Daddy single handily solves climate change. 🌎

9  2019-06-29 by Ghdust2


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Daddy single handily solves climate... -,

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Rightoids will declare Daddy the worst president of all time after tens of millions of climate refugees pour into western countries.

That isn't what will happen. 60 years from now the GOP will claim they never denied climate change and it was actually the democrats that did so.

This is how rightoids operate, they do/believe a bunch of stupid shit and then when they end up being wrong they just claim it was the left all along.

You're probably right.

That's like 30 years down the line. I don't have time to worry about that yet.

Imagine not living in Alaska.

Aite I'ma lefty but what kinda blatant agendapost is this. Where's the drama

We can start our own. To combat climate change I propose we nuke China and India, and chemically castrate anyone below 120 in IQ

Sometimes you just have to see back and allow the retardation 😎😎😎

Why do rightoitds have such a hate boner for climate change? It's not like the oil companies are gonna starve anytime in this century.

Climate change started as a liberal thing and like none of their disaster prophecies came true because they sensationalized the shit out of it giving right wingers the perfect excuse to not look at the science and come to the conclusion it was always liberal bullshit because Florida isn't under water yet.

Also they are nationalistic and see all the climate change agreements as giving a leg up to competitors like China and India who only needed to promise they will start doing what other countries agreed to in like ten years.

It would be a good thing if Florida was under water but ok

American conservativism is basically nihilism, but with a Christian aesthetic. They want the world to end because they hate it and all things good about it.

The centrist position on climate change is that climate change deniers are dumb and all the global pacts and stuff the left wants done won't mean a god damn thing with the third world industrializing as their population explodes.

I honestly think it comes down to scientists being able to make major technological break throughs allowing them to like edit the climate before it is too late. There should be a global fund with enormous monetary compensation set up for scientists who make technological discoveries that could lead us to being able to control temperature.

The centrist position on climate change is that it is real and we deserve it.

Yeah climate change solutions require massive international changes and control. Lefties haven't done anything to solve that and the US is already on a downwards trend in emissions