They no longer do it for free

82  2019-06-30 by forestymonkey


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. They no longer do it for free -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Yeah, but apparently only the head mod gets it, and then they get to choose how to distribute it.

Anyways, they do it for below minimum wage.

This is going to create a lot of dramma between janny neets who will fight for those scraps.

This is the only thing that has ever made me consider spending money on reddit. The idea that someone will seethe over a portion of my $5 is much better value for money than the 2/3rds of a beer it would usually buy.

Why the fuck would you pay $7.50 for a beer lmao

I don't live in a shithole.

Anywhere you pay that much for a beer sounds like a shithole where everything needs to be imported by ship like Hawaii

Or just downtown in a major city.

Going to a bar to buy beer is a waste of money.

Yeah, at least compared to making jannies fight each other, that was the point. But some of us aren't poor and can afford to waste money.

Even if you're rich af you still shouldn't waste money.

Capitalist pig oink oink

Wasting money is good, feeds the economy. Sorry that I'm useful and paid well.

Wasting money is stupid. Your $7.50 to shekelburg isn't gonna help the economy, it's just more money that will be sitting in a bank account.

Imagine being poor enough that seven bucks is even an amount of money.

Dude that's 7 bucks that could be saved. You can make 5 gallons of beer for like $10.

Oh wow! Saved!?! For what?

Kids, mortgage, computer, phone bill, utilities, insurance, vacation.


So you could drop 200k for raising a kid, 10k for a vacation every 2 years with a SO, and however much for everything else? How much do you claim to make, Mr. Larp?

200k over many years is a pretty easy to do money stream, anyone making 6 figures should be able to cover that. Who only vacations every 2 years and thinks it costs $10k?

A 10k vacation across seas with you and another person will probably be 10k if you stay at nice places and the vacation is a week. Or cheaper places but 2 weeks. And a vacation every 2 years is pretty much average.

Picturing the mods reeeing about how to split 30 neetbux 32 different ways while simultaneously censoring each other and revoking mod privileges reminds me of the single year Indian picture.

More and more jannies will try to become power mods to get a small fraction of every subs neetbux and live in piece cleaning internet shitters. We've secured the life of power jannies.






Eh, just another reason to not buy awards

They came for our slaves, this is where we need to draw the line.

All internet moderators are inherently worthless people.