Daddy makes history in the name of diplomacy. Reddit seethes.

64  2019-06-30 by MehmedIIDidNoWrong


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Daddy makes history in the name of ... -,,

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zhongcel link 🤢

I'm living in the memes of yore 😥

🤭 sorry, i’m a newfag who only joined at the tail end of the Chants/Firetruck arc

No I wouldnt let americans nowadays see my country either


Americans are ironically gross. They’re either spindly with twig arms or so fat you can’t even recognize they’re human. CMV

Nah the internet is just saturated with shitty Americans that other countries can just scate by and feel we have the high road.

I'd put up Bogan Australians and be confidant we'd out trash Americans 9 x out of 10.

Also Canadians

Canadians really? Doesn't surprise me though, every country has them, America just floods the market.

Yeah Canada has trashy people, but America has 10x the population, so 10x the trashy people.

I've just been looking at Canadian white trash but I can't tell the difference between Canadian trash and American trash.

Canadian white trash is more inbred than fat imo, while it’s the other way round(heh) with American trash.

Nah youse are the exact same amount of trashiness. No other country can tell you cunts apart.

Sometimes the accent could be a dead giveaway though.

Canadian white trash is more inbred

Also they speak a bastard French-like dialect.

Americans love doing everything in extremes. We have more super morbidly obese people than pretty much any other country but we also have one of the largest blocks of our population that is super into fitness. Most of the best bodybuilders are Americans for instance.

They’re either spindly with twig arms or so fat you can’t even recognize they’re human. CMV

you just described Brits.

The only advantage Americans have over the British is good teeth. And somehow more combined brain cells.

Alzheimer's man gets fooled by midget dictator again.

Is this the fantasy you play out while your victims suffer, OniTan?

How many "Daddies" are buried in your back yard?

Did you snort glue before you typed that?

I only snort the most primo coke

Shout me a line bro, it's been years.

This person seems like a leaf, I wouldn’t waste my time

I mean, what else can Alzheimer man do? I'd rather America just accept that NK has nukes then start ww3.

NK isn't starting WW3 lol

That's not what I said piggy 😔

Then it's a false dichotomy kitten 😽

Ah, the false dichotomy. The bread and butter of centrism.

Hey, the Norks may have spent a decade milking South Korea for economic aid while developing nukes behind its back, but this time will surely be different because

It's not even that, it's dumb ass Trumptards on the internet that have no understanding of geopolitics, especially in relation to NK.

NK has had a primary goal of getting the US to take them seriously since at least the late 1980s. They've been trying to get a US president to do stuff like this since that time period, and no other president, democrat or republican was dumb enough to take the bait.

Then along comes Trump. It's just annoying listening to his know nothing, uneducated support base try to use this stuff as evidence of a victory because they clearly have no understanding of the situation.

you never actually explained why its bad for trump to do this

Short answer, gives DPRK legitimacy at a high level. Which trenches the current regime, instead of isolating them financially and in geopolitics. It's not really bad per se but it is a silly tee up for Kim's propaganda apparatuses.

Because it gives NK a sense of legitimacy. It rewards them for the things they've been doing for 30 years now.

It says "you can stomp your feet, threaten nuclear war on a weekly basis, fire off artillery attacks at south Korea, kidnap the citizens of other countries and you'll be rewarded with a seat at the big kids table."

It glorifies a dictator, it creates a media circus around said dictator and gives Asian Hitler exactly what he wants.

There can be no gain from this, which is why no other president was dumb enough to take the bait. No expert on NK thinks this is a good idea or will do what Trump thinks it will do. It does nothing but hand a dictator propaganda material.

Because it gives NK a sense of legitimacy.


It says "you can stomp your feet, threaten nuclear war on a weekly basis, fire off artillery attacks at south Korea, kidnap the citizens of other countries and you'll be rewarded with a seat at the big kids table."

they've been stopping that, continually isolating them is just going to get them do it again

It glorifies a dictator, it creates a media circus around said dictator and gives Asian Hitler exactly what he wants.

It's North Korea, they could easily fake a story like this and give it to the people if they wanted to.

they've been stopping that, continually isolating them is just going to get them do it again

No, they fucking haven't stopped. NK operates in cycles, this is not anything new, they're acting the same way they've been acting for most of recent history.

It's like when they failed a nuclear test and had to shut down the site and then got Trump to think they were shutting down the test site as a sign of good faith. Do you even remember that entire fiasco?

When Trump went over there, played make believe and then declared he had solved the NK problem? That he had disarmed North Korea? And his base then ran around reddit claiming he should get a Nobel peace prize? Say, how did that turn out again?

Oh, ok.


Yeah, what could be wrong with granting Asian Hitler legitimacy.

It's North Korea, they could easily fake a story like this and give it to the people if they wanted to.

And this is spoken like someone that has not even a basic comprehension of NK. Hint: it isn't as closed off as you think and the population is fully aware of what is going on. They have black markets, DVD players, access to western movies and TV. You can only keep people isolated for so long, especially in the era of smartphones that can be easily smuggled in.

No, they fucking haven't stopped. NK operates in cycles, this is not anything new, they're acting the same way they've been acting for most of recent history.

They haven't done anything yet, right now it is just speculation.

It's like when they failed a nuclear test and had to shut down the site and then got Trump to think they were shutting down the test site as a sign of good faith. Do you even remember that entire fiasco?

So whenever North Korea isn't doing something bad it has to be because they have ulterior motives?

When Trump went over there, played make believe and then declared he had solved the NK problem? That he had disarmed North Korea? And his base then ran around reddit claiming he should get a Nobel peace prize? Say, how did that turn out again?

I don't care what Trump says, it didn't actually make anything worse.

Yeah, what could be wrong with granting Asian Hitler legitimacy.

Strong comparison, I don't see anything wrong with it, given the lack of legitimacy is what makes North Korea do things like blow up a commercial airliner

Go watch any number of documentaries filmed from within NK by people that smuggled cameras in and gave them to NK citizens so they could film their lives.

I've watched many documentaries and the people there seem happier than in South Korea

I've watched many documentaries and the people there seem happier than in South Korea

We're done here.

I honestly plan on visiting North Korea some time, just to see how it is in comparison to South Korea, you should try too.

My relatives have. It was shit, and my relatives grew up in a rural town in a poor province of China.

i expected it to be poor, but poor people can still be happy, i want to see if those people are happier with their simple life than people in south korea

Sure but if the conditions of North Korea make them more likely to be happy and satisfied are these conditions not better?

That's a question with no clear answer. Would a population living in abject poverty but with an unlimited access to euphoria-inducing drugs be considered a better society?

I guess you're right, but I still think North Korea's traditional life style and family values lead to live happier lives than South Koreans who have abandoned that

Perhaps, but that's more of a fact that traditionalist poor countries tend to have high happiness ratings overall, such as Nigeria.

being such a rightoid you circle back around to being a tankie

I hope the worst things in life happen to you and only you. I really hate you so much.


Drumpf bad for not try diplomacy and also drumpf bad for try diplomacy.

Impeach rumph now

No peach daddy. No peach NO peach NO PEACH!11!!!

How droll

/r/politics is calling him a traitor and that it's a big photo OP.

honestly I cant wait to see him win the Americans next election

NK basically begged previous US presidents to do this and Trump does it for free lol.


disagreeing with every expert on NK because you prefer Daddys galaxy brain takes

expert and previous administration


lol everyone is a retarded apart from twitter daddy

honestly he should’ve had a crew take pictures of him gazing into the dmz and looking sad.