Forget Clownworld, it's PissEarth now

30  2019-06-29 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


  1. Forget Clownworld, it's PissEarth n... -,,

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😂😂😂 When you're about to find out you're adopted and mommy never loved you

That post makes my nipples hard. They act like there is some rule in place that only allows breeding with the mongrel species. Or that you can't adopt white children to make sure they follow the white path.

I love these LARPing fucks so much 🥰🥰🥰


Snappy quote material

So, who wants to place bets on when this sub and its mods will be banned? I bet 3 months max.

I'm guessing it doesn't make it two weeks, they can't go a thread without honking so they're gonna get bopped for ban evasion

I'm putting down a silver that they're gone by Tuesday.

Never underestimate the capacity of Reddit admins to drag their feet I guess.

Time will tell if my guess was right


Imagine being incapable of linking a thread. What a boomer.

Wasn't Planet Piss Murderface's side band on Metalocalypse? These dorks are really reaching now.