“Intellectuals” seethe as proto-fascist podcaster Joe Rogan gets woke to Jakub’s plans

50  2019-06-30 by JokerCarSalesman


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


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reddit users and chapos really think the host of fear factor smoking pot and entertaining the idea black emperors toured the grand canyon in 12000 BC is going to brainwash people lol

Joe Rogan just invites the most retarded people on earth and shoots the shit for fun.

I don't know why anyone cares or attacks him. They get so fucking hysterical over anyone even entertaining absurdity like this.

He admits that he's just a drug fueled idiot who's willing to entertain almost any idea from a guest. Wokies started seething after he sucked Kermit Daddy's dick multiple times and acted like he was the gateway drug to being a neo nazi.

They hate fun.

Do you brother?

Because some "undesireables" like his show and nothing can be enjoyed under their watch.

I don't know how they don't see he obviously just lets his guests talk nonsense. How can they claim he's an alt-right podcaster while letting on an unironic WE WUZer?

Because he just laugh at whatever is funny without thinking much about politics instead of fighting the enemy.

That's the same reason why wokies hate us, making fun of both leftoids and rightoids is not tolerated by many leftoids.

the host of fear factor smoking pot and entertaining the idea black emperors toured the grand canyon in 12000 BC

If this is one of the tenets of fascism then sign me up

And the regular guest of Alex Jones podcasts makes the public aware of the psychic lizard vampires.

Joe "it's entirely possible" Rogan.

You stole the thread I'm in.

lol. I didn’t even recognize that. It looks like the jannies are taking some of your comments out to pasture now anyway. Good luck wrangling the fine historians there who recognize that Rogan is only platforming Hoteps in a brilliant ploy to avoid being recognized as a white supremacist.

funny enough I googled this guy when the podcast came out and all I got were articles saying he’s alt right and that hoteps are allying themselves with white nationalist movements

The Hoteps are alt-right in the same way that Nation of Islam or black nationalists generally are. They tend to be homophobic, anti-semitic, and pretty misogynistic, so they aren’t left wing in any meaningful sense, but if the alt-right is just a multi-ethnic grouping of reactionary people who hate liberals, the woke, and cuckservatives then the alt-right doesn’t seem all that meaningful a category. The Hoteps are in this way a funny reminder of how stupid progressive classifications become when the woke coalition of the margins becomes ideologically hegemonic: the alt-right becomes a movement of Hispanics, black nationalists, Muslims, rooftop Koreans, gay Proud Boys, and Jews to install white supremacy.

Joe Rogan is funny

The Joe Rogan podcast has always struck me as incredibly dangerous. The free form movement between areas of expertise and areas of opinion and Joe Rohan’s “oh wow, that’s interesting... I’m going to Just take your word for it!” interview style really worries me.

Joe could have fucking Hitler on his podcast ranting about the Jews and how they should die, and Rogan would be like "huh you make some good points"

Then the next week he could have Moses ranting about the Highfather and Darkseid and say "You know, this is really interesting stuff, you know what you're talking about huh"

That's what makes him a good host

yikes! all this discussion on a podcast is extremely dangerous. everyone knows discussion is inherently anti intellectual and fascistic propaganda. these nazis should be locked up for hate speech. i am literally shaking right now, so gross.

Beat me to it. Not trusting your fellow countrymen with ideas is the ideological foundation for authoritarianism.

Unironically, there is no other source in the modern world that consistently gets such a varied, eclectic group of experts/celebrities/etc. than Joe Rogan and lets them speak for hours on end on the subjects of their expertise.

I've never met someone irl who doesn't like at least some of the episodes of the Joe Rogan show, and the only people I meet online who don't like the show are all fart-huffers like these people.

All I’ve ever heard is that you should share ideas and discuss them in open forum regardless of viewpoint. Why are liberals saying different now?

Because they have spent the last 5 years worshipping British speech laws instead of Thomas Jefferson.

I'll listen to the podcast every once in a while like if Joey Diaz is on or some shit but I specifically didnt listen to this one because the dude's name is Hotep Jesus. Rogan can get a little too easy on some of the crazies on his show, sure, but

The only thing Joe Rogan knows a little bit about, maybe, is mma. Every single thing I know anything about, he is nearly dead wrong.


Dude, pull your fucking head outta your ass. He's been involved in martial arts longer than I've been breathing. He is at least a pro in that and if you're willing to handwave it to further prove you know more than him, you're clearly being a fucking idiot.

Bro he said Ronda Rousey could beat Floyd Mayweather. Dude has a ton of bad MMA takes and buys all the hype.

Rogan did nothing wrong

the host of fear factor smoking pot and entertaining the idea black emperors toured the grand canyon in 12000 BC

If this is one of the tenets of fascism then sign me up

Have you ever hated white people... on DMT?

I like joe rogan but you'd have to be a complete fucknut to care what he thinks about any topic.