Former /r/Drama mod protests at some gay bar of no importance.

17  2019-06-30 by SandorClegane_AMA


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Former /r/Drama mod protests at som... -,

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That woman sounds pretty based tbh.


Black trans woman speaking to white crowd will not prevent murders of black trans women bc they are mostly killed by other black people.

I heard it is usually over drugs and prostitution, is that accurate?

Actually, it’s usually over insider trader or corporate embezzlement

That would be impressive.

“Hedge this, bitch!”

i like this guy

Based and intersection-pilled.

Every race is statistically more likely to be killed by their own race by a wide margin. You're most likely to be murdered by people you know via internal disputes.

unless you're white

No white too

black tranny prostitutes are being killed in south america by johns

somehow i doubt liberal, privileged trannies in america at an event literally made to coddle them have cause for concern

Its all fake news anyway no one questions it because POC trannies dying in droves to do high risk behavior would not be suprising.

Jesus. Trannies should be gassed. Unironically the most mentally ill people on the planet.

<1% of the population and 90% of LGBT attention whoring and crybullying



Tbh, I'd be able to get onboard with this shit except for the fact that the segments of society where most of these murders happen aren't the segments of society constantly being lectured over it.