French woman films dude jacking it in front of her on a train.

35  2019-06-30 by The_Live_Ghost


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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I agree with this fully

Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. French woman films dude jacking it ... -,

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He did this for an hour and 15 minutes

She did nothing for an hour+? How fucking helpless are foids

Great stamina

bruh if i dont nut after like 2 minutes i get bored and go do something else 🙄

bruh 😎😎🙌🤣🤣

Foids have no natural sense of self-preservation and often put themselves into dangerous situations and then whine about bad things happening to them after the fact.

I told a foid maybe she shouldn't go get blackout drunk at frat parties if she knows a lot of sexual abusers are at those parties. She flipped out.

Like they just do the most retarded shit, they have no risk assessment skills. They view society as it should be and not how it is.

I wouldn't even consider getting drunk around a bunch of people I didn't know well.


This is an article about a moid with all the sexual self-control and dignity of a chimp. But, sure, try and make it about foids getting drunk at frat parties. 😱

Both of you raise valid points #centrism


Be silent, foid.


ضع البرقع!

ضع البرقع!

read your Koran buddy.

Dont need to, ALLAH has imbued his wisdom directly to my brain.

ALLAH has imbued his wisdom directly to my brain

I think I found where things went wrong.

Nothing is more frightening than a male sitting with his rapist organ in hand. Bet you mocked the victims of Louis CK. SMH

A man does this and it’s sexual harassment but if a foid does its empowering. Really makes you think

it is?

Women don't do this unless they are on drugs, and when they do they are like fucking imaginary people and the cops get them and charge with indecency.

lol look @ this ugly incel who women don’t DJ to on the train

Took my bait nigga

iirc there have been some similar situations with a female sex pest it was still universally decried as sexual harassment

responding to that post sincerely

Lmao these dumbasses took my bait like a fish

Snally's prone to doing that when it comes to gender stuff. Even if this was a serious incel post there's no reason to respond to that with a sincere "but acktually" comment.

It's only because of the balance. Back when I was regularly visiting SRD I'd get into massive walls-of-text arguments with people dismissing men's issues because the dominant belief was that men's issued shouldn't be considered valid. /r/drama has an incel problem and as such I must seriouspost in the other direction so as to try and maintain the balance

You're the hero nobody deserves or needs.

/r/drama has an incel problem

so are you pretending to be drowning in bussy or do you simply identify as a volcel

there are other options u know


Is this Ebonics?

'if __ does __ something they're treated badly but if ___ does the same thing they're not!!' posts are trash and always seriousposts and should be treated accordingly

Plot twist, this guy is gonna end up being a high functioning autist man with a mental age of 13 when they find him.

The french really have fallen.

30 years ago they'd turn a recording of a guy masturbating on a train for over an hour into an award winning art film that's too boring for every regular human being, nowadays they make it a news article instead.

Throw some Philip Glass over it and I'm intrigued.

It never happened for the French

Ladies stop being discriminatory.



  • Call the train guard

  • Tell him to knock it off

  • Make homemade porn and distribute it on Twitter


You forgot one option.


Bruh onii-chan has two i's, he aint a demon

It would actually be the female who would be being called a demon in this context as its self directed but otherwise yes you are correct.


And weirdly pedantic about porn tropes welcome to the club.



Its also senpai, not sempai

The perpetrator could face one year in prison and receive a 15,000-euro fine

But because French privacy laws often protect individuals from having their image taken without their consent, Bras could risk facing one year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros

She's facing a bigger penalty because she wasn't grateful that a man was paying her a compliment.