This is a lovely picture but you should delete this immediately. You already have someone commenting in approval that has "loli" in their username. If you didnt know, that's slang for sexualized prepubescent little girls.

3  2019-06-30 by RalphORama


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  1. This is a lovely picture but you sh... -,

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Damn I don’t have kids but I’d never post them online

does anything in that sub remotely resemble any sort of painting

Lol no. Look at the top three all time posts

This one, kind of.

their heads are tilted and they aren't looking at the camera, it isnt special lol

Man you just don’t get it

Paging u /loliesports.

Tbh the definite certainty that right now some male feminist is jerking to this is giving me the heebie jeebies.