what did reddit mean by this? 🤔

144  2019-06-30 by rsrfy


If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. what did reddit mean by this? 🤔 - archive.org, archive.today

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rightoid snappy S E E T H I N G

rly makesu think

Well, of course the site is fake. It was satire, not ment to be taken as a legitimate campaign site. The r/drama post said as such. Criticism of good old Uncle Joe is verboten now, I suppose. Harris better watch out.

He seems to be the DNC's handpicked candidate, along with Elizabeth Warren.

It is time for both a women and a Native American to be on the ticket.

I'll vote for Warren if she agrees to stop doing the rain dance so much, it's getting out of control over here!

Tfw your state could use a rain dance. 😕

This seems to be the DNC's hand picked website too, with a lot of hand picked jannies.

Yeh, if I have to see that spent gussy one more time on the front page...

I swore it was gonna be Pete Buttiplug.

The DNC actually handpicked ever candidate retard

polls at first even before he announces

Why would the DNC do this?

I wish the DNC would pick someone who isn't an absolute embarrassment to the party. This is just Hillary V2, only with more molestation and no "she's a woman so you should vote for her." I don't see how Joe Biden stands a chance at winning when Hillary, who has the woman card and, surprisingly, a less creepy background, lost to the clown car that was the GOP.

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Fuck wrong month. Remindme! 16 months

Remindme! 14 months

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He stands a better chance at winning than most others. Some of the moderate Republicans who don't like Trump will be able to stomach Biden because he's more of a moderate Democrat. If they run one of the more left leaning candidates the moderate Republicans are just going to turn around and vote for Trump again. They can tolerate 4 years of some like Biden, but not 4 years of someone like Bernie.

He was the only moderate on stage the other night. Even military mommy is too far left.

Is that why they put warren in the first debate with all of the rejects?

That was to give Warren (anti-Bernie) a free win while providing Kamala with opportunity to go after Biden or Bernie. She chose Biden.

The reddit admins continue to trample on our human rights.

I hate how you spelled meant

Autocorrect failed me

I figured

What the fuck? My boy jubbergun getting some admin attention.

Its settled. Trump runs reddit and employs Russian actors to make the Left seem more ridiculous.

make the Left seem more ridiculous

Is it necessary? Is it even possible?

I don't know. How do reparations and healthcare for illegals sound?

sounds good

Like heaven.

Don't forget "concentration camps", rehashing the Red Scare, preteen drag queens, possible assault weapons ban, etc.

and then one day, for no reason at all, Hitler was voted into power

calling tax rebates for unfair paid tax reperations

When rightoids are so full of shit they become pro taxation.

A tax rebate is a good idea because black people mostly don't pay taxes so they'll get the nothing they deserve.

unironically saying the rich deserve even more money

keep your bootlicking fetish out of this sub, this is a christian forum.

The rich pay the lion's share of the taxes, idiot. Of course the wealthy deserve to see more of their earnings. You are aware that poor people (obviously) don't contribute much in taxes? lol retard

sucking trust fund kiddies dicks to own the poor

you are the reason chapos exist.

Don’t forget to dilate!

dude dilate lmao

40% lmao

dude shitty memes in response to people shitting on my side lmao

The government runs using tax dollars. It has nothing to do with trickle down, just who pays the most taxes contributes the most, no? Doesn't seem so controversial. The top ten % of earners pays just shy of 70% of taxes. Pretty clear cut.

. The top ten % of earners pays just shy of 70% of taxes. Pretty clear cut.

holy shit you really are a galaxy brain lmao

just who pays the most taxes contributes the most, no?

just take a fucking econ 101 course.

lol that is the long and short of it. You think giving a tax break to black people will act as reparations.. so you're safely ignored like the simpleton you are.

the tax rebate was about gay marriage being taxed as if they werent married in the first place, how are you this ignorant about everything you talk about, its pretty amazing.

OUT, poorfag

You want race based tax rates?

gay people arent a race you mongoloid

Why are you talking about gay people? You responded to "reparations and healthcare for illegals" specifically.

the reparations is referencing the tax rebates for gays that rightoids have been seething about, the healthcare for illegals is healthcare for illegals, obviously people cant read so they thought it was reparations for illegals.

No, stupid. Reparations is literally about reparations, for slavery. What the fuck are you talking about? Literally no one has called gay marriage reparations in American politics. There is also no reason to talk about gay marriage because it has been legal for years now.

You legit sound stupid as fuck not gonna lie right now.


calling people who dont subsist of misquoted political headlines the moron


Yeah that isn't cope. That is you arguing in complete bad faith. People who talk about reparations clearly are referencing slavery you fucking idiot.

Did you see the part about ADDED TO the list of people she wants to give away money to? Go search Twitter for reparations and let me know what percentage you think is about gay people.

Saying COPE didn't make you any less stupid. Even worse is not Americans thinking they have any grasp of internal politics.

People who talk about reparations clearly are referencing slavery you fucking idiot.

Yeah sure the only talk about "reparations" in the political news obviously isnt the subject its the one that nobody is talking about thats the real subject, what happened to

Literally no one has called gay marriage reparations in American politics.

Why would anyone see "reparations" mentioned and think this clearly is about gay people?

Did you miss me asking you if you want race based tax rates? I clearly am talking about slavery. Why are you trying to twist this? Warren is ADDING to her desire for reparations for slavery. So even when Warren talks about reparations she is definitely still talking about reparations for slavery.

. So even when Warren talks about reparations she is definitely still talking about reparations for slavery.


even when the subject is reparations for gay couples its obviously still about black people

galaxy brain lmao.

Warren herself has said she supports reparations for slavery. Multiple candidates have given it support. Go check social media and the reparations conversation revolves around slavery.

Even better is someone said "reparations" and you on your own put words in their mouth that they could only be talking about gay people. You then double down when someone specifically talks about race, me, and then pretend reparations could only be about gay people.

Reparations for immigration being illegal? I like the way you think

Science may have not gone too far enough on this one.

Someone's already betting for 2020. Also the antievilteam is comprised entirely by a bunch of worthless, authoritarian pussies

But how could they be authoritarian with a name like that!?

It’s anti-fascist, the name says so!

I got suspended for 72 hours for pinging sodypop and calling them a low-ranking supplicant. #fragilewhiteadmins

the antievilteam

can someone give me a quick rundown on this? it sounds incredibly gay

Sounds like you already know all there is about it

and panty sniffers

So they're saying that jubbergun created that site, then immediately went here to gloat about it? I don't agree with him about a lot of things but that seems out of character for him. I guess it's possible because it's the kind of thing I would do.

But how would reddit know that he did? Did they hire one of those elite cybersecurity companies to hack into jubbergun HQ to find out what makes him tick?

Even if he did, I don't see what the problem is. Parody is isn't election interference. Shit, this hilarious site has been posted all over Reddit for a couple years now.

The Joe Biden website was literally sourced with actual news and videos of him. This is actual bullshit to have Reddit censoring political criticism.

Oy vey

I'm so glad we have the Anti‐Evil operations to prevent us from seeing hellish content such as this.

The fun starts when you can redefine 'evil' to mean whatever you want it to mean. Even Google has the site listed second in a search.

Is there a direct link to the log showing the removal for proof?

Aaron Schwartz just committed sudoku again

https://joebiden.info/ is a parody site and one of the top results for Joe Biden 2020. All the information found on the site is backed with video or written sources.

😡 delete your post about https://joebiden.info/ right now

yikes! you did an evil. you did a sticky. you did no apology. this makes it abundantly clear you don't even understand the intersectional nature of the multiplicity of your offenses.

This is like 4 months old. A member of the donald who says he has close ties to the administration created this website before biden announced his presidency as a way sully biden's search results in anticipation of his frontrunner status.

How the democrats think that Biden is an acceptable candidate is beyond me.

Sure they have to find at least one guy who represents mainstream democrats and who is not a creepy uncle and not 80yo+.

Get dunked on, you libtards

Ha ha, this is a radical centrist sub, ha ha, not changed ha ha no siree bob.

Sir, are you seething?
