/r/Freefolk confirms horseshoe theory by upvoting Ben Garrison tribute art with anti-semitic caricature of screenwriters.

25  2019-06-30 by SandorClegane_AMA


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  1. /r/Freefolk confirms horseshoe theo... - archive.org, archive.today

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If you can attach a Joo to anything, it becomes horseshoe by default.

truer words have never been spoken.

This is just an image.

Where's the link to the post you dramautist.

Check this dude's post history. It's 100% complaining about freefolk.

I think we have our very own lolcow.

That is 50% of /r/Drama.

Even they aren't as autistic as you.

Is not!

Posted by 《《aaron》》

Yeah, I've never seen a trailer park goy with that name - it's reserved for God's Chosen People.

I kept waiting for that damn golden hand to mean something, but nope, it was just a golden hand... I mean couldn’t have at least Melisandre lit it on fire during the battle of Winterfell? Or what if Jaime replaced it with a golden battle axe or mace? That could’ve been bad-ass.

These are the people who think they should be writing television shows.

I hope when reddit starts giving you jannies Money you use it to get some help

Drama: read another book

Also drama: here’s more insider drama info about three subs for a young adult novel series and its tv adaptation

This isnt on drama blame the tard circlejerk mod

OP I believe you need a grabber stick, because you're reaching SO far to try to find something anti Semitic.

Is this how you see Jews?

Is this how you see Whos?

OMG you have all ready eradicated them in your fantasies.

Ow my benis