how being molested feels. Not the road you want to go down.

Please tell me about your molestation faggot

Ooooh edgy. Youre trying too hard. Might strain a blood vessel.

lol u typed all that haha u faggot

Meh. I mean your edginess isnt very nuanced. You gotta structure that a bit.

ur posts r very retarded no one will ever take any advice from u

Thats cool, man. No worries.

Guess you could say he got...ICEd. YEEEAAAAAaaa

Chapos are such terrible people.

Tried to false flag them by commenting “All cops must die” but I’m already banned :(

Reminder that r/Shit_Chapo_Says is now active again so you know, you could post screenshots like this in there I guess.

I love your comment thank you stranger

Serious post here. How do you report stuff to the site wide admins?

Janny loving fag

chapocels aren't people

Removed: Brigaded

The mods don't even have the spine to admit they removed it to keep the sub from getting shuttered or quarantined, because they'd get shit from Chapos for bending the knee to the fash-adjacent admins. Truly, the invertebrate Soy-American is a marvel of quivering, ineffectual shade-seeking. Long live the revolution.

Imagine being that shitty of a person?

terrifies me to know there are people at my school that post on that dumb sub smh

Someone post that on SRD for SEETHEMAXX

This is a snoozepost.

Goddammit chapo not again