Mentally ill foid smugly gloats about murdering her unborn child while conservatards seethe in the comments. Retarded and unfuckable tranny jannies try to clean up the mess.

83  2019-06-30 by hungarianmeatslammer


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  1. Mentally ill foid smugly gloats abo... -,*

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Ey I think I saw this on stupidpol. Good dramacoin

That makes think of the time they (people on Stupidpol) said that not thinking that life begins at birth is idpol.

These sound like real leftists

Oh sure, everybody goes "you go qwueen, YASS! Slay that baby!" but when i punch a pregnant woman in the gut, im suddenly a murderer.

Also: women should be allowed to abort at any time for any reason, but only healthy fetuses. Unlike a healthy fetus, a fetus with a congenital disease is a future human being deserving of life and happiness, so aborting it makes you a literal hitler.

Everything would be better if more people were like you! : )

Even better if we all were replaced with wholesome bots like you!

FYI this was said by a guy who opposes abortion but wants to do involuntary forces abortions to remove those with defects. Literally this is nothing but a Freudian manifestation of his own mental state. No one has ever suggested banning women from aborting down syndrome children, we do not support his forced abortion program because we don't believe in forcing women who don't agree with abortion to submit to our racial hygiene program.

Why are you talking about right now, sweaty?

No he's not, he's a mentally ill tankie from dramacord.

Is this the real watermark? There's been so many fakers recently.

This is 99% false. If you bring up the idea of genetic disaster shouldn't reproduce and create more genetic disasters, and that you're a piece of shit for choosing to willfully create retards or people with other serious diseases so you can have a talking pet, the recreational offense taking pearl clutchers will start streaming in to kick and scream about being a Nazi and Eugenics, even if you never suggest it should be mandatory or you specifically say you don't think it should be. This is one of those "both sides, most people are good" meme pretendposts that describes an alternative version of reality that makes you more comfortable than the one we live in.

I wish we could site-ban any mentions of Harry Potter, Marvel or any other equally annoying redditism.

Elect me as reddit monarch 2020, and I will overthrow spez.

Is a reddit monarch a butterfly that smells like Cheetos and Masturbation?

Don't forget that he watches Cape-shit, the Office and Harry-potter is his favourite book series. That would be a typical reddit monarch.

Meme snap 2: electric boogaloo

Why does this sound like a Harry Potter abortion spell?

Because you have read the joke at least five times before just like every other retard in there and you haven't to get some retard backpat points

Why does this sound like a Harry Potter abortion spell?

Because you have read the joke at least five times before just like every other retard in there and you haven't to get some retard backpat points


dabbing on fetuses is an inalienable right

The 🐴👞 theory is once again proven correct. Rightoids want to dab people to death, and leftoids want to dab babies to death.

"It wasn't her fault that she was pregnant sweaty. Contraception is soooo difficult to find"

Reminder that f*ids have no agency in the West.

Also, isn't it ironic that this site, which is mainly populated by Leftists, has so much censorship? I mean, 23% comments deleted is insane. JFL.

Pretending to care about a fetus to own the libs.

if i means i can be in a conservatard thot patrol death squad i would desu

Also, isn't it ironic that this site, which is mainly populated by Leftists, has so much censorship?

No lol

why not?

The left is always reeing about journalism and media and muh free speech. At least they were, until it became a partisan issue. Now you can only rely on Libertarians to make these points.

The left is always reeing about journalism and media and muh free speech.

Have you been living under a rock the last few years? Nearly all censorship in the west is emphatically supported by leftoids for various harebrained reasons you've likely seen

I said, "until recently".

That's what I'm saying, this change only occurred in the past few years. You'd think some of them would stick to their roots.

You'd think some of them would stick to their roots.

"Their" "roots"

And not just supported by the left, but supported in the most un-left ways possible. As you know, nothing is more left than using the world's largest corporations and legacy media to remove the opinions of people (or doxx or harass them) you disagree with, all the while advocating for codified hate speech laws (presumably to be enforced by the current government).

presumably to be enforced by the current government

Using their police force, don't forget.

It's all just partisan expedience. Leftoids seethed at the Patriot Act as they did over net neutrality and Trump throwing out some journalists, but will entusiastically back hate speech legislation or anything that can give them a win against the rightoid.

Similarly, the salty rightoid is suddenly perking up at the possibility of getting some antitrust action against terminally leftoid tech companies, wanting the state to tread hard on their 🅱rivate 🅱roperty.

I'm happy that women are starting to not be afraid to be actually happy about terminating unwanted pregnancies. The more women speak up about being happy and not regretting it will just make it easier for women to abort when they want to. I know we have some road blocks happening like Shitterbama but we'll overcome, we women have to stick together :)

can't wait for the day where woman are comfortable aborting, preserving the fetus in formaldehyde then chucking that biomass into a snowglobe and putting it on the living room coffee table or on their desk at work.

Don't give them ideas.

please do though, sharia cant come soon enough

bruh, I'm Muslim and I'm telling you Sharia is too little for these degenerate people.

“Speaking up about being happy” just reeks of narcissistic denial. That’s the same type of language that hiv spreaders use

I'd but this.

There's a fairly old image all over the internet with a lady who carries all of her aborted fetus' in a bubble like bag chain, there were at least 9 and boy oh boy do we need a meteoric impact.

This is British Nobility level degeneracy.

Happy happy. Me want happy. No sad or bad, misogynists. >:(

This would fund the next three Republican fundraisers.

This but unironically. Display your kills like the warriors of old.

The image makes me less grossed out than reading that thread and imagining the people arguing.

Imagine caring about someone else's foetus.

I don't give a fuck if you wanna abort a fetus 8 months in tbh, but this is just trashy.

It's another episode of women living in fantasy land without responsibility. I don't care if they dunk their 8-month old fetus in the toilet bowl, but at least be angry/annoyed at yourself and/or your partner because you were a retard with an unwanted pregnancy instead of deluding yourself into hating some made-up magically appeared parasite.

I really hope this disgusting foidery opens the minds of those who were on the fence about child murder and turns them into repealers


Only have marital sex. Problem solved

Lol deleted


oh boy here we go

This is some really degenerate shit, and highly upvoted too.

Make a trashy, clueless and psychotic posts to own the pro-lifers? Cause posts like this are actually helping religious pro lifers.

It's only got 2k upvotes

Yeah...I'm gonna say - a troll.

Mental troll, but a troll. A cis woman who knows so little about her own body? I mean unless she's mental, so maybe both?

Aborted fetuses are like a trophy cabinet for thots.

We even joked about it and she gave the middle finger to my stomach and I did the same to hers and just had some fun banter until she was called in for her demon removal. 

Literal white trash. It's hilarious tho because you'll constantly read on this site people who defend abortion talking about how it's traumatic and takes a tole on the body and how no one would want to get one, and then we got this poster celebrating her fetus deletus.

The state of foids.

Yes, this is exhibit A of why one should never attempt to use conservatives' thought processes to talk to them. It's too deep a dive into utter retardation.

Tbh chuldfree posters are too mentally ill to make fun of.

It’s the intellectual equivalent of torturing a small animal, just no point.

They're removing themselves from the gene pool and that's a good thing.

None of these people could tell you why being popped out of a vagina suddenly bestows a “clump of cells” with the designation of human life other then YAAASSS QWEEEN.

Side note: with this logic, we can surely say that c-section babies were never technically born, so I see no reason why you can’t perform 60th trimester abortions on them.

lmao this s e e t h i n g

get aborted faggot

God, I'm going to actually become a bussylover if this shit keeps going on. Current year+4 and all, you can be whoever you want, even become transhomo.

Abortion is hilarious and the peak of drama. All the fetus knighters in this comments section need to remember that their bussy/trussy can't get pregnant.

everyday I'm reminded why I vote conservative