Extremely high IQ take on why Fox News and anyone who watches it is actually a Nazi (highlights in comments)

95  2019-06-29 by 200iqBigBrain


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Be honest: you can barely tolerate me even using the word liberal so many times in a few sentences, because to you it’s such a toxic word. Liberals repulse you. They are barely even human, and definitely un-American, right? You think liberals are everything that is wrong with America. Liberals are wrong, bad and evil. Evil demons. America would be a much better place without liberals, right?

The hatred and disgust you feel for liberals are exactly the same feelings the Nazis felt for Jews.

You use terms like liberals, libtards, demoncrats and demon rats as vicious slurs, to demonize and dehumanize liberals in exactly the same way Nazis demonized and dehumanized Jews.

Liberals in 2019 are persecuted just like Jews if u think about it. Way to show the chuds. Don’t we always hear about how political ideologies aren’t protected classes whenever righties whine about being “persecuted?”

They thought they were the victims. So do you.

As we all know, American liberals absolutely do not have a victimhood complex.

Just like you believe the United Nations is a globalist anti-American conspiracy, lead by an evil Jew named George Soros.

The people who want to arm the shit out of the only Jewish nation actually want to exterminate them.

Catholics are not “different” from Christians. Catholics are the original Christians. Evangelicals are just a splinter group that started with a German protestant preacher called Martin Luther.

Most Christians on the planet think of American Evangelicals as a malignant, misguided cult, not true followers of Christ.

lmao shilling for Catholicism of all things on reddit and getting fellated for it. I’m legitimately impressed.

The Nazis were God-fearing Christians who followed the teachings of the same Martin Luther that you follow. Hitler frequently claimed that everything he did was God’s will:

And he also pissed on the church all the time. You wouldn’t accuse Hitler of lying for his own benefit, would you?

Connect. the. dots.

Is any of this sinking in yet?

Or do you need more time?

Take all the time you need.

This person absolutely would have turned out better if they were bullied at least a little more

The KKK’s slogan was “America first.” Trump’s slogan is “America first.”

…His slogan is MAGA. Does anyone not know that? Jesus Christ. America First is what daddy called a policy.

More and more children keep dying in US custody. That never happened under Obama.

They did but literally nobody cared because Republicans don’t care and Democrats fell in line

Trump is literally persecuting Christians. Trump is locking Christian children in cages.

Considering that we just accepted that Christians are Nazis, this is a good thing.

Oh, and you know how Fox News always says the Nazis were anti-gun?

That’s a lie, too.

The Nazis just restricted gun ownership by minorities and political rivals, which is obviously in the spirit of the second amendment that Faux Snooze argues for. This guy is seriously arguing that anyone who wants to fight civilian gun restrictions is on the same team as the Nazis, despite probably thinking the US is fascist.

Want to know more? Read my book. It will blow your mind. I promise.

It’s all so tiresome

still unemployed then?

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buy my book

That's all you need to know

typing all that shit


I typed like a paragraph 😠😠

the original post gave me a stroke as soon as I saw my scroll bar

Longpostbot> everyone else> you 🙄

How do we deploy LongPostBot Reddit-wide?


hey fix the typos in your fucking bot sweatie


Someone comb his book for hints of his eventual transition and following suicide.

Is any of this sinking in yet?

It's so long since I've seen this one in the wild.

But Evangelicalism didn't start with Martin Luther. Protestantism did.

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Extremely high IQ take on why Fox N... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Hitler didn't kill 6 million Jews on day one. It took him a few years to get to that point. Right now Trump is still on the stage where Hitler was right before he killed 6 million Jews. Give Trump enough time, and he'll get there. We already have kids dying in concentration camps. That's one step closer to killing brown people outright. His supporters already call for it:

How do people get so stupid? Ugh.

I think I just got a nosebleed and I blame it on trying to read this shit.

Reddit does a much better job than Fox News in convincing people that lefties are delusionally smug retards.

This post literally oozes smug

and the only people that read it are the ones that already believe it, yet need daily reassurance that Fox News lies so they can stick their flabby chest out and say 'i told you so'

This is the liberal version of the Obama FEMA death camps conspiracy.


I'm unironically fucking pissed off because I broke my mouse scroll wheel thanks to that post. Not even joking

virgin mouse scroller vs chad spacebar holder


>not page down key

The state of r/drama these days.

lol he doesn’t use gaze tracking hardware

Look at this loser who doesn’t just jam a usb into his skull and download the post into his brain.

Right now Trump is still on the stage where Hitler was right before he killed 6 million Jews

arent we technically all?

Is daddy about to be rejected from art university?

Right now, I'm still on the stage where Chad was, right before he banged 6 million foids.

I guess the creation of the retard class by fox news has created an equally retarded class on a political opposite.

You're talking about Trump's followers, right?

The only reason it won't happen, if it doesn't, is because we know about his type from the wisdom of history. Never again.

Wtf! I LOVE abortions, black crime, child tranny drag pageants, Muslim terror, and unlimited migration of non-assimilating low IQ third worlders now

Fuck you Faux Ness for lying to me

Imagine thinking the most important topics of today are the shit you typed out above. This is shit that happens in like 1% of cases that is used as propaganda. This is your brain on fox news.

The only somewhat legit one is black crime but I'm not a poorcel so I don't give a fuck

13/52 is legit. Cope harder libtard.

Imagine caring about black crime 😂 must be a poor Urban fag. I'll look out for your body on my local news from the comfort of my suburbs


the biggest things are that 90% of the population are hedonist retarded mayos, those other bits are related (abortion is actually terrible, the rest not so much)

Agreed. Also urbancels absolutely seething rn

Try again retard, the wealthiest urban professionals in careers like finance/law live in urban areas. In most cities the difference between $1m condos and pricy apartments and bombed out groid hellholes is a few blocks

The people who live in 1mil condos don't care about the crime that's happening cuz their areas are safe and heavily guarded. I know because that's where I live. You think the rich are gonna keep living there if there was the possibility they might die at any moment? Guaranteed poorcel

Child drag pagents and Muslim terror not so much, but crime and migration are easily some of the most important topics, and a lot of people take abortion seriously too.

Fuck idiots who care about migration

Literally a non-issue in real terms

No one in history has ever whined more about less

Indeed, total non-issue, let everyone in with no oversight!

Tfw abortions don't happen apparently.

Neither of those issues effect me. Learn to be more based

Immigration is the dumbest issue in the world, it's a non-issue. Never in history have more people whined more about less than modern western civilization has whined about migration. As if closed borders are at all natural! Do you know of any other animals that literally have closed borders encasing huge swaths of territory all over the world? How could we convince ourselves that this is the natural and unalterable way of organizing the universe. Migration is natural, attempts to limit migration are unnatural and out of step with reality.

No you stupid fuck, there is literally not a more important issue than national demographics. Literally every nation that doesn't suck ass is formed by high-IQ groups. It's the difference between a prosperous, wealthy, high trust country and a third world shithole.

Leftist concerns are what? Police brutality and humanity's apparent inability to shake off a few degrees celsius temperature over 100 years? The 2007 IPCC report put the impact at like 5% of GDP by 2100. Who fucking cares.

If you want the country to be formed by high IQ groups deport yourself


boomer go home

Literally every wave of immigrants in history has been critiscized as non-assimiliating

I can pull you articles from the 20's talking about how eastern Europeans would never assimilate and had inherently low IQs. You people always say the same shit.

Crazy how liberals have taken up conspiracy theories as much as the right has


300 iq takes there im buying 10 copies his book as we speak

Damn, someone there watches Rick and Morty.

71% upvoted


Lenin wasn't the monster you think he was.

6k upvotes on /r/atheism lmao.

They've rewritten history in crayon and they keep losing pages.

Want to know more? Read my book. It will blow your mind. I promise.

what the fuck

#1 Best Seller in History of Protestantism


If you're a fan of John Oliver, Bill Maher, Trevor Noah, or Stephen Colbert, you'll love this book.


🤣 👌

Is it self-published? Ann Coulter used to claim that any idiot could get a book published if it was liberal. That's why she turned on daddy.

Hitler and his Nazi minions were right-wing Christian conservative nationalists who hated liberals for the same reasons you hate liberals.

Hoo boy, these niggas ain’t heard about the SS.

Just lumping the things they don't like together. Nothing new.

this is actually horseshoe theory cuz this is what the far right believes

>post that is literally as long as a small book


>an actual book is shilled at the end

I don't know whether that's even more advanced autism or if it makes it better because they're (hopefully) getting paid to write all that.

Holy shit, never thought I'd see someone try to tie Martin Luther with Nazism, I can't tell if this post is post post post ironic or just your average politics poster

u dont understand . christ = bad... we r not bound by old books xD

Haven't seen this much 'tism in quite a while

Good find OP

> “you are being fed propaganda”

> proceeds to post links to Vox


Holy shit boomers lmao

Liberals don't need fox news to convince people to hate them. This is some galaxy brain level shit.

Tldr. But i already found something factual wrong

The photo he gave of Nazi’s loving guns is of the old men and young kids they forced into combat in the final days of the battle of Berlin. Lmfao