Daddy's new little girl gets the ever-loving shit smacked out of her by the tallest manlets in North Korea. Daddy strolls away, too chad to care...

10  2019-06-30 by bumshecksagogo


jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Daddy's new little girl gets the ev... -,

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Looks like she just pushed a guy out of the way?

The whole story has yet to come out but reporters who were there say she was covered in bruises after DPRK goons tried to stop US reporters following Kim & Trump into the photo-op room. I don't know, but it usually seems at these kinds of sensitive meetings it's all rehearsed before hand. But I'm sure Daddy knows best.

Ok but nothing in your title happens in this video.

Wtf is up with this camera work, I can't even see the 4k raw dog action with clarity :(

Havr you guys seen the live footage of trump and Kim meeting earlier today?

Journalists and camera men were literally shoving and yelling at each other the entire time