2  2019-06-29 by EmblaZon_Inc

You can find many examples of cops killing civilians with publicly available proof it was murder, and not a single example will have the cop being punished, in fact often they're rewarded with things like vacation time.

However, you can also find many examples of civilians killing cops with publicly available proof it was self defense, and not a single example will have the civilian bring punished, in fact they're often rewarded with things like lawsuit money.

The system is biased in favor of cops since they can do it when when it's murder and not self-defense, but it's moreso biased in favor of whoever survives the encounter.

This is the kind of thing we're talking about when we try to tell you idiots on the left wang that a gun is a vital part of self-defense and patriotic liberty while you drool about how "you'll never beat drones" as if sandfuckers don't shoot them down successfully.

Now go ahead and ban me for unironic libertarianism


Who r u

ur mom

Hi mom

Did you do your homework?

Mom, you died 2 years ago. Why should you care?

Because that's what moms do

Guns are fun, but imagine being such a pussy you are scared enough to carry one around to "defend" yourself 🤣

Two things I most like to do are camping deep in the woods and walking around poorly lit streets at night with my headphones on. You'd have to be a retard not to carry 3 or 4 guns in those situations.

For camping I take a Bowie knife and bear spray for poorly lit streets I don't have to worry because I'm not a little bitch.

I don't have to worry because I have an AR-15, a 9mm, an RPG and ninja stars.

Yooo ninja stars 😍 your hunched over crane neck posture must scare off all potential muggers because they know u narutoko.

Sorry I meant nigga stars. It's a tri-blade knife used by Crips in Los Angeles.

The black Hokage 😻

For camping I take a Bowie knife

What bowie knife do you have? I have a Cold Steel San Mai Trail Master as my favorite, and a Fallkniven as my favorite bowie knives.

But I don't use them as weapons, I only consider them a tool make flint and to chop wood with.

Some made in china crap, keep intending on picking up a good knife but never get around to it.

If you actually ever spend a lot of time in the woods, and you want the best, you'll want a

Cold Steel San Mai Trail Master

Gerber Stongarm

Dewalt sidestrike chisel

Will look into it mate, thanks 👍

Imagine being such a pussy you can't even process your fear of death or loss at all so you just ignore all the risks you take in life and you need to pretend people who can actually handle life are pussies in order to feel better about yourself.

🤣 implying that I am at any risk 🤣. Being a scared puss makes you a target, fix your posture and your paranoid attitude and the only risks that you run into are the ones you ask for.

implying that I am at any risk

Totally not the words of an average sheltered Western moron who's too much of a mentally weak bitch to accept the fear of death.

From Rio de Janeiro moved to Chicago 🤣🤣🤣

Rio de Janeiro is western you fucking retard and Chicago is a nice city.

You're just as mentally handicapped as everyone else here, stop fronting you pussy.

It's shit hole western if you grow up poor mate 🙄 only the fools and paranoid get hit for the most part tho.

Yet you were still sheltered enough to grow into someone who chickens out at the mere premise of being ready for a little old robbery or mugging.

Did I ever say don't be ready? I would consider myself rather prepared for both situations and pocket slashing. Never needed to worry about carrying a gun for them though 😑

"While you were concealed carrying, I was failing the permit test and had to resort to studying the blade. Now I'm unstoppable."

*complies immediately when a bank robber points a gun and says to get on the floor*

*starts crying*

*gets made an example of despite never even reaching for the knife, but is spared from the embarrassment by how guns, unlike knives, can kill you before you even hear them go off*

🤣🤣🤣 carrying a blade is great if you wanna cook when camping. Generally talking or passing over a wallet with minimal cash is the safest way to get out of your so called muggings. Keep up your fanfiction and shooting you imaginary foes.

"You fucking pussy, why don't you just hand over your wallet like a real man?"

Handing over fake wallet in a high murder area is a lot safer than trying to pull a gun and shoot someone who already has a weapon aimed at you. 😏

You don't try to pull a gun on someone who's already aiming at you, retard, you shoot them when they're not aiming at you or you just use open carry as a deterrent or something. The only way to take a gun and do something retarded enough with it to be less safe then the old fake-wallet is if you're retarded enough to think the fake wallet technique is safer than having a gun anyway.

Ye shoot the mugger when he looks away and puts his weapon down 😖

Or just aim it at him and mug him back just like he did to you, this is the point of guns, if you both had knives it would just become a fight to the death half the time

How many times have you been mugged or robbed, if the number is larger than 0 howany times did you go John wick on their asses?

I'm the mugger, actually

i hope you have a lovely day stranger

Nice 👍 how is the pay?

It sucks because I'm not in Chicago where people think guns are for pussies

Move to a first world countries where people have no experience with robbery then. You will make bank off the purse clutches and soy boys.

Fuck first world countries, they killed the USSR right when it was getting good

Pay them back for ending communism by redistributing the wealth of their moids and foids. 🤩

That's not how it works, you can't just un-cancel Christmas like that. Who do you think I am, Olive the other reindeer?

In my opinion, unless you’re actually putting yourself out there energetically, (performing rituals, working and manipulating energy), it’s very rare that something would just attach itself to you.

When you practice magic, you open yourself up and become a beacon of light, so to speak. Things may become attracted to you because you’re already working with energy/making waves in the astral.

But if you’re not doing any energy workings, not doing any rituals, just reading, I seriously doubt that anything maleficent has attached itself to you.

I suffer from depression and dealt with a 2 year bout of PostPartum Depression and PTSD, so I’m very wary of people blaming their problems on “hocus pocus”. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for people to encounter entities, even possession can happen, but it’s rare that it would happen to someone who is not actively working with “magic”.

Now, for a solution, by all means, if you want to perform some form of cleansing, or a ritual of separation and protection, hey, if it helps to make you feel better, go ahead. But I think you should look into some mundane solutions for what seem to me to be mundane problems.

Edited to clarify: when I was going through my 2 years of mental hell (PPD & PTSD) I was actively working towards gaining Second Level Initiation with the group I was working with. During that time, I had to pay close attention to what was happening magically versus what was happening with in my own head, Due to my own mental illness. In the headspace that I was in, it would’ve been very easy for me to suddenly think that all of these things in my head were happening because of magical reasons. I kept a journal and shared with my Magus (who had 25+ years of magical training), and I was able to keep the two separate. But it’s easy for me to look back and see how I could have easily blamed my very mundane problems on the astral/magical.


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Just for that reply and how long it took me to confirm it was a pasta now you have to watch Olive The Other Reindeer the whole movie as penance or I'm SWATting you with the full knowledge you have no means of defense

I will just give them my shitty wallet with 20$ in 5s. Their assault rifles will be useless against me. Honestly 1 Brasilian Chad Jew vs 1 swat team isn't even fair 🤭

Fuck you win

God damn it you gave Reddit money

Nah mate that was from the retard who gave me a gold it allowed me to pass along a silver. I may be retarded, but I am not a retard.

Thank fuckin Christ, I love you now


Also why the fuck would you ever try to do something in a bank robbery, just kick it low and lose a couple hours off your day. It's not like they are there for you.

I fully support bank robbers but if someone threatens a nice little bodega I'm in I want to cap them in the leg.

☝️👍 one of the few thefts I don't give a fuck about.

I don't give a fuck about you then.


This is the kind of thing we're talking about when we try to tell you idiots on the left wang that a gun is a vital part of self-defense

Guns are for pussies who don't how to use their words or a simple stick.

Ok, use a stick then dipshit.

I was wondering why there seems to be less libertarians than there used to be, turns out they're all getting shot by cops lol.

First funny comment

If you don't have at least one firearm you aren't even american. You're a canadian, and that's terrible

what the fuck is this bullshit?

the way you beat the gun problem is to ban all guns but give everyone a paintball gun that can shoot frozen paintball pellets. once the increase in disability claims go through the roof due to brain damage we can look back on the gun ban and agree it was a bad idea to ban guns.


Where is my fucking ban?

While you were playing with guns, drinking booze and lusting over women I was studying the blade.

According to /r/wholesomememes, I don't lust over women, I just love them.