Moneymaxxed UAEcel copes and SEETHES after wall-approaching foid leaves with his children and money

73  2019-06-30 by ItsSugar


I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Moneymaxxed UAEcel copes and SEETHE... -,

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uses a poem to diss this foid.

literally turning SEETHING into an artform

Unironically based Arab

Poems are big in the middle east.

Bitches love poems.

I don't think this bitch loved that particular poem tbhwyf.

Most people don't know this, but the Qura'an is a poem.

Yeah, but it's a terrible poem.

No islamophobia in this thread bigot.

Why do you support the islamization of the west? You openly support this invader who wants to force islamize your society, and get wretched ISIS spawn? It's one terrorist and two fun size terrorists. The girl is nearly old enough to marry Muhammad.

Islam is based af. Mayos beheaded the fuck out.

This doesn’t seem to be in line with your character. Did you forget to switch accounts?

Is this watermark's right-wing alter-ego?

You no longer have any place with me/ Go to who you have been busy with!/ And let this be good for you; I don’t care if you live or you die.

My man be writing diss tracks about these hoes.

why do u feel the need to sticky the most boring of posts, at least with lawlz it is awful in a self aware way. u do not deserve to have any of the privilege u have I hope admins ban u for being a faggot

This is a good post retard. It has cheating, foids, bad poetry, geopolitics, and ample opportunity for racism.

stop apologizing for moderators



Rumplestiltskin never ends up with the kid bro.

Born 15 July 1949 (age 69) > Al Shindagha, Dubai, Trucial States >(now United Arab Emirates)

Shes the daughter of the king of Jordan. Money was never an issue for her lol

Well atleast it wasn't a morganatic marriage.


That's a Disney Princess movie if watch the shit out of. They don't show you the crushing obligations of the position, do they?

Cant care for some Muzzie drama

Unironically hope that this woman and her children will succeed and get to UK safely

I know huh, some feelgood shit.

Drama made me feel happy for other people I don't know?

Damn this sub....

We have to go... back?

Why are you feeling happy for a Muslim? Don't you know her son is going to grow up to be a terrorist? Why do you support the islamization of your society by this invader who broke into your country?

I hope she's put in a concentration camp with other refugees awaiting deportation. I see no reason to treat her better.

this but literally unironically fuck this rich ass daughter of the king of jordan

He will just have to console himself with his 6 other wives 22 children immense wealth and Yazidi slave girls.

Hopefully those invaders can stay where they are instead of bringing terrorism to the land of Christianity.

At least switch accounts before you play the other side. It makes it too obvious otherwise.

This is why moneymaxxing is cope

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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We don't need more refugees, put her in a concentration camp with the rest